Resolved – Service-degrading Incident – Email forwarding utility

05/29/2011 at 11:30am

Clients are currently unable to access the email forwarding utility….

5/28 and 5/29 – Multiple-services unavailable due to power maintenance

Due to scheduled power maintenance, several IS&T services will be unavailable from 6pm on Saturday, 5/28, until 10am on Sunday, 5/29. This includes The Links, MyPrint, BUworks, the Mainframe, BlueGene, Kuali Coeus, and OnBase.

Resolved – Service-impacting Incident – ServiceNow

Incident Discovery Time: 04:35pm on 05/26/2011 Time of Resolution: 05:00pm on 05/26/2011 Services Impacted: ServiceNow Description of Impact Clients attempting to use ServiceNow for Change or Incident Management may have been unable to access this hosted service. Incident Description and Resolution The vendor resolved the incident and has restored normal service. *** previous updates ***…

Resolved – Service-impacting Incident – Wired Network

Incident Discovery Time: 07:30pm on 05/23/2011 Time of Resolution: 09:40pm on 05/23/2011 Services Impacted: Wired Network Description of Impact Clients were unable to netreg with the wired network and received an “Internal Server Error”. Incident Description and Resolution IS&T teams have resolved the incident. *** previous update *** 09:15pm on 05/23/2011 IS&T teams continue to…

TechWeb Help is now powered by ServiceNow

Beginning on Monday, May 23, the engine behind TechWeb’s Help interface transitioned to ServiceNow. Please use Help just as you normally would; but if you have any problems or questions, contact the IT Help Center by calling 617-353-HELP (353-4357) or by writing to….

Phishing attempt – “Service Violation”

There has been a spam email sent to a large part of the BU community that includes a link to a page that looks like weblogin. This is in fact an attempt to “phish” your password. The subject is “Service Violation : Urgent Action Required” and the sender is “” If you have any questions,…

Resolved – Service-degrading Incident – Voice Mail

Due to a system issue, the voice mail indicator light on a client’s office phone may not be illuminated if a message is present. IS&T teams are working to resolve this incident with the vendor of the service. Further updates will not be sent via email; we will update this post when the issue has…

5/19 : Extended Network Maintenance in Central Campus: 2:00am to 6:30am

5/19 : Extended Network Maintenance in Central Campus: 2:00am to 6:30am On Thursday, May 19th, between 2:00am and 6:30am, the Network Systems Group will be performing upgrades to equipment providing network services within the Law School and Marsh Chapel on the Charles River campus. During this period, all network services will be unavailable for an…

Resolved – Service-degrading Incident – Blackboard 8

Incident Discovery Time: 01:50pm on 05/12/2011 Time of Resolution: 03:07pm on 05/12/2011 Services Impacted: Blackboard 8 Description of Impact Blackboard 8 service was degraded for clients using BUworks training modules or the Tests & Quizzes function in other course sites. Clients experienced long load times for these features. Incident Description and Resolution IS&T teams have…

Start your summer with BU Google Apps!

Students who read their mail on ACS will need to transition to the new BU Google Mail by September 4, 2011. Graduating students who transition to BU Google Mail will benefit from continued use of their email account….