Vol. 24
Theodore Ziolkowski: Robert Frost in Roman Mode
Anna Jackson: Reading Virgil, the First Eclogue, On a Salary
Casey Dué: The Politics of Song and Dance in Lysistrata and Chi-raq
Karen Simons: Reading Virgil in the Cariboo
Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr.: Historical Greece and European Myths
Marianne McDonald: James Joyce, Portrait and Still Life
Len Krisak: Three translations
Gordon Braden: Epic Annoyance, Homer to Palladas
Kimberly Johnson translates Hesiod: Works and Days
Spencer Hawkins: Rhetoric of Reputation: Protagoras’ Statement, Snoop Doggy Dogg’s Flow
Eric Adler: The Closing of the American Classics Department
Richard Finn reviews: Moral Conscience Through the Ages by Richard Sorabji
Charles Rowan Beye reviews: War Music by Christopher Logue
Arion 24.2 Fall 2016
Boris Johnson: Voting for Classical Greece
Mary Bergstein: Palmyra and Palmyra
David Podgurski: Red-Haired Atreides Speaks to Telemachus
Johan Tralau: The Justice of the Chimaira
Robert Lloyd Mitchell: On Poetry in Plato’s Republic
Josephine Balmer: Blot
Stephen Eide and Keith Whitaker: A Philosopher and a Gentleman
Claudia Zatta: Plants’ Interconnected Lives
M.D. Usher: Out of Shakespeare: A Villanelle
Fred Licht: L’Appassionata: An American Story
Paul Barlosky reviews: Unfinished: Thoughts Made Visible by Kelly Baum et al.
J. Michael Walton reviews: Aristophanes and His Tragic Muse by Stephanie Nelson
Helaine L. Smith reviews: Phaedra(s) of Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe
Arion 24.3 Winter 2017
Herbert Golder: Her Infinitive Variety
Rachel Hadas: Four Poems
Paul Barolsky: A Picture Is Not a Poem
Andrea Nightingale: Cave Myths and the Metaphysics of Light
Brian Sneeden translates Phoebe Giannisi: Two Poems
Harold Keller: Iliad drawings
Patrick O’Donnell: Two Poems
Raymond Geuss: Nietzsche’s Philosophical Ethnology
Theodore Ziolkowski: Propertius and the Outsiders
Fred Licht: Inadvertent Beginnings
J. Michael Walton reviews: Lost Plays and Neglected Authors by Matthew Wright
M. D. Usher reviews: Hesiod’s Theogony by Stephen Scully
Douglas Young: A Problem in Egypto-Canadian Cultural Relations