Restored: Power issues causing a number of services to be unavailable
Wednesday, July 31st, 2019
A power issue in one of Boston University’s data centers caused a number of online services to become unavailable. Most services were restored around 6pm. The last services (some WordPress functionality, BU’s electronic directory and major domo mailing lists) have been fully restored….
Resolved: Multiple buildings without network service due to a power outage caused by electrical work in South Campus
Thursday, July 18th, 2019
Resolved: Multiple buildings without network service due to a power outage caused by electrical work in South Campus….
Forwarding from will stop on August 13, 2019
Friday, July 12th, 2019
On August 13, 2019 we will be retiring an automatic email forwarding rule where email sent to is automatically forwarded to IS&T has determined that the vast majority of email currently being sent to is spam. However, if you receive legitimate email addressed to your address please notify your senders to instead use your address before August 13, 2019 to avoid…
Resolved: Terrier Marketplace is currently unavailable
Friday, July 12th, 2019
Terrier Marketplace was unavailable. Clients were receiving an authentication error….
RESOLVED: Concur Travel & Expense Unavailable
Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019
RESOLVED: Concur Travel & Expense is Unavailable…
RESOLVED: Some External Mail to O365 Was Delayed
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019
RESOLVED: Some External Mail to O365 Was Delayed…