Ahead of COP28, Najam Delineates Efficacy of Annual COP Proceedings
As world leaders and negotiators get ready for the latest round of global climate negotiations, COP28, which begin in Dubai on November 30th and will continue till December 12, 2023, Adil Najam, Dean Emeritus and Professor at Boston University’s Pardee School of Global Studies and President of WWF-International, was featured on the BBC Climate Talk podcast in…
Najam Discusses Global Costs of Climate Change During UN Keynote
Professor Najam argues that sufficient funds have not been allocated from the most developed and polluting countries of the world to address pressing climate justice demands, and the ongoing costs are being borne by the world’s poorest people who are least responsible for climate change.
Najam Interviewed on Rising Tide of Calls for Global Climate Justice
“We are in for some volatile global climate politics and, unfortunately, developing countries are on their own; beyond words and some occasional ‘assistance,’ developing countries are not likely to get reparations either from the governments or from citizens of the industrialized West.”
Najam Describes Impacts of Climate Change and Governance on Pakistan
“Everything unjust and broken in Pakistan is going to get dramatically worse because of climate change, and the poor and vulnerable in Pakistan will carry a disproportionate share of the burden.”
Najam Speaks to Stockholm+50 Planning Group
Dean Najam argues that the delegates at the 50th-anniversary conference will be judged by the promises made in international environmental governance in the last 50 years, especially those that relate to environmental justice as exemplified in concepts such as the polluter pays principles.
Najam Keynote Explores Issues of Human Security and Development
“This is the age of adaptability. Climate change is no longer a future issue. Anyone who talks about it as if it is a future issue is lying.”
Najam Discusses Future of Pakistan’s Climate Policy on “Climate Mahaul”
Najam and host Huma Yusuf reflect on the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) and offer thoughts on how Pakistan – a country that emits less than 1% of global greenhouse gases but counts among the most climate-vulnerable – should craft its climate policy.
Najam Keynotes Karachi International Water Conference
Dean Najam highlights that, because of the failures of the world’s richest and polluted countries, the harsh realities of climate change are now actively affecting the world’s poorest and most vulnerable countries
Najam Interviewed on Climate Change Impacts and COP26
According to Dean Najam, “a temperature rise of two degrees would lead to more than two billion people fleeing. The international community must adjust to this.”
Najam Discusses Global Climate Action In Anticipation of COP26
Dean Najam argues that the climate diplomacy exercise has mostly been a failure and climate negotiators have now gotten into a well-rehearsed routine that merely prolongs the status quo, a sad fact considering the continued marginalization of developing countries’ concerns from the global climate agenda.
Gallagher Publishes Op-Ed on Need for IMF Climate Leadership
“If the IMF doesn’t act now the consequences for prosperity and the planet will be grave.”
Najam Joins Panel on Climate Change & Human Development
Dean Najam emphasized the importance of differentiating national and global impacts on the environment, measuring the global impact of climate change, and how this can play into crafting effective environmental policy.
Pardee Center Hosts Webinar on Future of Global Climate Change
In the premier “The Future of…” webinar, global experts discussed the Paris Agreement, the state of a global climate solution, and the local to global dichotomy of climate action.
Selin Publishes Article on the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
Professor Selin explains how U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement will affect prospects for avoiding the worst effects of global warming.
Najam Keynotes DRC Conference
Dean Najam discussed the need to tackle the humanitarian, development, and climate challenges of climate change as a whole.
Gallagher Calls for Action on Climate Change in Progressive International
In a new op-ed, Professor Kevin Gallagher discusses the dire need to bolster global public health, tackle the furies of hyperglobalization, and reverse climate change.
Pardee School Dean to Attend Paris COP21 Opening
Pardee School Dean Adil Najam will attend the opening World Leaders session of the COP21 Paris negotiations on climate change as part of the Pakistan delegation.
Selin: Climate Dangers from Canada and Japan
In the ramp-up to the G7 climate conference taking place later this year in Paris, one Pardee School Professor looks to two unlikely players for challenges to the effort to reduce global warming.
Najam in WEF on Climate Change
Pardee School Dean Adil Najam said that investing in development before natural disasters is the best way to cope with the challenges of climate change.
GEGI Postdoc at UN Climate Talks
GEGI pre-doctoral fellow Rebecca Ray traveled to Lima, Peru in December to present GEGI’s research on the environmental impacts of China in Latin America at meetings around the United Nations climate change meetings.