The School of Theology is pleased to announce the following faculty publications and scholarly presentations for January 2025:
- Debbie Brubaker
Presentation: “Grief Reminders when #BlackLivesMatter,” American Academy of Religion, Religion and Popular Culture Unit and Religion, Media, and Culture Unit, San Diego, CA, November 2024.
Presentation: “Hopeless Disorientation and the Unimaginable Future of Whiteness,” Society for the Study of Affect, Lancaster, PA, October 2024.
- Nicolette Manglos-Weber
“Ambivalent Accommodation: The Politics of Religious Leaders and the Hybrid Regime in Uganda.” Sociology of Religion, published online January 22, 2025.
Presentation: “Open Science and Methodological Diversity: Beyond the Qualitative-Quantitative Division,” invited talk, Open Science in the Study of Religion, Aruba, Jan 9-12, 2025.
“Marie Dentière,” in The Oxford Handbook of the Bible and the Reformation. Ed by Jennifer Powell McNutt and Herman J. Selderhuis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. 481-93.
Moderator: “The Scholarship of Carter Lindberg, 1937-2024: Age of Anxiety, Luther, Social Welfare, and Love.” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. Toronto, Canada. November 2, 2024.
Panelist: “Developing and Sustaining Vision for the School.” ATS Seminar for New Executive Officers. Phoenix, AZ. December 10, 2024.
Panelist: “Building an Effective Administrative Team.” ATS Seminar for New Executive Officers. Phoenix, AZ. December 10, 2024.
- Dana L. Robert
Honored as a “Legend” at the American Society of Church History in Chicago, January 3-6. She gave a keynote plenary address on “World Christianity and the Challenges of Sacred Charters,” and answered questions from the membership of the society.
- Steven Sandage, et al
Davis, D. E., Hunter, E. A., Lee, Y., Choe, E. J. Y., Sandage, S. J., Hook, J. N., DeBlaere, C., & Owen, J. J. (2025). Culturally humble continuing education: A multicultural orientation perspective. Practice Innovations.
- emilie m. townes
Presentation: Presidential address “Shadowboxing the Ridiculous” for the Society of Christian Ethics Annual on January 10, 2025 in Chicago, IL.
Presentation: Keynote at the Cambridge Black Pastors Alliance Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Service and Celebration on January 19, 2025 in Cambridge, MA.