The Pardee School offers a broad-based curriculum that breaks down disciplinary boundaries and enables them to build a holistic understanding of global affairs.
The Pardee School offers more than 50 courses every semester under the course headings “CAS IR” and “GRS IR.” Undergraduate students may take classes from the 200-500 level and graduates may take classes from the 500-700 level. Both BA and MA students may enroll in 500-level courses.
Current Undergraduate Course Schedules
To find out if a course is being offered for the upcoming semester, you can check in with your academic advisor or search the StudentLink by following the instructions below.
Listed below are links to the current course schedules for each major in the Pardee School, available to current BU affiliates with a BU email address.
All Pardee School Courses
NOTE: Not all of these classes are taught each semester. For specific classes offered in the current or upcoming semester, please use Boston University’s (BU) Current Course Schedule search tool.
Regional Studies Courses
Regional Studies courses are offered by various BU departments and schools across campus. For more information on courses, please see the links below.
The Hub and your Major
Like all other schools at BU, Pardee School students are required to complete the general education requirements of the BU Hub, the BU-wide general education program. Students majoring in International Relations will ordinarily, through coursework in the major, satisfy BU Hub requirements in Diversity, Civic Engagement, and Global Citizenship, as well as some requirements in Philosophical, Aesthetic and Historical Interpretation, Scientific and Social Inquiry, Communication, and the Intellectual Toolkit. The remaining BU Hub requirements will be satisfied by selecting from a wide range of available courses outside the major or, in some cases, co-curricular experiences.
To learn more about Hub requirements and how the Hub works, please visit the Hub’s website.
IR Majors:
Click on the link below, to learn more about how courses in your International Relations major will help you fulfill Hub requirements. Be sure to talk with your Academic Advisor about plans for earning Hub units that may not be fulfilled through your major.
International Relations Courses in the HUB
Regional Studies Majors:
Regional Studies majors may also earn Hub units through courses in their majors. Applicable Hub units will be listed on the course lists for Asian Studies, European Studies, Latin American Studies, and Middle East and North African Studies released each semester.
NOTE: If a course is not on the current course list, but is on the StudentLink, please discuss it with your advisor when you meet for pre-registration.