Pardee School Faculty Explore Trends in Global Democracy and Democratic Decline
In recent years, global patterns have emerged that threaten to undermine democracy – election denialism, the emergence of nationalist regimes, and the removal of democratically elected governments to name a few. A panel of Pardee School professors commented on these trends in their regions of study as well as the implications for global democracy.
Need a Summer Read? Check Out the Latest Books from Pardee School Faculty
If you are looking for an enlightening and insightful book on international affairs, immigration, global economics, social movements in Arab societies, or China, consider picking up a piece published in the past year by our illustrious faculty.
Mako Interviewed on “After the Arab Uprisings“
“We hope the comparative scope of the book and the integrated framework we have developed will enrich ongoing scholarship on revolutions and democratic transitions.”
Mako Discusses Iraqi Civil Society and Democratization at Brookings Roundtable
Professor Mako argues that civil society organizations – environmental groups, women’s groups, labor and student unions, etc. – played a major part in other democratization efforts in the region and they stand to play a similar role in Iraq.
Mako Publishes Article on Foreign Intervention During Arab Uprisings
Professor Mako argues that domestic instability caused by mass uprisings altered the relative distribution of power, producing system-wide changes to the MENA state system.
Mako Publishes “After the Arab Uprisings“
Why were some, but not all the Arab mass social protests of 2011 accompanied by relatively quick and nonviolent outcomes in the direction of regime change, democracy, and social transformation? Why was a democratic transition limited to Tunisia, and why did region-wide democratization not occur? After the Arab Uprisings offers an explanatory framework to answer these central questions.
Mako Discusses Upcoming Book on Ufahamu Africa
Professor Mako and co-author Valentine Moghadam discuss their upcoming book After the Arab Uprisings: Progress and Stagnation in the Middle East and North Africa, which explores democracy and social transformation in North Africa after the Arab Spring.
Storella Discusses Syrian Refugee Crisis on Diplomatic Immunity
In his remarks, Storella discusses the severity of the Syrian humanitarian crisis, the drivers of this crisis, and the international response.
CURA Hosts Event on Aftermath of the Arab Uprising
In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Arab Uprising, the event explored how the Uprising altered the Middle East and North Africa.
Aftandilian in The Arab Weekly on Failures of the Arab Spring
Gregory Aftandilian discusses how the Washington D.C. think tank community views the failures of the Arab Spring.
Kelberer in HuffPo: Syria from the Sidelines
MA student Vicky Kelberer shared her experiences of being in a Swiss human rights NGO during the heady days of the Arab Spring.
Norton in Gulf News: Chaos in the Middle East
Pardee School Professor Augustus Richard Norton said that current tensions and instability in the Middle East could be attributed to a complex web of factors.
Pardee Student Publishes Paper on Muslim Brotherhood
A Pardee School of Global Studies graduate student published a research paper on Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.