Noora Lori Promoted to Associate Professor
The Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University is proud to announce that the President and Provost of Boston University have approved the promotion to the rank of Associate Professor of Noora Lori. Lori will hold the position of Associate Professor of International Relations in the Boston University College of Arts and…
Lori Presents Ongoing Book Project and Discusses Student Research Collaboration
Professor Lori’s latest book project – “Passport Power: Global Mobility Hierarchies” – explores the idea of “passport power” as well as how states can increase the value of their passport and unlock additional access to cross-border movement.
Mako Publishes Article on Disputed Territories in Iraq
By focusing on Iraq’s disputed territories, Professor Mako demonstrates how hybrid governance in areas of limited statehood can foster competition over territorial control by state and non-state actors at the local level, and between national and subnational governments.
Chehabi and Goldstein Honored at 2022 Pardee School Convocation
Dean Adil Najam thanked Professors Chehabi and Goldstein for the pivotal and formative roles they played in the development of the Pardee School and conferred on them the status of Professor Emeritus. Najam also presented both professors with a commemorative gift on behalf of the School.
De La Fuente (CGS ’04, Pardee ’06) Discusses Her Work at Amal Alliance
In both a feature interview and event appearance, Danielle De La Fuente (CGS ’04, Pardee ’06) discusses the impactful work done by her nonprofit – Amal Alliance – and the immense opportunities and challenges posed by migration.
Lori Explores Relationship Between UAE Immigrant Groups
The mere possibility of inclusion in the citizenry may generate hierarchies between immigrants, precluding solidarity, and encouraging boundary-policing.
Lori’s Book Receives Honorable Mention for AGAPS Best Book Award
This is the fourth time Offshore Citizens has received an honor for academic excellence, and it has already received a number of accolades from APSA and ENMISA.
Lori Publishes Article on the Global Mobility Rights
“Without ‘humanitarian corridors’ that allow for safe passage under duress, vulnerable groups are forced to engage human traffickers and undertake increasingly dangerous journeys as ‘illegal’ migrants.”
Lori Publishes Article on Racial Formations in Africa and the Middle East
In a new article based on archives as well as the authors’ legal advocacy for stateless populations in the UAE, Professor Lori Yoana Kuzmova examine the contested legal status of Zanzibaris and other East African minorities in the UAE.
Lori Presents “Offshore Citizens” at University of Pennsylvania Workshop
When it comes to extending citizenship to some groups, why might ruling political elites say neither “yes” nor “no,” but “wait?”
Lori and Schilde Publish Article on Migration Management in Global Commons
Professor Lori and Schilde evaluate the phenomenon of migrant interdiction in international waters, and specifically the High Seas global commons, examining the logic of why advanced liberal democracies, in particular, engage in this practice.
Lori Awarded Best Book By APSA MENA Politics Section
“Offshore Citizens: Permanent “Temporary” Status in the Gulf,” the latest book by Professor Lori, was named the best book of 2021 by the American Political Science Association’s Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Politics Section.
Pardee School Faculty & Student Participate in ISA Conference
Nine Pardee School Faculty and one undergraduate student will present during the International Studies Associations annual convention, whose theme is “Globalization, Regionalism and Nationalism: Contending Forces in World Politics.”
Lori Shares Biggest Lesson Learned During COVID-19
“[The COVID-19 pandemic] shows that some of the institutional designs that we assume lead to good policy outcomes don’t always.”
Lori Discusses Offshore Citizens During Harvard Webinar
Lori discussed the key findings of her book and addressed questions it raised, such as: how and why are certain groups neither fully included nor simply expelled by a state?
Lori Interviewed on Minwar Podcast
Professor Lori explored and critiqued the realities of nation states, and discussed how nation states emerged as well as the meanings of sovereignty, citizenship, nationalism.
Lori Publishes Article in International Journal of Middle East Studies
“In addition to being spatial, we should understand citizenship boundaries as temporal ones.”
Lori Delivers Inaugural Harney Series Lecture
Professor Lori discussed Offshore Citizens, which explains how and why some minorities are neither fully included nor simply expelled by a state
Lori Discusses Offshore Citizens During Multiple Book Talks
Professor Lori discussed her latest book, which explores the forces shaping citizenship policy in the United Arab Emirates.
Lori’s Offshore Citizens Receives Distinguished Book Award
The ENMISA Distinguished Book Award recognizes a pieces excellence in the field of ethnicity, nationalism, or migration studies.