Vol. 6
Charles Martin translates Ovid: Selections from the Metamorphoses
Paul Barolsky: Florentine Metamorphoses of Ovid
David Ferry translates Virgil: Eclogue II
Marianne McDonald: Violent Words: Brian Friel’s Living Quarters: after Hippolytus
T.K. Hubbard: Popular Perceptions of Elite Homosexuality in Classical Athens
Peter Green translates Catullus: Three for Aurelius
Paul Oppenheimer: The Dream of Anachronism in Goethe’s Roman Elegies
Peter Green translates C.P. Cavafy: Young Men of Sidon
Jascha Kessler: Mentor
David Braund reviews: Black Sea by Neal Ascherson
Maria Wyke reviews: Classics and Cinema, edited by Martin M. Winkler
Victor Davis Hanson reviews: Compromising Traditions, edited by Judith P. Hallett and Thomas Van Nortwick
David Ferry translates Virgil: Eclogue X
Paul Barolsky: Poussin’s Ovidian Stoicism
Margaret Malamud: As the Romans Did? Theming Ancient Rome on Contemporary Las Vegas
Amelia Arenas: Plato and Rauschenberg in Bed
John Peck: From Nova Cantica
Peter Green: The Muses’ Birdcage, Then and Now: Cameron on Apollonios Rhodios
Stephen Berg: From The Vote
Francis Blessington: Paradise Lost and the Apotheosis of the Suppliant
Erik Gray: Tennyson, Virgil, and the Death of Christmas
Charles Martin translates Ovid: Medea
Peter Green reviews: In the footsteps of Alexander the Great: A Journey from Greece to Asia by Michael Wood
John Heath reviews: Literature Lost: Social Agendas and the Corruption of the Humanities by John M. Ellis
Bruce Thornton reviews: Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education by Martha Nussbaum
George Santayana: The Human Scale
Rachel Hadas: Greece in the Work of James Merill and Two Poems
Paul Barolsky: Andromeda’s Tears
Mark Rudman: Trio: Perseus Surprised, Andromeda Unbound; Deceptive Practicality: The Change Seminars
Sara Mack: Acis and Galatea or Metamorphosis of Tradition
Charles Martin translates Ovid: From Metamorphoses 7
Who Killed Homer? Three Views and a Reply
Steven J. Willett: Can Classicists “Think Like the Greeks”?
Charles Martindale: Did He Die, or Was He Pushed?
Peter Green: Mandarins and Iconoclasts
Victor Davis Hanson and John Heath: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Alan Ansen reviews: The Odes of Horace, translated by David Ferry
Michael C.J.Putnam reviews: Roman Epic, edited by A. J. Boyle and The Epic Successors of Virgil by Philip Hardie
Peter Green reviews: The Classical Novels: The Macedonian, Scenes from the Life of Cleopatra by Mary Butts, A Sacred Quest: The Life and Writings of Mary Butts, edited by Christopher Wagstaff, and Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life by Nathalie Blondel