Choose Higher Security for BUworks
Monday, July 7th, 2014
Information Services & Technology now offers high-security protection for your pay statements and benefits information on the BUworks Central Portal!
You can opt in to Duo Security now by going to
Enabling Duo means that anyone that wishes to access your BUworks information will be required to confirm they are you by using a smart phone, a regular cell phone or a landline phone that you have provided as the second step in a process referred to as two-step or two-factor authentication. The loss of your password will no longer expose your pay or benefits to a high risk of theft.
>Duo is easy to set up and easy to use, and it is available now for early opt-in. In August, we plan to roll Duo Security for the BUworks Central Portal out to all BU employees in phased automatic enrollments. You can learn more about the new higher-security login process and the current project timeline at
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the IT Help Center online, via email at, or by phone at (617)353-HELP (4357).