Schmidt Quoted in Bloomberg on French Riots
On July 2, 2023, Vivien Schmidt, Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration and Professor of International Relations and Political Science, was quoted in a Bloomberg news article about French President Emmanuel Macron’s role in the latest round of protests in France, with the latest spark being the point-blank shooting of a French teenager by police….
Schmidt Comments on French Pension Reform Protests
In an interview with Candian television network CHCH-DT, Vivien Schmidt, Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration and Professor of International Relations and Political Science at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, was interviewed on French President Emmanuel Macron’s stance on the ongoing pension reform protests. Schmidt gave an overview of Macron’s position…
Schmidt Interviewed on Proposed French Pension Reform
Professor Schmidt reflects on the social sentiment that has sparked France’s pension reform protests, addresses the issues of wealth gaps and inequality, and describes the political implications of approval or rejection of the proposal for the Macron government.
Hare Comments on Protests in Cuba And Government Response
Ambassador Hare argues that the Cuban government is clearly reverting to Cold War-era strategies against protest movements claiming, “they’ve lost the narrative, the battle of ideas, especially with young people.”
Hare Comments on Anti-Government Protests in Cuba
“What Cuba’s government has always dreaded is a coordinated movement, as opposed to sporadic protests…They see it as the possible genesis of an organized rival political movement.”
Mass Movements and State Violence in Myanmar
Professor Menchik and Professor Mary Callahan, the preeminent scholar of the military in Myanmar, explore the military coup in Myanmar as well as the resistance that has arisen in its wake.
Hare Quoted Discussing Freedom of Expression in Cuba
Ambassador Hare discusses unrest between artists and the Cuban government as well as the use blame pinned on the U.S.
BtH: Civil-Military Relations
During a special online edition of Beyond the Headlines (BtH), a panel of experts from BU, Marquette University, and the U.S. Air Force discussed civil-military relations.
Garčević Explores the Two Sides of U.S. Racism in Remaker Op-Ed
Ambassador Vesko Garčević explores the issue of racism from a different angle in his new op-ed.
Stern Discusses Misinformation Surrounding Protests in Lawfare Op-Ed
Professor Jessica Stern discusses the rise of misinformation amid recent protests and the struggle American’s are having identifying genuine messages in a new op-ed.
Lukes Discusses Protests and Monuments In Radio Prague Interview
Professor Igor Lukes discusses recent international protests against police violence and the destruction of monuments to historical figures.
Garčević Addresses Roots of U.S. Racism in Remaker
Ambassador Vesko Garčević, Professor of the Practice of International Relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, published an op-ed in Remarker discussing the issues of racism and higher education in the U.S., comparing it with Southeast Europe. The op-ed titled Strange Fruit – a story about racism in America, discusses the roots of racism in…
Garčević Addresses Roots of U.S. Racism in Remaker
In a new op-ed, Ambassador Vesko Garčević examines the historical roots of racism in American society, how the American identity has changed over time, and how racism remains an element of it.
Stern Quoted in Washington Post Article on Extremists in the U.S.
Professor Jessica Stern offers her perspective on how extremists are capitalizing on U.S. civil unrest amid nationwide protests.
Menchik in BU Today on Anti-Lockdown Protests
Professor Jeremy Menchik was interviewed by BU Today’s for a Q&A Segment on Anti-Lockdown Protests and the 2020 Election
Lukes in The Globe Post on Protests in the Czech Republic
Prof. Igor Lukes explores whether political protests in the Czech Republic can lead to meaningful change.
Garcevic Publishes Op-Ed on Protests in the Balkans
Amb. Vesko Garcevic discusses the recent wave of anti-government protests in Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania.
Keylor Contributes Chapter to A Time to Stir
Prof, William Keylor contributed a recent chapter on the 1968 student protests at Columbia University that he participated in.
Woldemariam in Bloomberg on Antigovernment Protests in Ethiopia
Prof. Michael Woldemariam discusses crackdowns on recent anti-government protests in Ethiopia.
Keylor in Newsweek: Princeton Keeps Wilson’s Name
Prof. William Keylor said he agrees with Princeton’s decision to continue using Wilson’s name on school buildings.