Shifrinson Quoted on Biden’s Off-the-Cuff Global Pronouncements
President Biden’s assertion that the U.S would defend Taiwan if attacked by China quickly drew ire from China and clarification from his cabinet, but was this a gaffe or part of a two-level game? Professor Shifrinson comments.
Shifrinson Discusses How Close the World is to World War III
While Shifrinson admitted that the world is closer to WWIII than in December 2021, he said we are still a number of steps away from a conflict akin to the first two world wars.
Schmidt, Shifirinson, and Ye Express Opposition to No-Fly Zone in Ukraine
Professors Schmidt, Shifrinson, and Ye were three of 78 experts who signed the open letter opposing a no-fly zone in Ukraine, adding to the argument against putting United States troops in direct engagement with Russians.
Shifrinson Explores Scenarios In Which West Escalates Conflict With Russia
Professor Shifrinson discusses how the West and Russia may now be entering into the terminal stages of an insecurity spiral that could produce a larger European conflagration.
Shifrinson Offers Clarity on Post-Cold War NATO-Russia Agreement
“There is a legitimate point to say that the U.S. offered assurances to the Soviets that NATO would do something, but that is not the same thing as saying NATO offered an agreement.”
Shifrinson Interviewed on Implications of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
In discussing the international response to the invasion, Professor Shifrinson noted how Europe has come together in opposition to Russia and shown unity in a way previously unimagined.
Pardee School Faculty Comment on Russian Invasion of Ukraine
As the crisis in Ukraine continues to unfold, the Pardee School asked its faculty of leading international affairs scholars and practitioners to share their thoughts on how they believe the leaders of the world – particularly Russia and the U.S. – should act.
Shifrinson Co-Authors Op-Ed on Global Crisis Generation
“Highly committed states, however weak, will do what they need to do to be heard and to be taken seriously when the stakes for them are perceived to be high, even existential.”
Shifrinson Comments on NATO Enlargement and Ukraine Crisis
Historically, NATO enlargement, “was a way of incentivizing liberalization in countries that had been in the Communist bloc, showing that the US still has a mission in Europe, and a way of the US projecting power and checking alternative systems like the European Union.”
Shifrinson Explores Consequences of Mishandling Russia-Ukraine Crisis
In discussing U.S. military intervention in Ukraine as a result of encroaching pressure from Russia, Professor Shifrinson argues that mishandling the situation could result in a strategic nightmare, endangering Ukraine and potentially Taiwan.
Fewsmith and Shifrinson Comment on U.S. Boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics
The two Pardee School professors offer insights on the justification for the U.S. boycott, how it might impact China’s human rights policies, and what more can be done to assist the victims of China’s abuses.
Shifrinson Discusses Biden’s Strategy to Address Supply Chain with G-20
“In the near-term, Biden wants to use the G-20 to engage the leaders of some of the world’s most important states on addressing near-term economic challenges including supply-change disruptions and the ongoing effects of Covid.”
Shifrinson Comments on President Biden’s Foreign Policy
Despite President Biden’s posturing himself as all that former President Donald Trump is not, he is increasingly being compared to his enemy due to his recent foreign affairs fumbles. Professor Shifrinson offers his insights on Sweedish Public Television.
Shifrinson Co-Authors Article on President Biden’s “Pragmatic Realism”
“Although his predecessor…gave voice to similar impulses, it is Biden who offers a more coherent version of pragmatic realism – a mode of thought that prizes the advancement of tangible U.S. interests, expects other states to follow their own interests, and changes course to get what the United States needs in a competitive world.”
Shifrinson Quoted on U.S. Credibility Amid Afghanistan Withdrawal
“The fact that we haven’t seen the castigation of U.S. credibility in an overt, dramatic way is a more telling indicator.”
Shifrinson Comments on Progressive Foreign Policy
If a progressive finds themselves in the Oval Office, the problem will be that “you’re no longer the leader of the progressive movement, but the leader of US, which requires different choices, priorities, and thinking.”
Shifrinson Promoted to Associate Professor
“I’m eager to grow BU and the Pardee School’s presence in national security policy conversations, and connecting our students with career and research opportunities in this area.”
Shifrinson Publishes Op-Ed on the Threat of Russia
“Russia is a problem to be managed pragmatically and with coolheaded realism…Prudence and moderation, not hyperbole, will yield tangible results.”
Pardee School Faculty & Student Participate in ISA Conference
Nine Pardee School Faculty and one undergraduate student will present during the International Studies Associations annual convention, whose theme is “Globalization, Regionalism and Nationalism: Contending Forces in World Politics.”
Shifrinson Interviewed on NATO-China Relationship
“The world doesn’t need a second Cold War to get countries to be very much in one camp or another.”