Vol. 11

Arion 11.1 Spring/Summer 2003cover 11.1

Raymond Geuss: Poetry and Knowledge
Rainer Friedrich: Theorese and Science Envy in the Humanities
Steven J. Willett translates Giacomo Leopardi: Ultimo Canto di Saffo
Oleg Kreymer and Kate Wilkinson translate Aleksei Fedorovich Losev: Twelve Theses on Antique Culture
Graham Smith: Photographs of Classical Art in the Writings of E. M. Forster
Stephen Halliwell: Nietzsche’s “Daimonic Force” of Tragedy and Its Ancient Traces
Mary Louise Hart, Oliver Taplin, Sir Peter Hall, Peter Sellars, Peter Stein, and Lydia Koniordou: Ancient Greek Tragedy on the Stage

Arion 11.2 Fall 2003cover 11.2

Richard Seaford: Dionysos, Money, and Drama
Blaise D. Staples: Graeco-Roman Ruins in the New World
Teresa Iverson translates Gottfried Benn: Two Poems
Paul Barolsky: Ovid’s Web
Mark Rudman: Cutting Edge Production: Medea (November 2003)
Robert Shorrock: Roberto Calasso and The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
Charles L. Griswold, Jr.: Plato on Reconciliation with Imperfection
Fiona Macintosh reviews: Irish Versions of Greek Tragedy edited by Marianne McDonald and J. Michael Walton
John Talbot reviews: Horace, The Odes: New Translations by Contemporary Poets edited by J. D. McClatchy
Glenn W. Most: Poetry, Knowledge, and Dr. Geuss

Arion 11.3 Winter 2004cover 11.3

Camille Paglia: Word and Picture in a Media Age
Nicholas Kilmer: A Cherry Tree By The River
C.W. Marshall: Alcestis and the Ancient Rehearsal Process (P. Oxy. 4546)
Avi Sharon: Finding Tradition Through Translation Among Seferis, Eliot, and Keats
Dallas Crow: Antigone in Her Tomb
Michele Valerie Ronnick: Twelve Black Classicists
Susan McLean: Lesbia Replies
Mary Maxwell reviews: The Mourning Voice: An Essay on Greek Tragedy by Nicole Loraux and Gender and the City in Euripides’ Political Plays by Daniel Mendelsohn
Robert Eisner reviews: Sing Sorrow: Classics, History, and Heroines in Opera by Marianne McDonald
Barry Strauss reviews: Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos by Robert D. Kaplan
Charles Handy reviews: A Company of Citizens: What the World’s First Democracy Teaches Leaders about Creating Great Organizations by Brook Manville and Josiah Ober
Raymond Geuss: Plato, Romanticism, and Thereafter