Pardee School Faculty Explore the Future of Diplomacy in Palgrave Handbook of Diplomatic Reform

On April 19, 2023, the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University hosted a panel of faculty members to discuss a new book — The Palgrave Handbook of Diplomatic Reform and Innovation — edited by Amb. Amb. Paul Hare, Pardee School Senior Lecturer, with featured chapters from Amb. Jorge Heine, Pardee School Research Professor, as…

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Pardee School Faculty Discuss China’s Global Impact During “Research on Tap” Event

This “Research on Tap” convened BU faculty and researchers from across schools and disciplines. Through a series of individual presentations on a wide range of topics, the suite of experts expanded BU’s reservoir of knowledge on China and helped inform research and teaching on China at global and local dimensions.

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CSE Hosts Lecture with EU Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič

With the explosion of demand for humanitarian aid – from Ukraine and elsewhere – how can the international community more effectively respond? Commissioner Lenarčič argues that there are three main actions that should be taken to strengthen global humanitarian efforts.

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Heine Comments on New Latin American “Pink Wave”

Ambassador Heine argues that as a second Cold War rears its head, a policy of Active Non-Alignment “may provide a useful guide to channel the foreign policies of Latin American nations, at a time of a changing international system, and as the region’s need to re-establish its presence in world affairs is especially urgent.”

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International Affairs and Public Health Experts Explore Efficacy of Vaccine Diplomacy

Pardee School professors Kevin Gallagher and Mark Storella were joined by Nahid Bhadelia, founding director of BU’s CEID and Associate Director at BU’s NEIDL, to discuss the efficacy of vaccine diplomacy throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

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