Category: Health and Wellness

A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place: The Application of Feng Shui to Hotels

  By Ingrid Lin “You wouldn’t build anything in most parts of Asia without having feng shui consultants come in and help you.” – Neil Jacobs, the president of global hotel operations for Starwood Capital. Feng Shui:  real, phony, or magic? The western world might consider feng shui to be a mystical and mysterious art, […]

Hospitality Healthscapes: The New Standard for Making Hospitals More Hospitable

By Courtney Suess, Makarand Mody, & Gabrielle Guarracino What words come to mind when you think of a hospital room? Chances are, your results might sound something like this: Stark. Sterile. Bare. Clinical. These don’t paint a very attractive picture, nor do they engender any comfort for those who find themselves needing to stay at […]

In Hotels, Health and Spas Equals Wealth

By: Andrea Foster & Jenna Finkelstein Business is back for hotels across the United States with occupancy levels surpassing long-run averages and hotels raising room rates more aggressively. According to PKF Hospitality Research (PKF-HR)’s forecast, occupancy is estimated to be above the long-run average in 49 of the 55 U.S. markets they track, 14 of […]

Thoughts: Field Notes on the Future of Food

By: Nicco Muratore Tastes, purchasing and consuming habits, cooking methods, and customer expectations; they’re all changing. The farm-to-table trend is a growing trend and for some, it’s a demand when cooking at home or eating out. Dan Barber’s book, The Third Plate, Field Notes on the Future of Food, reflects on the history of thriving […]

The Healthy Hotel

By John D. Murtha Doctors say that people who exercise, eat right, reduce stress, and have a balanced outlook on life stay healthy and live longer. So, could it be said that teamwork, having the right resources, maintaining a stable operation and fostering a productive culture will make a hotel healthier and more successful over […]

Self-Confidence in the Hospitality Industry

By Michael Oshins Roman philosopher Cicero believed self-confidence was critical to one’s success: “If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.” This key to success was reiterated by sports legends Vince Lombardi, “Confidence is contagious. So is […]