Garčević Delivers Guest Lecture for Elcano Royal Institute
Garčević, notes that the EU’s traditional “power currencies” in the Balkans have been compromised and Beijing and Moscow have established themselves as viable and/or even preferable alternatives to Brussels.
Schmidt Keynotes DGB Event on European Economic Policy
Schmidt’s keynote explored trade union visions for a progressive European economic policy, and in her panel appearance she discussed opportunities and limitations of flexible integration in EU economic policy.
Schmidt Discusses Democratic Legitimacy on EPLO Podcast
“Democracy refers to a specific form of government. Legitimacy is whether a government of any form is accepted by its citizens as having the authority to govern…Democracy cannot exist without legitimacy.”
Schmidt Joins Panel on EU Economic Policy After COVID-19
Professor Schmidt joins Dublin City University Brexit Institute for a discussion on “The New EU Economic Policy after Covid-19 and Next Generation EU.”
Garčević Publishes Op-Ed on Balkans and EU Membership
“The prospect of membership, it seems, has never been further away.”
Garčević Speaks at TRT World Forum
With the EU and U.S. both in retreat from the region, Moscow and Beijing appear to have gained ground in the Balakns
Schmidt Presents Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy at Two Book Talks
Professor Schmidt discussed her latest book with Jacques Delors Centre and the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Garčević Discusses How U.S. Election Could Effect EU Relations
Ambassador Garčević commented on the possible shifts in U.S. foreign policy after the election, specifically U.S./EU relations.
Schmidt Speaks During Fondazione Corriere/Reset DOC Event
Prof. Schmidt discusses whether Europe will be able to re-emerge from the ashes of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Schmidt Presents Her Latest Book During EU Commission Event
Prof. Schmidt and representatives from the EU Commission’s Directorate General for Economics and Finance discussed her latest book and lessons Europe learned from the Eurozone Crisis.
Garčević Promotes Cooperation in the Face of Global Crisis
Ambassador Garcevic discussed the necessity of global cooperation when tackling COVID-19 and other crises.
Schmidt Discusses EU in the Time of COVID-19 with Queen Mary University of London
Professor Vivien Schmidt was interviewed for the NEXTEUK Virtual Seminar Series on the impact of COVID-19 on the EU.
Schmidt in Foreign Affairs Survey on Brexit
Prof. Vivien Schmidt tells Foreign Affairs the “good and bad” of Brexit could cancel one and another out for the EU.
Garcevic Keynotes at the 2020 European Security Forum
Prof. Vesko Garčević’s keynote speech at the 2020 European Security Forum at the University of Chicago focused on the current tense relations between the EU, US and NATO.
Beyond the Headlines: Energy Security in the EU
The Beyond the Headlines series continued with a discussion entitled “Energy Security in the EU: Challenges From the East.”
Hefner to Advise EU Project on Mediating Islam in the Digital Age
Prof. Robert Hefner served as an advisor and discussant at the opening conference for the three-year research project on “Mediating Islam in the Digital Age.”
Schmidt Gives Talks on EU Legitimacy, Eurozone Crisis
Prof. Vivien Schmidt gave several recent talks on a range of topics including the European Union’s legitimacy and the Eurozone crisis.
Hare in Latin America Advisor on EU-Cuba Relations
Amb. Paul Hare was interviewed for a recent article on European-Cuba relations in Latin America Advisor.
Garcevic Interviewed on NATO-EU Relations and the Balkans
Amb. Vesko Garcevic discusses NATO and EU relations as well as NATO and Russia’s influence in the Balkans.
Garcevic Publishes OpEd in Just Security on Transatlantic Relations
Amb. Vesko Garcevic discusses the recent G20 meeting and the state of relations between the United States and European Union.