Boston University is home to one of the country’s best public radio stations, WBUR.

WBUR is home to NPR’s national midday programs “Here and Now” and “On Point” as well as one of the largest local newsrooms in public media. WBUR is behind the podcasts Endless Thread and Anything For Selena and more, as well as a suite of newsletters and live events at CitySpace

College of Communication students interested in public media are encouraged to apply for two COM-funded opportunities as well as other WBUR-funded internships.

The COM-funded opportunities:

  • For undergrads (Juniors & Seniors):
    • Apply to be the COM Fellow at WBUR* with a $5,000 stipend (fellowship runs through spring term).
  • For grad students (must be returning the following Fall term):
    • Apply to be the Paid Graduate Intern at WBUR** with a $5,000 stipend.

* The WBUR Undergrad COM Fellow will spend the spring semester at WBUR for 10-20 hours a week, earning 2 or 4 units. The fellow will work with a specific team show to learn more about public radio.

** The WBUR Paid Graduate Intern will spend the spring semester at WBUR for 10-20 hours a week, earning 2 or 4 units.

Applications for either of the above paid opportunities are due October 1st. Please familiarize yourself with WBUR’s journalism on air and online before submitting an application.

Interested students should write a one-page proposal about what they would like to do at WBUR (which show?, podcast, newscast, etc. would you prefer to work on. There’s no guarantee of being placed in that department, but helps gauge your interest.) Proposals, along with a resume should be sent to Prof. Shannon Dooling ( or Nichelle Cross ( . Students can focus on show producing, newscast, reporting, newsletters, digital storytelling, podcasts, social media or some combination.

The COM-funded opportunities should not be confused with the yearlong WBUR fully funded Fellowship for recent graduates or early-career journalists. In addition, WBUR offers some paid internships for units. Apply many months in advance.