Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge release update to patch security vulnerability

There is a significant flaw in Chrome (CVE-2022-1096) that was announced on Friday, March 25th and has since been featured in the news. This one has received attention because there is an exploit available for it amid higher global tensions. The bug is also in shared code that is used in Microsoft Edge, which may potentially impact a lot of browsers. Now that a patch is out, the risk is mitigated by the fact that browsers are generally configured to update themselves by default. In some cases, it may be necessary to restart the browser.

To check your version:


Chrome needs to be updated to version 99.0.4844.84 or newer.

To find your version for Chrome:

  1. Click on the vertical triple dot menu on the right hand side of the address bar
  2. Pick Settings
  3. On the left hand side of the page it brings you to, pick “About Chrome”
  4. If it’s not up to date, it should invite you to update it.  It may be necessary to restart the browser.


Edge needs to be updated to version 99.0.1150.55 or newer

To find your version of Edge:

  1. Click on the horizontal triple dot menu on the right hand side of the address bar
  2. Pick “Help and Feedback”
  3. Pick “About Microsoft Edge”
  4. If it’s not up to date, it should invite you to update it.  It may be necessary to restart the browser.
