RIP: Prof. Augustus Richard Norton
Beloved professor, colleague and Middle East expert, Pardee School Professor Emeritus Augustus Richard Norton died on February 20.
Norton Publishes Updated Edition of Hezbollah: A Short History
Prof. Augustus Richard Norton recently published an updated and expanded third edition of his book Hezbollah: A Short History (Princeton University Press, 2018).
Norton Publishes Review of Sebastian Gorka’s Defeating Jihad
Prof. Augustus Richard Norton discusses Sebastian Gorka’s book, Defeating Jihad: the Winnable War. Gorka serves as Deputy Assistant to President Donald Trump.
Norton Honored at Pardee School Convocation
Prof. Augustus Richard Norton received the title of Professor Emeritus at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies.
Norton Interviewed on Pope Francis’s Egypt Trip
Prof. Augustus Richard Norton discusses the potential political and social pitfalls facing Pope Francis on his upcoming trip to Egypt.
Göçek Delivers Campagna-Kerven Lecture
Professor Fatma Müge Göçek delivered the 22nd annual Campagna-Kerven Lecture on Modern Turkey.
Norton Publishes Review of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s Book, Policies
Prof. Augustus Richard Norton examines how ideas and policies proposed by Flynn are representative of positions that are salient in the White House.
Norton Attends Advisory Meeting for D.C. Arab Center
Prof. Augustus Richard Norton also conducted an external review of the Georgetown University Center for International and Regional Studies.
Norton on On Point on Global Response to the Syrian Crisis
Prof. Augustus Richard Norton discusses the world’s moral failure in the response to the ongoing conflict in Syria.
Kasaba Delivers Campagna-Kerven Lecture on Turkey
Prof. Reşat Kasaba discussed the transformations of Turkish political, economic and social institutions.
Campagna-Kerven Lecture to Trace Turkey’s Journey
The Pardee School is pleased to announce the 2016 Campagna-Kerven Lecture on Modern Turkey.
Norton in NYT: Mystery of the Missing Imam
Augustus Richard Norton quoted in the New York Times on Iran’s charismatic missing Imam, Moussa al-Sadr.
Panel: Syrian Crisis from Field Experts
A recent panel brought on-the-ground stories from the front lines of the Syrian crisis to the Pardee School.
Norton in Gulf News: Chaos in the Middle East
Pardee School Professor Augustus Richard Norton said that current tensions and instability in the Middle East could be attributed to a complex web of factors.
Pardee School Professors on #IranDeal
Professors Houchang Chehabi and Augustus Richard Norton of the Pardee School speak about the historic nuclear deal with Iran reached on July 14.
Norton Awarded APSA Grant
Pardee School Professor Augustus Richard Norton has been awarded a research grant by the American Political Science Association.
Bayat Delivers Inaugural Year Lecture on Muslim Youth
“Alone, youth cannot change the Muslim world.”