CSE Hosts Lecture with EU Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič
With the explosion of demand for humanitarian aid – from Ukraine and elsewhere – how can the international community more effectively respond? Commissioner Lenarčič argues that there are three main actions that should be taken to strengthen global humanitarian efforts.
Najam Discusses Rising US-Russia Tensions and Conflict Over Ukraine
Dean Najam argues that demands over Ukraine should not be seen simply as a US-Russia issue. How the situation plays out depends in large part on how the rest of Europe reacts to Russian encroachment, especially for countries where Russia is a direct neighbor and security threat.
Mako Delivers Lecture on Conflict Dynamics in Iraq
Professor Mako explored the relationship between state institutions, exclusion, and ethnic conflict in Iraq by situating its evolution along a historical continuum of ethnic elite state capture.
Corgan in CSM on When a President is Morally Forced to Act
Prof. Michael Corgan discussed the moral obligation of the President of the United States to involve the country in conflicts overseas.
Najam OpEd in HuffPo on Borders Seen From Space
Adil Najam writes on India’s lit up border that can be seen from space, while 237 Million Indians go without electricity.
Student Spotlight: Vicky Kelberer on Climate and Conflict
Congratulations to Pardee student Vicky Kelberer for her analysis of climate and conflict being published in the Parabellum Report!