
Bryan P. Stone

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism; Co-Director of the Center for Practical Theology

Bryan Stone has served as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs since January, 2011 and as the E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism in the School of Theology since 1998. He has a background in new church development, urban pastoral ministry, and faith-based non-profit development.  His most recent books are Evangelism After Pluralism, Finding Faith Today, and A Reader in Ecclesiology. His research, publishing, and teaching interests are in the areas of evangelism, congregational development, ecclesiology, theology and popular culture (including especially film studies), Christian pacifism, and Wesleyan, liberation, narrativist, and post-liberal theologies. Bryan and his wife live on campus at Boston University where they serve as faculty-in-residence in the Warren Towers dorm.


TC-835 Evangelism and Contemporary Cultures
TC-847 Faith and Film
TC-867 Theology and Popular Culture
TJ-940 Ecclesiology

Web Resources

The Center for Practical Theology

Published works


2018 Finding Faith Today. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books.
2018 Evangelism after Pluralism: The Ethics of Christian Witness. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.
2012 A Reader in Ecclesiology. Ashgate Publishing.
2008 Sabbath in the City: Sustaining Urban Pastoral Excellence. Co-authored with Claire E. Wolfteich. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press.
2007 Evangelism after Christendom: The Theology and Practice of Christian Witness. Grand Rapids: Brazos Press.
2001 Thy Nature and Thy Name is Love: Wesleyan and Process Theologies in Dialogue, Bryan Stone and Thomas Jay Oord, Editors.  Nashville: Kingswood Books.
2000 Faith and Film: Theological Themes at the Cinema.  St. Louis: Chalice Press.
1996 Compassionate Ministry: Theological Foundations.  Maryknoll: Orbis Books.
1994 Effective Faith: A Critical Study of the Christology of Juan Luis Segundo. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.

Articles, Encyclopedia Entries, and Book Chapters

2023 “Holiness is Queer,” in Thomas Jay Oord and Alexa Oord, eds., Why the Church of the Nazarene Should Be Fully LGBTQ+ Affirming (Grasmere, ID: SacraSage Press), 423-6.
2020 “Preaching in a Pluralistic World,” in Journal for Preachers 43:3.
2019 “Evangelistic Preaching: Bearing Witness to Beauty,” in Journal for Preachers 42:4.
2017 “Evangelism and Pluralism(s),” in Theologie für die Praxis 43 Jahrgang 2017, 67-83.
2016 “Trauma, Reality, and Eucharist,” in Stephanie Arel and Shelly Rambo, eds., Post-Traumatic Public Theology. Palgrave.
2016 “Jesus in American Movies,” in George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, eds., Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States. Rowman & Littlefield, Volume 5, 1233-39.
2016 “Christian Themes in Movies,” in George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, eds., Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States. Rowman & Littlefield, Volume 5, 517-8.
2016 “The Jesus Film,” in George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, eds., Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States. Rowman & Littlefield (at press). Volume 5, 2290.
2014 “The Missional Church and the Missional Empire,” Didache: Faithful Teaching 13:2.
2013 “Interfaith Encounters in Popular Culture,” Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 25:3, 403-15.
2011 “The Ecclesiality of Mission in the Context of Empire,” in Viggo Mortensen and Andreas Østerlund Nielsen, eds. Walk Humbly with the Lord: Church and Mission Engaging Plurality. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
2010 “Discipleship and Empire,” in Paul W. Chilcote, ed. Making Disciples in a World Parish. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications.
2009 “The Apostles’ Creed in Film,” in Hans-Josef Klauck, et al, The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, Volume 2, .
2009 “Evil in Film,” in William Blizek, ed. Continuum Companion to Religion and Film. Continuum, 310-322.
2009 “Modern Protestant Approaches to Film (1960-present),” in John Lyden, ed. The Routledge Companion to Religion and Film. Routledge Press.
2007 “The Relevance of Popular Culture for Empirical Research in Practical Theology,” in Hans-Günter Heimbrock and Christopher Schultz, eds.  Religion: Immediate Experience and the Mediacy of Research. Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht.
2005 “New Church Development,” in Stephen Gunter and Elaine Robinson, eds. Considering the Great Commission: Evangelism and Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit. Nashville: Abingdon.
2005 “Evangelization and Spirituality,” in Philip Sheldrake, ed., The New SCM Press Dictionary of Spirituality. London: SCM Press.
2004 “Online Resources in Theology and Religion,” Quarterly Review (Winter).
2003 “Divine Presence,” in Philosophy of Religion: An Introduction to Issues. Thomas J. Oord, ed. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press.
2002 “Hope and Happy Endings,” Review and Expositor 99:1 (Winter), 37-50.
2002 “Going to the Movies, Finding God,” Zion’s Herald (March/April).
2001 “The Sanctification of Fear: Images of the Religious in Horror Films,” Journal of Religion and Film 5:2 (October).
2001 AI: Blurring the Line Between Human and Machine,” Research News and Opportunities in Science and Theology (August), 20.
2001 “The Spirit and the Holy Life,” Quarterly Review 21: 2 (Summer), 156-68.
2001 “Process and Sanctification,” in Thy Nature and Thy Name is Love: Wesleyan and Process Theologies in Dialogue, Bryan Stone and Thomas J. Oord, editors. Nashville: Kingswood Books.
2000 “Holiness and Hollywood,” The Circuit Rider (May/June), 24-25.
2000 “Theology and Film in Postmodern Culture: A Dialogue with Forrest Gump and Pulp Fiction.” Wesleyan Theological Journal 35:1, 149-164.
1999 “Embodying Reconciliation.” Boston Theological Institute Newsletter 24:12 (December 1), 3.
1999 “Religion and Violence in Popular Film.”  Journal of Religion and Film 3:1.
1998 “Reclaiming the ‘E’ Word.”  Focus (Winter/Spring).
1998 “Religious Faith and Science in Contact.”  Journal of Religion and Film 2:2.
1995 “Wesleyan Theology, Scriptural Authority, and Homosexuality.” Wesleyan Theological Journal 30:2, 108-138.
1995 “A Prolegomenon to a Contemporary Theology of Urban Ministry.”  Connection (7), 5-8.
1994 “How Israel Treated Raped Women.” Illustrated Bible Life (March-April-May), 35-36.
1994 “The Faith Community.” Young Adult Teacher (Word Action Publications, March-April-May), 83-110.
1991 “Did Paul Command Blind Obedience to Corrupt Leaders?  If So, Let’s Hear It for Hitler.” Illustrated Bible Life (June/July/August), 2-3.
1988 “Christianity, Presidents, and Politics.” Herald of Holiness (June 1), 12-13.
1987 “Compassion Fatigue.” Bread (November), 24-26.
1987 “What Money Can Do To Us: A Camel Ride Through a Needle’s Eye.”  Emphasis Magazine and Bible Commentary (11:2), 22-23.
1986 “In the World But Not Of It.” Herald of Holiness (August 1), 8-9.
1985 Chapters 7, 8, and 9 in Discovering Acts.  Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 58-61, 68-73, 79-82.
1984 “Christian Realism.” Herald of Holiness (November 1), 6-7.


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