Vol. 27
Arion 27.1 Spring/Summer 2019
John Shoptaw: Woah!
Kathleen Riley: Little Eternities: Henry James’s Horation Sense of Time
Deborah Warren: Five Poems
Gordon Braden: Francis Bacon Translates from the Greek Anthology
Avi Sharon translates Nicolas Calas: Seven Poems
James Tatum: Iago’s Roman Ancestors
Amit Majmudar: Five Poems
M. D. Usher: Classics and complexity in Walden’s “Spring”
Caleb M. X. Dance translates Ovid: Note From a Narcissist (Amores I.II)
Lincoln Perry: An Epiphany in Munich
Steven J. Willett translates Giacomo Leopardi: Canti VI, Bruto Minore
David Cast reviews: Classical Art: A Life History from Antiquity to Present by Caroline Vout
Helaine L. Smith reviews: Like: Poems by A. E Stallings
Arion 27.2 Fall 2019
David Gomes Cásseres: After the War
Fred Licht: A Milanese Quartet
Stephen Orgel: The Reform of Poetry in Elizabethan England
Brooke Clark: The Arrows of Apollo
W. Robert Connor: Women Poets and the Origin of the Greek Hexameter
Daniel Galef: Two Sonnets
Richard McKim translates Parmenides: The Road to Reality
Benjamin Haller: Kykilkoi Logoi
Anna Jackson translates Catullus: Attis at Large
Josephine Balmer: Two Poems
Louis A. Ruprecht Jr.: A Retrospective Appreciation of Anne Carson’s Eros the Bittersweet
Paul Barolsky reviews: Ovidio, amori, miti e altre storie, ed. Francesca Ghedini et al.
Arion 27.3 Winter 2020
A.M. Juster translates Lactantius: On a Bird, the Phoenix
Alex D. Karenowska: On the Archaeology of Science in the Science of Archaeology
Carol L. Dougherty: Why Aphrodite Has That Turtle on Her Foot
Parker Thomas translates Horace: Two Odes
John G.S. Hanson: Latin in New England Graveyards
Peter Aicher: Aqueduct Display Fountains in Rome and the USA
Derek Mong: Three Poems
Avi Sharon: Henry Miller and Lawrence Durrell, Men of the Karaghiozi Breed
Jane Blanchard: Three Lyrics
Froma Zeitlin: Return to the Land of the Sun: In Homage to J.-P. Vernant
Lawrence Dugan: What Happened in the House of Zachary
Helaine L. Smith reviews: The Bacchae as Staged by the Classical Theatre of Harlem