Tag: hotel

Promoting Racial Inclusivity Through Gamified Systems: Perspectives for Hospitality Practitioners and Researchers

By Sean McGinley, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dedman College of Hospitality at Florida State University, and Ravi S. Ramani, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management at Morgan State University Abstract The importance of diversity and inclusion in contemporary American society and for the hospitality […]

The Healthy Hotel

By John D. Murtha Doctors say that people who exercise, eat right, reduce stress, and have a balanced outlook on life stay healthy and live longer. So, could it be said that teamwork, having the right resources, maintaining a stable operation and fostering a productive culture will make a hotel healthier and more successful over […]

Self-Confidence in the Hospitality Industry

By Michael Oshins Roman philosopher Cicero believed self-confidence was critical to one’s success: “If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.” This key to success was reiterated by sports legends Vince Lombardi, “Confidence is contagious. So is […]

The Fall and Rise of the Travel Agent

By Stephen Jermanok In 1990, I left my job as a broker in Manhat­tan, booked an open-ended ticket to the South Pacific, New Zealand, and Australia, and wrote my first travel story, “Dining with the Descendants of Cannibals on a Fijian Is­land” for the Miami Herald. It would prove to be the start of a […]

Still Searching for Excellence

By Bradford Hudson Three decades ago, American industry was obsessed with quality management. Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman helped create the enthusiasm during this era with their best-selling book In Search of Excellence. Although the subsequent quality movement was quite successful in the manufacturing sector, it has been less successful in services. Indeed, there is […]

Lodging Update: Providence, Rhode Island

By Rachel Roginski and Matthew Arrants Each quarter, Pinnacle Advisory Group prepares an analysis of the New England lodging industry, which provides a regional summary and then focuses in depth on a particular market. These reviews look at recent and proposed supply changes, factors affecting demand and growth rates, and the effects of interactions between […]

Defining the New Luxury: Perspectives from Industry Leaders

By Chekitan S. Dev Luxury is nothing new. The concept is ancient and global, at least for the privileged few who attained the special status of royalty. The concept of premium accommodations for average consumers was pioneered by innovative hoteliers during the nineteenth century. During the years that have followed, the idea of a luxury […]

An Important Arrival: The Anatomy of a Vintage Advertisement

By Bradford Hudson The advertisement for American Airlines that is reproduced on the following pages appeared in national magazines in late 1957. It is a two-page centerfold color spread depicting a couple arriving at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Boston, after a flight on American Airlines. The discussion below provides a deconstruction and analysis of its […]