Tag: tourism

Inclusive Leadership for a 21st Century Hospitality Workplace

By: Lindsey Lee, Assistant Professor at Temple University’s School of Sport, Tourism, and Hospitality Management; Phillip Jolly, Elizabeth M. King Assistant Professor, School of Hospitality Management, Pennsylvania State University; and Heyao Yu, Assistant Professor at the School of Hospitality Management at Pennsylvania State University Few, if any, industries were harder hit by the COVID-19 pandemic than […]

European River Cruises On the Rise Among American Tourists

By Melinda Jászberényi, Ph.D. River cruising is one of the most attractive and rapidly developing areas of international tourism. Beyond the beautiful natural environment of the rivers, architectural attractions along the riverside enrich the experience, providing historical and cultural background that deepens tourists’ connections to the city. With other European cities, Budapest has benefited from […]

Back to the Front: Improving Guest Experiences at The Langham, Hong Kong

By Michael Oshins While classroom interactions, readings, group projects and homework can help students develop new insights and understanding, nothing beats experience for the ultimate learning opportunity. With that in mind, Boston University’s School of Hospitality Administration developed Tourism in China, a class that strikes a balance, with classroom learning provided for the first seven […]

The Fall and Rise of the Travel Agent

By Stephen Jermanok In 1990, I left my job as a broker in Manhat­tan, booked an open-ended ticket to the South Pacific, New Zealand, and Australia, and wrote my first travel story, “Dining with the Descendants of Cannibals on a Fijian Is­land” for the Miami Herald. It would prove to be the start of a […]

The Current State of the New England Lodging Market: New England Falls Short of the Nation in RevPAR Growth in 2013

By Rachel Roginsky and Matthew Arrants Revenue per available room (RevPAR) for the New England region grew 5.2 percent compared to growth of 5.4 percent for the country as a whole. However, there is still plenty of good news: The region was only slightly behind in terms of RevPAR, exceeding the national growth rate for […]

Lodging Update: Providence, Rhode Island

By Rachel Roginski and Matthew Arrants Each quarter, Pinnacle Advisory Group prepares an analysis of the New England lodging industry, which provides a regional summary and then focuses in depth on a particular market. These reviews look at recent and proposed supply changes, factors affecting demand and growth rates, and the effects of interactions between […]

Building Hotel Revenues through Tourism

By John Murtha When evaluating ways to maximize revenues, hotel executives should consider supporting the efforts of local destination marketing organizations (DMOs). Helping to build and sustain travel to a city or region can benefit individual hotels, by combining resources and energy on marketing tactics that would otherwise be too ambitious or costly for a […]