Schilde Named Jean Monnet Chair in European Security and Defense
As the Jean Monnet Chair in European Security and Defense, Professor Schilde will further the Pardee School’s agenda of preparing students to meet the international challenges of the 21st century through a rigorous and sustained presentation of the EU as a global power with responsibilities over European security, international order, and global security.
Najam Interviewed on Greatest Challenges Facing the World
Dean Najam explores the biggest issues of our time – the great power conflict between the U.S. and China, COVID-19, climate change, etc. – as well as how these are shaping geostrategy and creating a sense of trepidation in the global community.
What Did 2021 Teach Us About International Affairs?
In reflecting on 2021, Pardee School faculty offer their thoughts on the lessons that can be gleaned from this past year. Chief among the responses: multilateralism and global democracy are in decline.
Heine Discusses the Path Forward for Chile’s President-Elect
“Reforms at the right pace are the mantra for Chile at the start of this new decade. Whether president-elect Boric will manage to pull them through is an open question.”
Shifrinson Explores Consequences of Mishandling Russia-Ukraine Crisis
In discussing U.S. military intervention in Ukraine as a result of encroaching pressure from Russia, Professor Shifrinson argues that mishandling the situation could result in a strategic nightmare, endangering Ukraine and potentially Taiwan.
Najam Discusses Pakistan’s Climate Diplomacy at ISSI Lecture
Dean Najam states that countries like Pakistan will have to bear the maximum cost of climate change, hence, Pakistan has to change its efforts both nationally and internationally to address the issue diplomatically and make it a diplomatic cause.
Heine Interviewed on New Book and Active Non-Alignment Doctrine
Ambassador Heine elaborates on the meaning of the Active Non-Alignment doctrine and why it is so relevant for Latin America and its foreign policies today
Garčević Quoted on China’s Investment and Influence in Western Balkans
In discussing China’s influence in the Western Balkans, Professor Garčević says that the way governments do business with China is eroding already weak institutions, encouraging corruption, and slowing down progress towards EU integration.
Najam Keynote Explores Issues of Human Security and Development
“This is the age of adaptability. Climate change is no longer a future issue. Anyone who talks about it as if it is a future issue is lying.”
Heine Discusses Challenges to the Contemporary Global Order
Ambassador Heine explains that current tensions between the U.S. and China are putting the countries of the Global South in a difficult situation, for which Active Non-Alignment option is the best alternative.
Goldstein Comments on Change of Government in Germany
“The departure of Chancellor Merkel after so many years and a change in political parties in Berlin will cause nervousness in Brussels…A big problem will be to successfully maintain the United States’ commitment to defending Europe.”
Najam Interviewed on Global Politics and U.S.-China Tensions
Dean Najam argues that the world is clearly in a moment of global flux, and “it is the uncertainty of how things might change within the certainty that they are changing that makes our times so interesting, but also so potentially dangerous.”
Heine Interviewed on Active Non-Alignment for Latin America
“If Latin American countries are strategic, Heine said, they can use both continued Chinese investments and potential new U.S. funding to boost their recoveries during what remains a devastating economic crisis.”
Lori Explores Relationship Between UAE Immigrant Groups
The mere possibility of inclusion in the citizenry may generate hierarchies between immigrants, precluding solidarity, and encouraging boundary-policing.
Heine Joins Panel to Explore Governance Challenges in Haiti
“I have never seen such a depressing, such a bad situation in these 40 years [in Haiti] as it is now… action is urgent, it needs to be done.”
Woldemariam Discusses Ethiopian Civil War on “Lawfare Podcast”
Professor Woldemariam discusses the origins of Ethiopia’s ongoing civil war, what it’s meant for civilians living there, and how it might shape the country’s future.
Hefner Testifies Before U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
Professor Hefner and fellow experts highlight ongoing religious freedom issues facing two of the largest democracies in the world: India and Indonesia.
Fewsmith and Shifrinson Comment on U.S. Boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics
The two Pardee School professors offer insights on the justification for the U.S. boycott, how it might impact China’s human rights policies, and what more can be done to assist the victims of China’s abuses.
Gallagher Publishes Article on U.S.-China Development Finance in CSIS Report
“It is paramount that a stepwise mobilization of capital is harnessed alongside meaningful levels of debt relief for emerging market and developing countries.”
Najam Keynote Addresses Population Challenges in an Ever-Changing World
Dean Najam’s remarks highlighted three areas that population experts, demographers, and social scientists will have to confront.