Hefner Gives Keynote Addresses at Indonesian Conference on Humanitarian Islam
Professor Robert Hefner delivered keynote addresses at a major conference on Humanitarian Islam in Jakarta, where 500 Muslim scholars gathered to discuss Nahdlatul Ulama, the world’s largest Muslim educational organization, and its role in global ethical reform.
Robert Hefner Delivers Keynote on Public Ethics in Democratic Indonesia at Islamic University
On May 3, 2024, Robert Hefner, Professor of Anthropology and of International Relations at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Director of the School’s Center for the Study of Asia delivered an invited keynote presentation titled “Mencari Etika Publik Inklusif di Alam Demokrasi” (“In Search of an Inclusive Public Ethics in Democratic Indonesia”) via zoom…
Hefner Explores Nahdlatul Ulama’s Rights Revolution
On December 14, 2023, Professor Robert Hefner, renowned for his work in Anthropology and International Relations, addressed an international conference in Princeton. Presenting on Nahdlatul Ulama’s human rights reformation, Hefner emphasized the global significance of their efforts. His keynote marked the conference’s culmination, fostering dialogue on upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Hefner Comments on Islam in Indonesia
On September 4, 2023, Robert Hefner, Professor of Anthropology and of International Relations at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Director of the School’s Center for the Study of Asia, was interviewed by Dr. Muqtedar Khan on his show, Khanversations with Prof. Muqtedar Khan, on the nature of Islam in Indonesian government and society. In the…
Hefner Keynotes International Conference
On August 3, 2023, Robert Hefner, Professor of Anthropology and of International Relations at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Director of the School’s Center for the Study of Asia, was invited to give a keynote presentation by the Executive Director of Nahdlatul Ulama, KH Yahya Cholil Staquf. Nahdlatul Ulama is the world’s largest Muslim…
Robert Hefner Concludes Film in Indonesia
Professor Robert Hefner traveled to Yogyakarta, in Java, Indonesia, from May 10 to May 21. Professor Hefner was putting the final touches on his three-year documentary film project, “Indonesian Pluralities: Social Resources for Citizen Belonging in Contemporary Indonesia.” The project was funded by the Henry Luce Foundation in New York and co-produced with Zainal Abidin…
Hefner Attends International Conference on Islamic Law and Inclusive Citizenship
Professor Hefner argued that Indonesia, and NU specifically, has the potential to make enormous contributions to the global community; “it’s time for NU to rise to the international stage, speak out, and make such a positive contribution to solving political problems as well as intellectual and moral challenges faced by all humanity.”
Menchik Offers Insight on Indonesian Presidential Candidate
“There is cause for alarm when a pedigreed intellectual like [former Jakatar governor Anies] Baswedan deploys a craven election strategy…he knows better.”
Hefner Explores the Future of Religious Freedom in Indonesia
Despite Indonesia’s history of authoritarian rule as well as severe political and economic crisis, Hefner finds hope in the country’s continued commitment to a multi-religious and multi-ethnic Indonesia.
Menchik Article Explores Fatwas and Impact in Indonesian Politics
“To understand MUI’s growing power, it is necessary to look beyond these traditional modes of Islamic legal authority to modern organizational forms and their attendant strategies for exerting social control. In the modern age, Islamic legal authority reflects the dominant logic of political authority in society.”
Menchik Breaks Down Indonesia’s New Criminal Code
Professor Menchik argues that the passage of the new criminal code marks a bad moment for Indonesian democracy; however, these kinds of moments have played out in the past, and in those instances, civil society and human rights organizations mobilize and the moderates tend to win in the end.
Heine Keynote Explores BRICS and the Reimagining of Global Governance
Ambassador Heine elaborates on the rise of the BRICS group over the course of the past decade and a half, the various stages it has gone through, the significance of the Shanghai-based New Development Bank, and the potential addition of new members, like Argentina and/or Indonesia.
Hefner Attends G20’s International Summit of Religious Leaders
Professor Hefner was one of 220 religious leaders and policy analysts from all faith traditions and more than sixty countries in attendance to discuss how to reveal nurturing religion as a source of global solutions.
Menchik Discusses Spread of Moderate Islam During AICIS Plenary
In his remarks, Professor Menchik addresses two main questions: how can moderate Islam be effectively implemented in the public sphere, and what are the internal and external challenges to identity politics in Indonesia and the wider world?
Hefner Featured in Celebration of Indonesia’s Independence Day
Professor Hefner was among three featured Western Indonesianists who share the diverse ways in which they came to appreciate Indonesia and Muslim society in Indonesia in particular.
GDP Center Paper Explains Impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Indonesia
Chinese investment in Indonesia is unique from other BRI projects, as it’s concentrated in the environmentally sensitive sectors of the metals industry and infrastructure. This GDP Center research compares the environmental risks between FDI projects and identifies Indigenous communities that may be impacted by multiple risks
Hefner Explores Impact of Television on Indonesian Islamic Resurgence
Professor Hefner notes that a far-reaching Islamic resurgence has occurred over the past 24 years, coincident with Indonesia’s return to electoral democracy, and an often overlooked feature of that resurgence has been the role of television media.
Hefner Interviewed on Great Power Strategies in Southeast Asia
In his remarks, Professor Hefner comments on the U.S. “shift to Asia” and if that will help combat Chinese influence in the region as well as Russia’s dealings in the region and how its invasion of Ukraine strained relations.
Hefner Offers Insights Into Successes of Indonesian Democracy
“The challenges that Indonesian democracy faces have more to do with structural vulnerabilities that are plaguing or afflicting democracy around the world than they do anything specific to ‘Islam’ or Muslim society in Indonesia.”
Hefner Keynotes IIIU First International Conference on Islamic Education
Among the world’s Muslim majority countries, Indonesia has been the most successful in transitioning to a functioning and fair electoral democracy as well as upholding a tradition of multiethnic and multireligious citizenship; this is something the whole world can learn from.