What Was the Top Global Story of 2016?
Pardee School faculty give their thoughts on the most important international stories of 2016.
Pardee Graduate Students Awarded Travel Grants
Congratulations to the six graduate students awarded the third annual Pardee School Travel Grants!
Lori Interviewed in Pearson on Urban Refuge App
Prof. Noora Lori discusses her efforts on Urban Refuge, an app which aims to connect refugees with resources through a simple mapping tool.
Keylor in Boston Herald on a Cold War Redux
Prof. William Keylor discusses whether the evolving relationship between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin could lead to a nuclear arms race.
Stern in The Boston Globe on Donald Trump and ISIS
Prof. Jessica Stern discusses how the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States will affect the fight against the Islamic State.
Menchik in VOA on Intolerance in Indonesia
Prof. Jeremy Menchik discusses how democratic institutions in Indonesia have proven to be resistant to religious intolerance.
Berger on NPR on Political Implications of Berlin Attack
Prof. Thomas Berger discusses the political implications of the recent attack on a Berlin Christmas market.
Keylor in Boston Herald on Assassination of Russian Ambassador
Prof. William Keylor discusses how the assassination of Ambassador Andrei Karlov will affect relations between Russia and Turkey.
Najam in Boston Herald on Attacks in the Middle East and Europe
Dean Adil Najam discusses several attacks across the Middle East and Europe that occurred on December 19, 2016.
Gallagher Interviewed on China’s Funding of Foreign Energy Projects
Prof. Kevin Gallagher discusses China surpassing the West in funding for foreign energy projects.
Norton on On Point on Global Response to the Syrian Crisis
Prof. Augustus Richard Norton discusses the world’s moral failure in the response to the ongoing conflict in Syria.
Hefner in CNN Politics on Education in the Middle East
Prof. Robert Hefner discusses comments made by incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Middle Eastern Islamic religious schools.
Selin in CSM on Trump’s Climate Change Policy
Prof. Henrik Selin discusses what President-Elect Donald Trump’s climate change policy will look like.
Keylor in WalletHub on Trump’s Foreign Policy
Prof. William Keylor discusses the foreign policy of United States President-Elect Donald Trump.
Najam in Newsline Magazine on Pakistan’s Climate Change Policy
Dean Adil Najam discusses the impression Pakistan is making on the global stage in terms of climate change following the recent COP 22.
Najam in WSJ on Challenges Facing New UN Secretary General
Dean Adil Najam discusses the challenges facing the new United Nations Security-General Antonio Guterres.
Berger in CSM on Expropriation of Hitler’s House
Prof. Thomas Berger discusses the expropriation of the house where Adolf Hitler was born by the Austrian government.
Menchik Wins ISA Religion and IR Book Award
Prof. Jeremy Menchik won the award for his book Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: Tolerance Without Liberalism.
Najam Presents at CDPR on Climate and Sustainable Development
Adil Najam spoke at the Consortium for Development Policy Research (CDPR) in Lahore, Pakistan.
Hare in AFP on the Struggles of the Latin American Left
Amb. Paul Hare discusses the struggles of the Latin American left following the death of Fidel Castro and election of Donald Trump.