Mehrling Offers Insight on the Life of Charles Kindleberger & Global Dollar System
Professor Mehrling discusses the findings of his latest book, why Charles P. Kindleberger thought the world needed a “key currency,” how the United States Federal Reserve grew to support the dollar as it took on that role, as well as why the dollar system has proved so resilient.
Mehrling Expounds Findings of Latest Book on INET Podcast
Professor Mehrling joined Robert Johnson, President of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), to discuss the conception of his book project, why he chose to use economist Charles Kindleberger’s life as a lens to explore the global dollar system, as well as how he helped shape that emerging system.
Mehrling Paper Explores Rise of the Global Dollar System
“Things are going to break (are in fact already breaking) and central banks are going to have to respond, but the mental frame that most people will be (are in fact) using is not well suited for understanding how the world now works.”
Year In Review: 2022 Highlights from the Pardee School
In 2022, the Pardee School went through numerous big changes, welcomed new members to our community, and set the stage for a period of substantial progress as we approach our second decade as stewards of global studies education at BU. As the New Year approaches, we want to highlight some of the biggest stories and moments from the year.
Merhling Quoted on Charles Kindleberger & Global Economic Order
Professor Mehrling discusses Kindleberger’s one-money philosophy, how the world today has approached his vision, and the findings of Mehrling’s recently published book.
GDP Center Hosts Book Talk on Mehrling’s “Money and Empire“
Professor Gallagher led a discussion with Professor Mehrling on his latest book, which is a biography of both Charles P. Kindleberger and the dollar system as well as the story of the development of ideas about how money works.
Mehrling Publishes New Book: “Money and Empire“
In his latest book, Professor Mehrling traces the evolution of Charles Kindleberger’s thinking in the context of a ‘key-currency’ approach to the rise of the dollar system, here revealed as the indispensable framework for global economic development since World War II.
Mehrling Explores History of and Challenges Facing International Dollar System
Professor Mehrling and host Demetri Kofinas aim to help deepen the understanding of a financial system that has proven to be far more resilient than many of its critics and most ardent supporters could have possibly imagined.
Mehrling Debates Rise of “Bretton Woods 3.0” and Future of the Dollar
While Zoltan Pozar argues that the global financial system is more and more fractured, Mehrling – drawing on the findings of his forthcoming book – argues that the United States dollar remains a unifying element of global economics despite current crises.
Gallagher and Mehrling Speak at UNCTAD YSI Summer School
Professors Mehrling and Gallagher joined UNCTAD experts, academics, diplomats, and young scholars from across the globe for lively and stimulating intellectual debates on the challenges and opportunities of a new international economic order.
Mehrling Discusses Cryptocurrency and Contemporary Monetary Landscape
Professor Mehrling discusses how an understanding of what he calls the “hierarchy of money” can help us understand the cryptocurrency crash of 2022.
Mehrling Publishes Policy Brief on International Liquidity Provision
Professor Mehrling argues the international system is tiered, one that is a global dollar system, with the Fed operating as the de facto global central bank providing international lender of last resort support to the system.
Mehrling Writes on Imaging the ‘After Coronavirus’ (AC) Economy
Perry Mehrling argues that in the short-run, the COVID-19 crisis as well as its recovery will be highly differentiated.
Mehrling Explains the ‘Historic Crisis’ to Bloomberg’s Odd Lots
Perry Mehrling talks to the popular podcast Odd Lots to explain the ‘Money View’ on the financial outfall of the COVID-19 cirisis. This one is truly ‘historic.’
Mehrling Writes on Money and Pandemics
Prof. Mehrling writes on money and pandemics and suggests that we may be looking at “a process of reconstruction analogous to the aftermath of war.”
Mehrling Publishes INET Working Paper on “The Law of Reflux for Today”
Perry Mehrling publishes INET Working Paper on the modern condition of financial globalization and market-based credit.
Mehrling Gives the ‘Money View’ to Bloomberg’s Odd Lots Podcast
Prof. Perry Mehrling interviewed on his ‘Men View’ to global financial systems in the Odd Lots podcast on Bloomberg.
Mehrling Interviewed in Bloomberg on Repo Market
Prof. Perry Mehrling discusses the recent trouble the overnight repurchase agreement, or “repo,” market, has experienced.
Mehrling Speaks at GDP Center GEGI Seminar Series
Prof. Perry Mehrling delivered a talk entitled “Money Is Enough? A Kindlebergian Perspective on the International Order.”
Mehrling Interviewed on Global Currency System
Prof. Perry Mehrling was recently interviewed on the basics of the money view and its relationship with economics and finance.