Resolved: Blackboard Learn – The “My Courses” and “All Blackboard Learn” courses are not visible for some people denying them access to their classes.

Within the Blackboard Learn learning management system (LMS) the “My Courses” and “All Blackboard Learn” courses were not visible for some people and therefore denying them access to their classes. Full service has been restored….

Resolved: The Links (Student, Faculty, Staff, Business, ShareLink, etc.), OnBase (web version only), Digication and some web applications are currently unavailable.

The Links (Student, Faculty, Staff, Business, ShareLink, etc.), OnBase (web version only), Digication and some web applications were unavailable. Full service has been restored….

Resolved: Echo 360 is currently experiencing a service disruption.

Echo 360 was experiencing a service disruption. Full service has been restored….

Resolved: All punch-out catalogs within the Terrier Marketplace are currently unavailable

All punch-out catalogs within the Terrier Marketplace were unavailable. Full service has been restored….

Resolved: BUworks (SAP) Some people are experiencing connection timeouts.

Some people are experiencing connection timeouts in BUworks Production as well as non-production when using the SAP GUI. Business Warehouse reporting is also experiencing intermittent access issues….

Resolved: The BU Guest Wireless Network is experiencing an issue and cannot connect to the internet.

Resolved: The BU Guest Wireless Network was experiencing an issue and could not connect to the internet.

Resolved: Concur Travel & Expense is offline. Some clients are able to log in, but no tabs are available.

Concur Travel & Expense is offline. Some clients are able to log in, but no tabs are available….

Resolved: Issues with network file storage have been reported at multiple locations across the BUMC and CRC campuses.

Issues with network file storage have been reported at multiple locations across the BUMC and CRC campuses….

Resolved: Clients are experiencing slow access and mapping of some network storage (GPNAS).

Clients are experiencing slow access and mapping of some network storage (GPNAS).

Resolved: Issues with 802.1x wireless network reported at multiple locations across campus.

Issues with 802.1x wireless network was reported at multiple locations across campus. The service has been fully restored….