Slobodian Challenges Conventional Views on Globalization in Recent Feature
In a recent Bloomberg Markets article titled “Everything You Thought About Free Trade Is Wrong,” Professor of International History, Quinn Slobodian was featured for his critical examination of globalization. The article explores Slobodian’s latest book, “Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy,” challenging the prevailing narrative of free trade’s success….
Heine Analyzes China’s Economic Slowdown
Jorge Heine, featured in Latin American Advisor, analyzed China’s economic slowdown, revealing challenges and opportunities for the region in the face of declining growth.
Heine Deciphers Mixed Signals on China from President-Elect Javier Milei
Ambassador Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, was prominently featured in a recent article on Agencia EFE, discussing newly elected President Javier Milei’s equivocating stance on the economic and diplomatic relationship…
Heine Discusses Chinese Investment in Latin America
On September 8, 2023, Amb. Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future shared his insights on the state of Chinese investment in Latin America. His commentary was featured in the Latin America…
Mehrling Offers Insight on the Life of Charles Kindleberger & Global Dollar System
Professor Mehrling discusses the findings of his latest book, why Charles P. Kindleberger thought the world needed a “key currency,” how the United States Federal Reserve grew to support the dollar as it took on that role, as well as why the dollar system has proved so resilient.
Mehrling Expounds Findings of Latest Book on INET Podcast
Professor Mehrling joined Robert Johnson, President of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), to discuss the conception of his book project, why he chose to use economist Charles Kindleberger’s life as a lens to explore the global dollar system, as well as how he helped shape that emerging system.
Mehrling Paper Explores Rise of the Global Dollar System
“Things are going to break (are in fact already breaking) and central banks are going to have to respond, but the mental frame that most people will be (are in fact) using is not well suited for understanding how the world now works.”
Heine Discusses Economic Impacts of Chile’s Constitutional Vote
Ambassador Heine conveyed that, although the fundamentals of the Chilean economy are sound, it is going through a bad moment with projections indicating it may have negative growth in 2023.
Greenacre Explores Regulatory Challenges Presented by Mobile Money
“Banking has existed for at least 800 years…By contrast, mobile money emerged in 2004, creating a range of risks to users and surrounding economies that we are only just starting to understand and requiring new regulatory tools.”
Schmidt Presents Research on EU’s Economic Ideas on Market and Law
Professor Schmidt examines the resilience of ordo-liberal and neoliberal ideas with regard to Eurozone governance, then considers the impact of such ideas on European economies.
Heine Speaks at Lecture Comparing Asia and Latin America
Heine and fellow experts explored the challenges Asia and Latin America have faced and the different approaches they took that resulted in wildly different outcomes.
Heine Interviewed on China’s National People’s Congress
Ambassador Heine discusses China’s plans to return the national economy to pre-pandemic vibrancy, increase job growth, and reduce emissions.
GDP Center Hosts Book Talk With Frank Ackerman
The GDP Center hosted Frank Ackerman for a talk about his new book Worst-Case Economics: Extreme Events in Climate and Finance.
Pardee School Takes Spring DC Trip
Pack your suitcases – the Pardee School is leading a trip to Washington, DC!
Gallagher in FT: Insufficient Capital Controls
Kevin Gallagher discussed capital flows in a Jan. 27 article in the Financial Times.
Gallagher OpEd on Climate Finance for Latin America
For Latin America to meet its climate change goals, it will need to scale up development finance for low carbon growth, says Gallagher.
Ban Publishes Research Paper in JCMS
Pardee School Professor Cornel Ban published an article in the Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS).
Gallagher in China Daily: Don’t Count China Out in LatAm
Pardee School Professor Kevin Gallagher said that economic slowdown in Latin America doesn’t change China’s priorities.
Min Ye in GB Times: TPP and China
Pardee School Professor Min Ye said that the recently-passed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was marketed by using fears of the economic might of China.
Gallagher in Cipher: China/LatAm ‘Win Win’
Pardee School Professor Kevin Gallagher said that common interests made closer relations between China and Latin America a ‘win-win’ situation.