China-Colombia Relations: Heine’s Insights
Professor Heine shared valuable insights on the multifaceted China-Colombia relationship. His discussion, as part of CGTN’s “The Heat,” shed light on trade, investment, and tourism, highlighting Colombia’s efforts to diversify its exports and strengthen ties with China. Heine emphasized the growing cooperation between Chile and China as an illustrative example of Latin American countries seeking mutually beneficial partnerships.
Heine Comments on CODEL Visit to Latin America
On August 11, 2023, Amb. Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, was quoted in a POLITICO article on the congressional delegation (CODEL) of progressives visiting Latin America in the second week of August. The CODEL…
Dean Taylor Visits Colombia for NED Meeting
In June, the DC-based National Endowment for Democracy met for held its quarterly board meeting overseas for the first time. The NED board is comprised of a range of businesspeople, labor leaders, retired diplomats, politicians, and scholars including Scott Taylor, Pardee School Dean and Professor of International Relations. This meeting was noteworthy as the board…
Nolan Publishes Article Exploring Colombia’s Truth Commission Report
“The convergence of the Truth Commission report with a leftward swing in the country’s politics, and those of the continent, creates an opening, not just to end the drug war in its current form, but to make more sweeping changes”
Heine Comments on New Latin American “Pink Wave”
Ambassador Heine argues that as a second Cold War rears its head, a policy of Active Non-Alignment “may provide a useful guide to channel the foreign policies of Latin American nations, at a time of a changing international system, and as the region’s need to re-establish its presence in world affairs is especially urgent.”
CLAS Hosts Lecture by Juan Carlos Pinzón, Ambassador of Colombia to the U.S.
In commemoration of the bicentennial of diplomatic relations between Colombia and the U.S., Ambassador Pinzón spoke about the history of the countries’ binational relationship, their partnership, and the political challenges that both countries face.
CLAS Hosts Book Talk on Colombia’s “Marijuana Boom”
Northwestern University Professor Lina Britto discusses her latest book, which explores Colombia’s transformation from a model of Latin American democracy and economic modernization to a drug paradise.
Palmer in Miami Herald on Colombian Peace Agreement
Prof. David Scott Palmer discusses the significance of a treaty between the Colombian government and the biggest guerrilla group in the country.
The High Cost of Peace in Colombia
Juana Garcia Duque spoke about the challenges to the peace process between rebel groups and the Colombian government.
Alum Develops App to Help Colombian Poor
Pardee School graduate Ana Pantelic uses tablet apps to disrupt poverty in rural Colombia.