Garčević Comments on Montenegro’s Response to Ukraine Crisis
“Any government hesitation creates the impression that Montenegro does not have an attitude when it comes to events in Ukraine and is avoiding responsibility.”
Garčević Quoted on China’s Investment and Influence in Western Balkans
In discussing China’s influence in the Western Balkans, Professor Garčević says that the way governments do business with China is eroding already weak institutions, encouraging corruption, and slowing down progress towards EU integration.
Garčević Publishes Op-ed on Afghanistan & Lessons for Western Policy in Balkans
According to Ambassador Garčević, the crisis in Afghanistan can be a wake-up call and an opportunity for both the US and the EU to reconsider their current strategies in other parts of the world, including the Balkans.
Garčević Publishes Op-Ed on EU “Power Currency”
“In a long run, the EU should redesign the accession process, offering integration into the EU in several steps and setting intermediate goals before full inclusion into the club.”
Garčević Comments on Divisions in Montenegro
“The divisions in Montenegro did not arise with the referendum, but today they are deeper than in 2006.”
Garčević Discusses Progress in the Balkans in New Op-Ed
“Changing faces is not enough. [The Balkans] lack modern policies, new narratives and value orientation. And I don’t see them on the horizon.”
Garčević Publishes Op-Ed on Future U.S./Balkan Relations
“Americans are not fixers by default. It is an illusion, and reflects a failure to take responsibility, to expect others to fix all your problems.”
Garčević Published Op-Ed on Chinese & Russian Influence in the Balkans
Prof. Garčević outlines the growing divide between Eastern and Western influence in the Balkans in this Balkan Insight op-ed.
Garčević Writes Op-Ed on Germany-Balkans Relationship
It is foolhardy to think Germany’s presidency of the EU signal a radical shift in enthusiasm for enlargement to the Western Balkans.
Garčević Writes Op-Ed on “Unfinished Business in the Balkans”
In a new op-ed published in Balkan Insight, Ambassador Vesko Garčević discusses the state of the Balkans and U.S. interest in the region.
Garcevic Writes OpEd in BalkanInsight on COVID-19
A new OpEd by Amb. Vesko Garcevic looks at lessons from COVID-19 and warns that instead of cooperation, we may see the rise of authoritarianism as a lasting consequence of the pandemic
Garcevic Writes OpEd in BalkanInsight
In a new OpEd in BalkanInsight, Vesko Garcevic argues that religion is being weaponized for political purposes in Montenegro, but it is not the exception.
Garcevic Writes OpEd in BalkanInsight
In a new OpEd in BalkanInsight, Vesko Garcevic argues that religion is being weaponized for political purposes in Montenegro, but it is not the exception.
Garcevic in Balkan Insight on EU Election Results
Amb. Vesko Garcevic discusses how the outcome of the recent European Parliament elections will impact the Balkans.
Garcevic Publishes OpEd on 1999 NATO Yugoslavia Intervention
Amb. Vesko Garcevic discusses the 1999 NATO intervention in Yugoslavia and its implications for global affairs.
Garcevic in Balkan Insight on NATO Enlargement
Amb. Vesko Garcevic discusses further NATO enlargement and position of NATO member states after North Macedonia signed the accession protocol.
Garcevic in Balkan Insight on Ukrainian Church’s Independence
Amb. Vesko Garcevic discusses the battle over the Ukrainian Church’s independence from Moscow.
Garcevic Publishes Op-Ed on Kosovo-Serbia Partition
Amb. Vesko Garcevic discusses how an exchange of territory between Kosovo and Serbia could cause instability across the Balkans.
Garcevic Publishes Op-Ed in Balkan Insight on Trump and NATO
Amb. Vesko Garcevic discusses the recent NATO summit where U.S. President Donald Trump focused on the defense spending of America’s European allies.
Garcevic Publishes Op-Ed on U.S. Leadership in the Balkans
Amb. Vesko Garcevic discusses the role of the United States in the Balkans.