Methodist Faculty

Rebecca Copeland
Assistant Professor of Theology

Katheryn Pfisterer Darr
Harrell F. Beck Professor of Hebrew Scripture

Cristian De La Rosa
Associate Dean for Students and Community Life; Clinical Assistant Professor of Contextual Theology and Practice

Christopher H. Evans
Professor of History of Christianity and Methodist Studies

Courtney T. Goto
Associate Professor of Religious Education, Co-Director of the Center for Practical Theology

Robert Allan Hill
Dean of Marsh Chapel, Chaplain to the University, Professor of New Testament and Pastoral Theology

Daryl Ireland
Research Associate Professor of Mission

Filipe Maia
Assistant Professor of Theology

James McCarty
Clinical Assistant Professor of Religion and Conflict Transformation; Director, Tom Porter Religion and Conflict Transformation Program

G. Sujin Pak
Dean of the School of Theology, Professor of the History of Christianity