Peng Yin

BUSTH Publishes Annual FOCUS Magazine for 2024

The Boston University School of Theology is pleased to announce the 2024 publication of its annual scholarly magazine, focus. The magazine’s theme this year is theological humility, and the issue raises the question of how to equip theologically humble faith leaders in the current landscape. The magazine features close-ups on faculty promotions, creating a more […]

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BUSTH Announces Faculty Publications and Presentations for March 2024

The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications and scholarly presentations for March 2024: Eunil David Cho (presentations) “Breaking the Silence for Such a Time as This: Psychological Analysis of Esther’s Intersectional Identity in Esther 4,” Old Testament Research Colloquium at Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ “The Brief Comparative History of […]

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Prof. Peng Yin featured on For the Life of the World Podcast

Assistant Professor of Ethics Peng Yin was interviewed on the For the Life of the World podcast on his current project on Chinese religion and politics. In this conversion, Yin talks about the religious undercurrents of Chinese political thought, the theological charges of the new Cold War discourse, the recent Euro-American democratic decay, the story of […]

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BUSTH Announces Faculty Publications and Presentations for December 2023

The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications and scholarly presentations for December 2023: Eunil David Cho “Counterstorytelling as an Analytical Framework for Qualitative Research and Anti-racist Pastoral Care and Theology,” Journal of Pastoral Theology 33, vol. 3 (2023): 1-17. Luis Menéndez-Antuña (interview) “Entrevista a Fernando Segovia” Reseña Biblica 120, 74-76. […]

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Prof. Peng Yin to Visit Hong Kong to Deliver Lectures, Engage Churches

Assistant Professor of Ethics Peng Yin will visit Hong Kong from November 5-11 to give lectures on Chinese Christianity, queer theology, as well as religion and international politics. His first public lecture is entitled “Christianity and Queerness: Affinities and Their Political Implications.” In it, Yin argues that despite the protracted opposition between Christianity and queerness, […]

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BUSTH Announces Faculty Publications for October 2023

The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications for October 2023: Eunil David Cho, et al Moschella, Mary and Eunil David Cho, “Editorial: Chaplaincy, Diversity, and the Common Good,” Journal of Pastoral Theology 33, no. 2 (2023): 81-83. Dana Robert Foreword, Georgina Gollock, Pioneering Female Missiologist by Ian Randall (CCCW, 2023). […]

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BUSTH Welcomes New Assistant Professor of Ethics

April 2022 – Boston University School of Theology (BUSTH) is pleased to announce the appointment of new full-time faculty member Peng Yin, who will begin on September 1, 2022. Professor Yin will join the faculty as Assistant Professor of Ethics.  Dr. Yin is completing a manuscript on the intelligibility of moral language across metaphysical differences. […]

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