Vesko Garčević Comments on Montenegro’s EU Aspirations
Vesko Garčević, Director of the Center for the Study of Europe and Professor of the Practice of International Relations at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, shared his views on Montenegro’s path to European Union membership. His analysis appeared in a Courthouse News Service article by Caine Burdeau, “In small Montenegro lies…
Garčević Discusses Russian Global Influence at West Point Security Seminar
Ambassador Garčević joined scholars and practitioners from Europe and the U.S. to discuss how Russia transforms its soft power into “sharp power,” examining the role of local political players, including the Orthodox Church, Russian or pro-Russian media outlets, economic footprint (energy projects), and defense cooperation with Serbia.
Garčević Interviewed on Institutional Crisis in Montenegro
Ambassador Garčević argues that the current political crisis in Montenegro cannot be resolved without more robust EU involvement; however, there does not appear to be an appetite for such intervention on Brussels or Washington’s side.
CSE Launches “Europe in the World” Podcast
“Europe in the World” explores the process of European integration from a number of angles: development, humanitarianism, and crisis management; security and defense; migration; enlargement; and energy.
Garčević Comments on Deteriorating Political and Security Situation in Western Balkans
According to Garčević, the EU’s response to insecurity in the Western Balkans speaks more about Brussels’ concern that instability in Ukraine may spill over to the Balkans than the Union’s genuine intention to reinvigorate EU integration of the region.
Garčević Discusses EU Enlargement and Regional Challenges for Western Balkans
Ambassador Garčević argued that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was a moment for the EU to radically re-evaluate its stagnant enlargement process; he proposed that Brussels develop a multi-step EU integration process, creating intermediate goals before the full inclusion into the Union,
Garčević and Najam Participate in 15th Summer School for Young Diplomats
Professors Garčević and Najam joined 47 young diplomats from 32 countries as well as 35 lecturers from Europe and the United States to discuss complex issues of contemporary international affairs such as the war in Ukraine, NATO expansion, and global climate change.
Garčević Delivers Lecture on EU Opportunities for Non-Member States
By missing an opportunity to grant the candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina, open accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia, or grant a visa-free regime for Kosovo, Brussels puts at risk the legitimacy of enlargement in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Garčević Discusses Prospect of Accelerated EU Integration for Western Balkans
“I don’t believe that several EU countries would be willing to sacrifice values and the rule of law for the sake of rapid integration of the Western Balkans.”
Garčević Explores Prospect of Balkan Countries Joining the EU
The EU’s appetite for enlargement has waned, which allows for illiberal tendencies to flourish in the Western Balkans as there is nothing to stop a strong driving force behind them – unconstrained nationalism and populism.
Garčević Joins Panel on Role of Russia and China in Western Balkans
Chinese and Russian approaches to the Western Balkans may appear different at the surface, however, the lasting corrosive effects of their involvement are similar: erosion of weak institutions and legal systems, and a slowing down the progress of the countries from the region towards EU.
Garčević Discusses Future of EU-Western Balkan Relations
According to Ambassador Garčević, both the EU and the Western Balkans states have failed to deliver what they agreed on in Thessaloniki in 2003: the Western Balkan has failed to deliver comprehensive democratic reforms, the EU failed to remain politically committed to enlargement.
Garčević Argues for New EU Enlargement Methodology
During his FAES panel appearance, Ambassador Garčević argues for a new EU enlargement methodology, one that is incremental or gradual and introduces incentives for aspiring countries.
Garčević Discusses “The Battle for the Balkans” at Euractiv Conference
As EU accession is getting more demanding and taking longer, Ambassador Garčević argues that countries in the Western Balkans are made to feel like “hamsters on a wheel,” become low hanging fruit for Beijing and Moscow that promote development and governance models in stark contrast with the EU’s.
Garčević Participates in Stratcom Summit Panel
Garčević stated that Brussels attempted to breathe life into a dying EU perspective in the region by introducing a new enlargement methodology last year. However, the revised strategy has not renewed hope in the region.
Garčević Publishes Op-Ed on Balkans and EU Membership
“The prospect of membership, it seems, has never been further away.”
Garčević Writes Op-Ed on Germany-Balkans Relationship
It is foolhardy to think Germany’s presidency of the EU signal a radical shift in enthusiasm for enlargement to the Western Balkans.
Garcevic Publishes Op-Ed on EU-Western Balkans Relations
Amb. Vesko Garcevic discusses relations between the European Union and the Western Balkans, and the future of EU enlargement.