Arion’s Contributors

Eric Adler
The Closing of the American Classics Department (24.1)

Peter Aicher
Herodotus and the Vulnerability Ethic in Ancient Greece (21.2)
New York’s Democratic Aqueduct: Old Croton and Rome (26.2)
Aqueduct Display Fountains in Rome and the USA (27.3)
Review of Antiquity in Gotham by Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis (29.2)

Jane Alison
Ancient Narrative Now (23.2)

Robert Alter
Review of Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson by Camille Paglia (1.3)

Ben F. S. Altshuler
Shedding New Light on Ancient Objects, with Thomas Mannack (22.1)

George Altshuler
A Vexed Pharmacopeia, with Roger Michel, Alex Karenowska, and Matthew Cobb (28.1)

Michael Andrews
Translation of Archilochus: Poems (18.3)
The Shield and the Lyre: Archilochian Inspirations (19.2)

Alan Ansen
Review of The Odes of Horace, translated by David Ferry (6.3)

Richard Apostol
Django Unchained, Terence’s Eunuchus, and the Role of Roman Slavery in the American Imagination (23.1)

Joan Mut Arbós
On the Importance of the Classical Sources for Gérôme’s Circus Maximus (30.3)

Amelia Arenas
Plato and Rauschenberg in Bed (6.2)
The Boxer (7.1)
Popcorn and Circus: Gladiator and the Spectacle of Virtue (9.1)
Broken: The Venus de Milo (9.3)
Watching Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ (12.1)
Translation of Augustine: Quid Autem Amo (16.2)
Translation of Hippocrates’ Oath (17.3)
Antinous’ Lips: A Note on the Slippery Matter of Realism in Portraiture (19.1)
Translations from Catullus (20.2)
Sex, Violence, and Faith: The Art of Caravaggio (23.3)

Simon Armitage
“I Speak As Someone . . .” (28.3)

William Arrowsmith
Editions of The Classical Writings of John Jay Chapman: (2.2-3)
Greek as a Pleasure
Chapman: A Sampling of Letters and Obiter Dicta
Euripides and the Greek Genius
The Shame of the Graduate Schools: A Plea for a New American Scholar (2.2-3)
The Future of Teaching (2.2-3)
Turbulence in the Humanities (2.2-3)
The Heroic Voice–Letters to Stephen Berg (2.2-3)
Letter from Rome (2.2-3)
The Uses of Paganism (31.1)

Wendy Artin
Palmyra Cover Art (25.1)

Norman Austin
Review of A Commentary on Homer’s Odyssey, vol. I by Alfred Heubeck, Stephanie West, and J. B. Hainsworth (1.2)
Review of Homeric Rhythm: A Philosophical Study by Paolo Vivante (9.1)
The Great Soul Robbery in Sophocles’ Philoktetes (14.2)
Uncanny Homer (16.3)
Review of The Making of the Iliad: Disquisitions and Analytical Commentary by M. L. West (19.2)
Hellenismos (20.1)
Nausikaa and the Word that Must Not Be Spoken (25.1)
The Goatherd: An Encounter with Virgil’s First Eclogue (25.3)

Helen Bacon
The Chorus in Greek Life and Drama (3.1)

Josephine Balmer
Blot (24.2)
Two Poems (27.2)
Materiality and the Paths of Survival with Elena Theodorakopoulos (32.2)

Ryan K. Balot
Utopian and Post-Utopian Paradigms in Classical Political Thought (16.2)

Paul Barolsky
Florentine Metamorphoses of Ovid (6.1)
Poussin’s Ovidian Stoicism (6.2)
Andromeda’s Tears (6.3)
Review of Art, Desire, and the Body in Ancient Greece by Andrew Stewart (7.1)
Looking at Venus: A Brief History of Erotic Art (7.2)
Review of The Complete Poems of Michelangelo, translated by John Frederick Nims (7.3)
Botticelli’s Primavera and the Poetic Imagination of Italian Renaissance Art (8.2)
Michelangelo: A Version of the Pastoral (10.2)
Ovid’s Colors (10.3)
Ovid’s Web (11.2)
Dante and the Modern Cult of the Artist (12.2)
Ovid, Bernini, and the Art of Petrification (13.2)
Ovid’s Protean Epic of Art (14.3)
Homer and the Poetic Origins of Art History (16.3)
Pygmalion’s Doll, with Eve D’Ambra (17.1)
A Strip Tease and a Predicament: Two Ovidian Moments circa 1600 (17.3)
There is No Such Thing as Narrative Art (18.2)
Giotto’s Fleeing Apostle (18.3)
Philip Marlowe Meets the Art Historian (19.2)
Review of Michelangelo: The Achievement of Fame, 1475-1534 by Michael Hirst (20.1)
The Burlington Magazine and the Death of Vasari’s Lives (20.2)
The Strange Case of Young Michelangelo (21.1)
Dante’s Infernal Fart and the Art of Translation (22.1)
Review of The Classical Tradition: Art, Literature, Thought by Michael Silk, Ingo Gildenhard, and Rosemary Barrow (22.2)
The Interpretation of Art is Never Finished: Some Renaissance Examples (23.2)
Review of Unfinished: Thoughts Made Visible by Kelly Baum et al. (24.2)
A Picture Is Not a Poem (24.3)
The Visionary Architecture of the Pazzi Chapel (25.2)
Review of Michelangelo: Divine Draftsman and Designer by Carmen C. Bambach (25.3)
The Role of Writing in the Interpretation of the Visual Arts (26.1)
Three Ovidian Tales (26.3)
Review of Ovidio, amori, miti e altre storie, ed. Francesca Ghedini et al. (27.2)
The Art of Interpreting Art (28.1)
Reflections on Raphael (28.2)
Review of A Study of Bronzino’s Nano Morgante by Sefy Hendler (28.3)
Ovid and the Art of Metamorphoses at the Met (29.2)
Titian’s Poesie and the Rise of Early Modern European Mythological Painting (29.3)
The Art of Scribbling; Review of Scarabocchio da Leonardo da Vinci a Cy Twombley by Francesca Alberti and Diane H. Bodart (30.2)
Ekphrasis and the Craft of Writing Art History (31.1)
Review of The Artist’s Studio by James Hall (31.2)

Jill Peláez Baumgaertner
Play (30.1)

Louise Beach
Regulus (17.2)

Mary Beard
The Play of Desire: Casting Euripides’ Hippolytus, with John Henderson (4.3)

Roderick Beaton
Translation of George Seferis: Last Stop (13.2)
Translation of George Seferis: Poems (14.1)
Review of The Fall of Troy by Peter Ackroyd (16.1)

Saul Bellow
Psychic Perennial (2.2-3)

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
The Listening Heart: Reflections on the Foundations of Law (19.3)

Martin W. Bennett
Translation of Salvatore Quasimodo: Greek Lyrics (14.3)
Improvisations on Salvatore Quasimodo (19.2)
Translation of Martial: Selected Epigrams (20.2)
Final Voyage: After Pascoli (21.1)
After Martial (26.1)
Translation of Martial: Four Poems on Conviviality (30.1)
Catullus Recurring (31.1) 

Richard D. Benson
Humorously Ironic Homeric Epithets (29.1)

Stephen Berg
From The Vote (6.2)

Mary Bergstein
Palmyra and Palmyra (24.2)

Martin Bernal
Review of The Orientalizing Revolution: Near Eastern Influence on Greek Culture in the Early Archaic Age by Walter Burkert (4.2) 

Ilya Bernstein
L’Ottimo Artista (25.2)
Michelangelo (29.2)
Mythology (29.3) 

Charles Rowan Beye
Review of The Argonautika of Apollonios Rhodios, translated by Peter Green (7.3)
Defining Defending Odysseus (19.3)
Review of Homer, The Iliad, translated by Stephen Mitchell (20.3)
Review of War Music by Christopher Logue (24.1)
A Decade of Teaching Classics in a Mass. Prison (26.3) 

Rachelle Bijou
Ulysses Meets Ulysses (26.1)

Joshua Billings
Oedipus at Colonus and German Idealism (21.1)

Jane Blanchard
Two Poems (25.3)
Three Poems (26.3)
Three Lyrics (27.3)
Rendezvous (29.1)

Francis Blessington
Paradise Lost and the Apotheosis of the Suppliant (6.2)
Dionysos (8.1)
Homeric Simile (13.2)
The Boxer at The Met (22.1)

David Bouvier
The Heritage of Jacqueline de Romilly (19.2)
Art as Weapon, or Murderous Beauty (20.2)

Brendan Boyle
Stodgy Historicism and the Ancient Novel (18.2)

Gordon Braden
Epic Annoyance, Homer to Palladas (24.1)
Francis Bacon Translates from the Greek Anthology (27.1)
Epic Mess: Nonnus to Marino (31.1)

Bracht Branham
Review of Rhetoric by Renato Barilli,  Rhetoric: The Wit of Persuasion by Walter Nash, and In Defence of Rhetoric by Brian Vickers (1.1)

David Braund
Review of Black Sea by Neal Ascherson (6.1)

Susanna Morton Braund
Twenty-first Century Persius, with Sarah Knight, Serena Connolly, Matte Wille, Stephanie Suzanne Spaulding, Chris van den Berg, Isaac Myers, Will Washburn, Brett Foster, Joseph Fouse (9.3)

Ward Briggs
Layered Allusions in Gladiator (15.3)

William Brockliss
Nausikaa (29.3)

Felix Budelmann
Ambiguity and Audience Response, with Laurie Maguire and Ben Teasdale (23.3)

Julia Budenz
From Diary Of Flora Baum (12.3)

Heather Burns
Michelangelo: Four Poems (8.3)

Susana Bustos
Odysseus’ Vision in Hades, with Robert Tindall (22.1)

Shane Butler
The Backward Glance (17.2)
Cicero’s Grief (26.1)

Leslie Cahoon
Review of Ovid: The Love Poems, translated by A. D. Melville, with introduction and notes by E. J. Kenney (2.1)

Claude Calame
From Choral Poetry to Tragic Stasimon: The Enactment of Women’s Song (3.1)
From the Civilization of Prometheus to Genetic Engineering: The Role of Technology and the Uses of Metaphor (13.2)
In Dialogue with Marcel Detienne (32.2)

William M. Calder III
Review of Cretan Quests: British Explorers, Excavators, and Historians edited by Davina Huxley, A Scholars Odyssey by Cyrus H. Gordon, and Minotaur: Sir Arthur Evans and the Archaeology of the Minoan Myth by Joseph Alexander MacGillivray (9.2)

Mary Blaine Campbell
Review of French Odysseys: Greece in French Travel Literature from the Renaissance to the Romantic Era by Olga Augustinos, Travelers to an Antique Land: The History and Literature of Travel to Greece by Robert Eisner, and New Worlds, Ancient Texts: The Power of Tradition and the Shock of Discovery by Anthony Grafton, with April Shelford and Nancy Siraisi (4.2)

Tian Yu Cao
The Habit of Meaning (14.2)

John Carlevale
Education, Phusis, and Freedom in Sophocles’ Philoctetes (8.1)
Translation of Dio Chrysostom: Dog Philosopher Attends the Games (Or. 9) (8.3)
Dionysus Now: Dionysian Myth-History in the Sixties (13.2)

D.S. Carne-Ross
Jocasta’s Divine Head: English with a Foreign Accent (1.1)
Buck Mulligan and Ulysses, with Michelle Valerie Ronnick and Fritz Senn (2.1)
The Bravery of Life (2.2-3)
John Herington, 1924-1997 (5.1)
Two Greek Epigrams (7.2)
Three Pieces from Ariosto (8.3)

David Carrier
Review of Thoughtful Images by Thomas Wartenberg (31.1)

Anne Carson
“Just for the Thrill”: Sycophantizing Aristotle’s Poetics (1.1)
Writing on the World: Simonides, Exactitude, and Paul Celan (4.2)
Contempts (16.3)
Cy Twombly: A Rustle of Catullus (30.3)

Paul Cartledge
Review of Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History by Sarah B. Pomeroy et al. (7.2)
“Marathon-Lost! What if…” (18.3)

Joseph Cary
Translating Montale (9.2)

David Gomes Cásseres
Athena (21.3)
Penelope (22.3)
After the War (27.2) 

David Cast
Review of Classical Art: A Life History from Antiquity to Present by Caroline Vout (27.1)

Keyne Cheshire
Between Daughter and Father (18.3)

Chris Childers
Translation and introduction of Pindar: Two Odes (21.2)

Brooke Clark
Eight Epigrams from The Greek Anthology (23.1)
The Arrows of Apollo (27.2) 

Diskin Clay
William Ayers Arrowsmith: The Years at Johns Hopkins (2.2-3)
Translation of George Seferis: On the Yellow Thistles (4.2)
Review of The Shade of Homer: A Study in Modern Greek Poetry by David Ricks (4.2)
Translation of George Seferis: Delphi (12.3)
Greek Poets and Strangers: A Memoir (18.3)
Phaedrus on the Lido: Tod in Venedig (21.1)
Translation of Heinrich Heine: From the Gods in Exile (21.1)
Dante’s Parnassus: and Raphael’s Parnaso (22.2)
Athena, Daphne (23.2)

Jenny Strauss Clay
Review of From a Sabine Jar by Lowell Edmunds (3.2-3)
Traversing No-Man’s Land (29.2)

Barbara Clayton
In Search of the Odyssey in Alice Oswald’s Nobody (32.1)

Matthew Cobb
A Vexed Pharmacopeia, with Roger Michel, Alex Karenowska, and George Altshuller (28.1)

Steven J. Cody
Rubens and the “Smell of Stone”: The Translation of the Antique and the Emulation of Michelangelo (20.3)
Andrea del Sarto’s Noli Me Tangere (26.2)

James Como
The Salon: Restoring Conversation (22.1)
Rhetoric Renascent: Why Shakespeare Went to School (23.2)

Tim Conley
Review of Time and Identity in Ulysses and the Odyssey by Stephanie Nelson (31.2)

Robert Connor
When Hyperbole Enters Politics (26.3)
Women Poets and the Origin of the Greek Hexameter (27.2)
Unmasking the Maxim (28.3)

Catherine Connors
Review of Geographies of Myth and Places of Identity by Marco Benoît Carbone (30.3)

Maryann Corbett
Translation of Christine di Pizan: Cent Ballades (30.3)

Tony Cousins
Two Poems (31.2)

Elias Crim
Trimalchio’s T.A. (2.2-3)

Kevin Crotty
Review of Pindar’s Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past by Gregory Nagy (1.3)

Dallas Crow
Antigone in Her Tomb (11.3)

Eve D’Ambra
Pygmalion’s Doll, with Paul Barolsky (17.1)

Caleb M. X. Dance
Translation of Ovid: Note From a Narcissist (Amores I.II) (27.1)

Guy Davenport
Fragments from a Correspondence edited by Nicholas Kilmer (13.3)

Luc Deitz
Review of Commerce with the Classics: Ancient Books and Renaissance Readers by Anthony Grafton (9.3)

Will D. Desmond
The Five Paragraph Essay (23.2)

Marcel Detienne
This Is Where I Intend To Build A Glorious Temple (4.3)
Experimenting in the Field of Polytheisms, translated by Janet Lloyd (7.1)
From Practices of Assembly to the Forms of Politics: A Comparative Approach (7.3)
History and Nation (8.3)
The Art of Founding Autochthony: Thebes, Athens, and Old-Stock French, translated by Elizabeth Jones (9.1)
Being Born Impure in the City of Cadmus and Oedipus (10.3)
The Gods of Politics in Early Greek Cities, translated by Janet Lloyd (12.2)
Anthropology and Classics (13.1)
Doing Comparative Anthropology in the Field of Politics, translated by Janet Lloyd (13.3)
So What Is the Sex of Mythology?, translated by Janet Lloyd (15.3)
The Metamorphoses of Autochthony in the Days of National Identity, translated by Janet Lloyd (16.1)
Historical Anthropology? Comparative Anthropology?, translated by Janet Lloyd (17.1)
Pour Jean-Pierre Vernant: En profonde amitié (17.2)
On Efficacy in Practical Reason: Comparative Approaches: Greece-China, a Well-Timed Round-Trip, translated by Meredith Peters (20.1)

Marcus C. De Vaca
Mycenae (17.1)

S. Di Piero
Different Tones (2.2-3)

U.S. Dhuga
An Achaean Suitor (12.2)

Elena Dimov
Translation of Maria Rybakova: From Gnedich I (20.3)
Translation of Maria Rybakova: From Gnedich II (21.1)

Walter Donlan
Review of Homer and the Sacred City by Stephen Scully (5.1) 

Carol L. Dougherty
Why Aphrodite Has That Turtle on Her Foot (27.3) 

Stamatia Dova
Review of Winthropos by George Kalogeris (29.3)

Adam L. Dressler
Two Poems (16.1) 

Casey Dué
The Politics of Song and Dance in Lysistrata and Chi-raq (24.1) 

Basil Dufallo
Optimism beyond Political Crisis in Pliny and Tacitus (32.2)

Lawrence Dugan
Tim’s Ajax (17.2)
The Allegory of the Waterworks (18.2)
Two Poems (20.3)
Four Poems (22.3)
Three Poems (23.3)
Two Poems (25.1)
What Happened in the House of Zachary (27.3)
Hurricane Gloria (28.2)
Three poems (29.2)
To Phoebe (31.1)

P.E. Easterling
George Eliot and Greek Tragedy (1.2)

Lowell Edmunds
Review of The Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry: Studies in Ancient Thought by Stanley Rosen (1.1)
Review of Writing Space by Jay David Bolter, Perseus 1.0, edited by Gregory Crane; and HyperMyth 3.3 by Randy Stewart (3.2-3)

Stephen Eide
A Philosopher and a Gentleman, with Keith Whitaker (24.2)

Robert Eisner
Review of Sing Sorrow: Classics, History, and Heroines in Opera by Marianne McDonald (11.3)
The Happy Couple (12.1)
Review of Greek Gods, Human Lives: What We Can Learn from the Myths by Mary Lefkowitz and The Writings of Orpheus: Greek Myth in a Cultural Context by Marcel Detienne (12.2)

Max Roland Ekstrom
“Briseis Mourns Achilles” (30.2)

Robert Eldridge
Review of Love’s Knowledge: Essays on Philosophy and Literature by Martha C. Nussbaum (2.1) 

Alistair Elliot
Translation of Horace: A Journey to Brindisi in 37 B.C., Satire I.5 (1.1)
Cornelia (1.2)
Translation of Juvenal: Big Fish (Juvenal IV) (3.2-3)
Translation of Juvenal: Satire XI (18.3)
Translation of Horace: Satires II.8 (20.1)
Aeneas (20.3)
Translation of Martial: Epigram 10.63 (23.3)

Karen Emmerich
Review of C.P. Cavafy, The Unfinished Poems: The first English translation, with introduction and commentary by Daniel Mendelsohn (17.3)

Stephen Esposito
The Changing Roles of the Sophoclean Chorus (4.1)

David Faldet
Menage (21.3)

Alan Farrell
Cortez in Darien (4.2)
Review of Odysseus in America by Jonathan Shay (12.1)

G.R.F. Ferrari
Strauss’ Plato (5.2)

David Ferry
Translation of Prayer to the Gods of the Night (1.1)
Gilgamesh: Tablets X and XI (1.3)
Translation of Horace: Four (3.2, 3.3)
Translation of Horace: Four Epistles (5.3)
Translation of Virgil: Eclogue II (6.1)
Translation of Virgil: Eclogue X (6.2)
Translation of Horace: The Art of Poetry: Notes for Aspiring Poets and Playwrights (7.2)
Translation of Horace: To Augustus (Epistle 2.1) (8.2)
Translation of Virgil: From the First Georgic (10.3)
Translation of Vergil: Aeneid vi.679-751 (25.1)

Ian Fielding
Roberto Bolaño Harasses Horace (25.1)

Richard Finn
Review of Moral Conscience Through the Ages by Richard Sorabji (24.1)

M.J. Fitzgerald
The Odyssey’s Slow Movement (30.1)
Meandering with Byblis (31.1)

Helene P. Foley
Review of The Life and Loves of Edith Hamilton by Victoria Houseman (31.3)

Andrew Ford
Review of Unity in Greek Poetics by Malcolm Heath (1.3)

Brett Foster
Three Poems (20.3)

William Franke
Translation of Damascius: Of the Ineffable: Aporetics of the Notion of an Absolute Principle (12.1)
The Aeneid’s Invention of Poetic Prophecy (19.1)

John Fraser
Translation of Marie-Jeanne Durry: Orpheus’ Plea (“Prière d’Orphée”) (19.3)

Ken Frieden
Review of The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary by Robert Alter

Rachel D. Friedman
Herodotus and The English Patient (15.3) 

Rainer Friedrich
Dionysus among the Dons: The New Ritualism in Richard Seaford’s Commentary on the Bacchae (7.3)
A Riposte to Seaford on the New Ritualism (9.1)
“Flaubertian Homer”: The Phrase Juste In Homeric Diction (10.2)
Theorese and Science Envy in the Humanities (11.1)
The Enlightenment Gone Mad (I) The Dismal Discourse of Postmodernism’s Grand Narratives (19.3)
The Enlightenment Gone Mad (II) The Dismal Discourse of Postmodernism’s Grand Narratives (20.1) 

Athol Fugard
Jason—The End (15.1) 

Daniel Galef
Two Sonnets (27.2)
Two Sonnets (28.1)

Karl Galinsky
Review of Fighting for Rome by John Henderson (7.1)
Review of Virgil’s Experience: Nature and History, Times, Names, and Places by Richard Jenkyns (9.1)
Review of Virgil and the Augustan Reception by Richard F. Thomas (10.3)

Mary-Kay Gamel
Review of Orestes: A Tragic Romp, translated/adapted by Anne Washburn, directed by Aaron Posner; Folger Theater, and Orestes, translated by Marianne McDonald and J. Michael Walton, directed by Douglas Lay; The Theatre, Inc., San Diego. (18.1)

Robert Garland
Review of Thesê et l’imaginaire Athênien: Lêgende et culte en Grèce antique by Claude Calame (5.2)

Daniel Garrison
The Locus Inamoenus: Another Part of the Forest (2.1)

Peter Gay
Review of Electra After Freud: Myth and Culture by Jill Scott (14.1)

Vincent Genin
Marcel Detienne, A Young Man of Long Ago (32.2)

Zhenya Gershman
Rembrandt: The “I” Witness (19.2)
Rembrandt: Turn of the Key (21.3)

Kyle Gervais
What Virgil Should Have Said (28.2)
Translation of Ovid: Cupid’s Laugh (Amores 1.1) (30.1)

Raymond Geuss
Poems and Adaptations (7.2)
Virtue and the Good Life (8.1)
Shamelessness, Spirituality, and the Common Good (8.3)
Happiness and Politics (10.1)
Poetry and Knowledge (11.1)
Plato, Romanticism, and Thereafter (11.3)
Adorno’s Gaps (12.2)
Richard Rorty at Princeton: Personal Recollections (15.3)
Culture as Ideal and as Boundary (16.1)
Goals, Origins, Disciplines (17.2)
Review of Who Owns Antiquity by James Cuno (18.2)
Did Williams Do Ethics? (19.3)
The Wisdom of Oidipous and the idea of a Moral Cosmos (20.3)
Nietzsche’s Philosophical Ethnology (24.3)
Teaching Nietzsche (25.2)

Richard Hughes Gibson
On Women Englishing Homer (26.3)

Michael Gleason
The Maltese Milkshake (31.3)

Willi Goetschel
Review of Socrates and the Jews: Hellenism and Hebraism from Moses Mendelssohn to Sigmund Freud by Miriam Leonard (21.3)

Herbert Golder
Arion: Defining Space; Defying Category. Editorial Statement (1.1)
Sophocles’ Ajax: Beyond the Shadow of Time (1.1)
On First Looking into Arrowsmith’s Chapman (2.2-3)
Preface (3.1)
The Tragic Chorus and Staging (4.1)
Review of Les Atrides at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, the Oedipus Trilogy, Royal Shakespeare Company, at the Barbican Theater, London, and Medea, at the Almeida Theatre, London / Lonacre Theater, New York (4.1)
Forum, with Oliver Taplin and Bruce Thornton (5.3)
Man Enough (15.2)
The Iliad and The Seven Samurai (17.3)
The Other Marathon (18.3)
The Greek Invention of the Human (18.3)
Unmodern Observations (20.2)
Further Unmodern Observations (23.1)
Her Infinitive Variety (24.3)
On Reflection: Where Light Comes to Light (29.1)
In My End Is My Beginning; Review of Ajax, National Theater of Greece, by Argyris Xafis (30.2)
Rebel with a Curse (31.1)
Translation of Euripides’ Cyclops (32.1)
Pensées Sauvages, Why Not? (32.2)

Simon Goldhill
Review of Sophocles’ Oedipus: Evidence and Self-Conviction by Frederic Ahl, Oedipus and the Fabrication of the Father: Oedipus Tyrannus in Modern Criticism and Philosophy by Pietro Pucci, and Oedipus Tyrannus: Tragic Heroism and the Limits of Knowledge by Charles Segal (4.2)
Freud, Archaeology, and Egypt (28.3)

Anthony Grafton
Martin Bernal and His Critics, with Suzanne Marchand (5.2)

Jack Granath
Character is Fate (30.3)

Paul Graves
Translation of Aleksandr Kushner: From Apollo in the Snow, As Catullus Wrote…, with Carol Ueland (1.2)

Erik Gray
Tennyson, Virgil, and the Death of Christmas (6.2)

C.M.C. Green
The Slayer and the King: Rex Nemorensis and the Sanctuary of Diana (7.3)

Peter Green
Myth, Tradition, and Ideology in the Greek Literary Revival: The Paradoxical Case of Yannis Ritsos (4.2)
Translation of Apollonius of Rhodes: Jason in Lemnos (Argonautica I.774-887) (4.3)
Homer for the Kiddies (5.3)
Translation of C.P. Cavafy: Young Men of Sidon (6.1)
Translation of Catullus: Three for Aurelius (6.1)
The Muses’ Birdcage, Then and Now: Cameron on Apollonios Rhodios (6.2)
Review of In the footsteps of Alexander the Great: A Journey from Greece to Asia by Michael Wood (6.2)
Mandarins and Iconoclasts (6.3)
Review of The Classical Novels: The Macedonian, Scenes from the Life of Cleopatra by Mary Butts, A Sacred Quest: The Life and Writings of Mary Butts, edited by Christopher Wagstaff, and Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life by Nathalie Blondel (6.3)
Lerna and Other Poems (7.1)
Translation of Diodorus Siculus: The Sicilian Expedition: The Fate of the Athenians Debated (7.2)
Review of The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization, A PBS Empires Special; Companion volume: The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization by Paul Cartledge (8.1)
Translation of C.P. Cavafy: The City (8.3)
Ikaria (9.1)
Translation of Ovid: Ibis (9.3)
Translation of C. P. Cavafy: The Satrapy (10.1)
Review of Troy, directed by Wolfgang Pertersen (12.1)
Early Travellers to Lesbos (13.2)
Cleopatra: The Sphinx Revisited (14.1)
Translation of A Hellenistic Garland (14.3)
The Essential Nature of the Delphic Oracle (17.2)
From Mirrors are Lonely I (20.1)
From Mirrors are Lonely II (20.2)
Translation of Homer: Iliad 24 (22.3)

John Griffin
Translation of Nonnus: Proem to Dionysiaca 1 (31.1)
Translation of Boethius: Consolatio Philosophiae 1.1-1.3 (31.3)

Charles L. Griswold, Jr.
Plato on Reconciliation with Imperfection (11.2)

Erich S. Gruen
Review of Rome and Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations by Martin Goodman (17.1)

Constanze Güthenke
Review of Caesar in the USA by Maria Wyke (21.3)

Rachel Hadas
Translation of Tibullus: 1.2, 1.6, 1.10 (2.1)
Review of Archaic Greek Poetry: An Anthology by Barbara Hughs Fowler, and Sappho’s Lyre: Archaic Lyric and Women Poets of Ancient Greece by Diane J. Rayor (4.3)
Helen Variations (5.2)
Greece in the Work of James Merill and Two Poems (6.3)
Change is the Stranger (7.3)
Review of The Poets’ Dante: Twentieth Century Responses, edited by Peter S. Hawkins and Rachel Jacoff (9.3)
Three Roads (12.1)
Boy Heroes in the Sea (12.3)
Peripheral Vision (13.2)
Three Poems (14.1)
Two Poems (15.1)
Four Poems (24.3)

Adele Haft
“The Mercurial Significance of Raiding”: Baby Hermes and Animal Theft in Contemporary Crete (4.2) 

Carolin Hahnemann
An Exploration of Alice Oswald’s Memorial (22.1)

S.J. Hales
Re-Casting Antiquity: Pompeii and the Crystal Palace (14.1) 

Edith Hall
Tony Harrison’s Prometheus: A View from the Left (10.1)
Towards a Theory of Performance Reception (12.1)
Classics, Class, and Cloaca: Harrison’s Humane Coprology (15.2)

Sir Peter Hall
Ancient Greek Tragedy on the Stage, with Mary Louise Hart, Peter Sellars, Peter Stein, and Lydia Koniordou (11.1)

Benjamin Haller
Kykilkoi Logoi (27.2)

Stephen Halliwell
Review of The Poet’s Voice: Essays on Poetics and Greek Literature by Simon Goldhill (7.1)
Review of Aristotle: Poetics, translated and with a commentary by George Whalley (8.1)
Review of The Origins of Criticism: Literary Culture and Poetic Theory in Classical Greece by Andrew Ford (10.3)
Nietzsche’s “Daimonic Force” of Tragedy and Its Ancient Traces (11.1)
Greek Laughter and the Problem of the Absurd (13.2) 

John Eric Hamel
Spring Fishing Song, Prehistoric Paros (28.3)

Charles Handy
Review of A Company of Citizens: What the World’s First Democracy Teaches Leaders about Creating Great Organizations by Brook Manville and Josiah Ober (11.3)

John G.S. Hanson
Latin in New England Graveyards (27.3)

Victor Davis Hanson
Who Killed Homer?, with John Heath (5.2)
Review of Compromising Traditions, edited by Judith P. Hallett and Thomas Van Nortwick (6.1)
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, with John Heath (6.3)
A Reply to Steven Willett’s review of Carnage and Culture (10.2)

Philip Hardie
Review of English Humanism and Reception of Virgil by Matthew Day (31.3)

Lorna Hardwick
Review of Found in Translation: Greek Drama in English by J. Michael Walton (15.3)

Rob Hardy
R.C. Sherriff and the Excavation of Angmering Roman Villa (26.2)

Jessica Harman
Let’s Kiss Like They Do in the Movies (17.3)

Joseph Harrison
Three Horatian Epistles (20.2)

Stephen Harrison
Review of Preposterous Virgil by Juan Christian Pellicer (32.1)

Tony Harrison     
The Kaisers of Carnuntum (3.2-3)
The Labourers of Herakles (4.1)
Verses from The Trojan Women (5.1)
The Tears and the Trumpets (9.2)
Egil & Eagle Bark (9.3)
Reading the Rolls: An Arse Verse (12.1)
Translation of Euripides: From Hecuba (13.1)
Essays For His Seventieth (15.2)
The Inky Digit of Defiance (17.3) 

Stephe Harrop
Review of Grounded by George Brant (23.1)
Euripides and the Politics of Form by Victoria Wohl (23.3)

Carol Hart
Four Poems (31.3)

Mary Louise Hart
Ancient Greek Tragedy on the Stage, with Oliver Taplin, Sir Peter Hall, Peter Sellars, Peter Steinand Lydia Koniordou (11.1) 

Katie Hartsock
Two Poems (23.2)
I Listen Like Nausicaa to NPR (26.3)

Greta Hawes
Herakles the Colonist and the Labours of Marian Maguire (23.2)

Peter S. Hawkins
Review of Dante’s Commedia by Sandow Birk and Marcus Sanders (13.1)

Spencer Hawkins
Rhetoric of Reputation: Protagoras’ Statement, Snoop Doggy Dogg’s Flow (24.1)

Kenneth Haynes 
Review of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Ancient Near East, Eric M. Myers, editor-in-chief (8.2)

Timothy Healy
A Genius for Friendship (2.2-3)

Seamus Heaney
Excerpts from The Cure at Troy (1.2)

Robert Heard
Two Poems (30.1)

John Heath
Who Killed Homer?, with Victor David Hanson (5.2)
Review of Literature Lost: Social Agendas and the Corruption of the Humanities by John M. Ellis (6.2)
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, with Victor David Hanson (6.3)

Anthony Hecht
Arrowsmith at Colonus (2.2-3)

Jamey Hecht
The Sirens (25.3)

Albert Heinrichs
“Why Should I Dance?”: Choral Self-Referentiality in Greek Tragedy (3.1)

Bruce Heiden
Review of Roman Erotic Elegy: Love, Poetry and the West by Paul Veyne (1.3)

Julia D. Hejduk
Facing the Minotaur: Inception (2010) and Aeneid 6 (19.2)

John Henderson
The Play of Desire: Casting Euripides’ Hippolytus, with Mary Beard (4.3)

C.J. Herrington
The Poem of Herodotus (1.3)

John Herington
William A. Arrowsmith: A Memory (2.2-3)
Litterae Inhumaniores (5.1)

Werner Herzog
On the Absolute, the Sublime, and the Ecstatic Truth (17.3)
On Pope Benedict’s Address to the Bundestag (19.3)

Ernest Hilbert
From High Ashes (32.2)

Geoffrey Hill
Cycle (2.2-3)

Tom Holland
Review of 300 directed by Zack Snyder (15.1)

Alexander Hollmann
Theater of Dionysus (30.1) 

Niklas Holzberg
Lycurgus in Leaflets and Lectures: The Weiße Rose and Classics at Munich University, 1941–1945 (23.1)

Dan Hooley
Review of Elektra: A Play by Ezra Pound and Rudd Fleming edited by Richard Reid (1.2)
Review of The Invisible Satirist: Juvenal and Second-Century Rome by James Uden (23.3)

David Hopkins
Review of Lucy Hutchinson’s Translation of Lucretius, edited by Hugh de Quechen (5.3)

Brooke Horvath
Stag Hunt (21.3)

Thomas K. Hubbard
Nature and Art in the Shield of Achilles (2.1)
Popular Perceptions of Elite Homosexuality in Classical Athens (6.1)
Review of The Collected Works & Commissioned Biography of Edward Perry Warren edited by Michael Matthew Kaylor (22.3) 

Justin Hudak
Cold Copulars: Notes Toward a Horatian Stevens (25.3)
Review of Call Me by Your Name (26.2)

Jefferson Hunter
Praxilla’s List (18.1)

Richard Hunter
Review of Theocritus: Space, Absence, and Desire by William Thalmann (32.1)

Laurie Glenn Hutcheson
Ovid and Michelangelo on the Metamorphoses of the Heliades (30.2)

Teresa Iverson
Translation of Gottfried Benn: Two Poems (11.2)

Anna Jackson
Reading Virgil, the First Eclogue, On a Salary (24.1)
Translation of Catullus: Attis at Large (27.2)

Taryn Janati
Translation of Dmitrii Volchek and Maria Rybakova: From a Svoboda Interview: “Disfigured Achilles” (20.3) 

Richard Jenkyns
Late Antiquity in English Novels of the 19th Century (3.2-3)
Review of Victorian Culture and Classical Antiquity: Art, Opera, Fiction, and the Proclamation of Modernity by Simon Goldhill (20.1)

E.T. Jeremiah
Reading the Classics (19.1)

Boris Johnson
Voting for Classical Greece (24.2)

Karl Johnson
Three Poems: Translation and Imitations (15.2)
Translation of Horace: Time and the City Boy: Odes 1.9 (16.1)
The View from the Zenith (17.3)
Beyond the Crash (20.1)
Translation of Horace: Counting His Blessings (25.1)

Kimberly Johnson
Translation of Virgil: The Plague (13.2)
Translation of Virgil: The Old Corycian (14.1)
Translation of Virgil: Wars and Rumors of War: Georgics 1.461-514 (15.3)
Translation of Hesiod: Works and Days (24.1) 

Marguerite Johnson
Clodia Muses (19.2)
Medea, Fitzgerald Gallery, New York City, 1966 (After Euripides and Bernard Safran) (20.3)
Memories of Erinna (22.1)

P.J. Johnson
Review of Horace’s Carmen Saeculare: Ritual Magic and the Poet’s Art by Michael Putnam (10.2)

Brandon Jones
Review of Cy Twombly: Making Past Present at the MFA, Boston (30.3)
Translation of Vincent Genin: Marcel Detienne, A Young Man of Long Ago (32.2)

Elizabeth Jones
Translation of Horace: Five Odes (8.2)
Translation of Marcel Detienne: The Art of Founding Autochthony: Thebes, Athens, and Old-Stock French (9.1)
Translation of Horace: Beatus Ille (13.2)
Horace: Early Master of Montage (16.3)
Translation of Horace: Quantum distet (Odes 3.19) (16.3)

 J.M. Jordan
Kore in April (29.1)

Timothy Joseph
Review of Classics and Cosmopolitanism in the Thought of W.E.B. Du Bois by David Withun (31.2)

Roger Just
Review of Demons and the Devil: Moral Imagination in Modern Greek Culture by Charles Stewart

A.M. Juster
Translation of Christopher Marlowe: On Manwood (21.3)
Translation of Erasmus: Epitaph for a Drunken Twit (22.2)
Translation of the Elegies of Maximianus: A Selection (23.1)
Translation of Lactantius: On a Bird, the Phoenix (27.3)
Translation of Petrarch: From the Canzoniere (30.1)
From Aristophanes’ Gerytades (well, sort of…) (31.3)

George Kalogeris
Two Poems (22.3)
Six Poems (28.3)
Seven Poems (32.1)

Robert Kaplan
From Thursdays Are Almost Images of Being (32.2)

Alex Karenowska
On the Archaeology of Science in the Science of Archaeology (27.3)
A Vexed Pharmacopeia, with Roger Michel, George Altshuller, and Matthew Cobb (28.1)

Edmund Keeley
Garden of Earthly Delights (7.1)
The Madman of Athens (25.2)
Translation of Stavros Stavrou: Every Time (26.2)

Tom Keeline
Florilegium Housmanianum (22.3)

Harold Keller
Iliad drawings (24.3)

Jascha Kessler
Mentor (6.1)

Nicholas Kilmer
Ariadne’s Dancing Ground (10.1)
A Cherry Tree By The River (11.3)
Wisteria (13.1)
Translation of Petrarch: Poems Written After the Death of Laura (18.3)
Euripides’ Hecuba: A Version I (21.1)
Euripides’ Hecuba: A Version II (21.2) 

Joan Kimball
Hypatia, 415 CE (23.1)
Two Poems (25.1) 

Karl Kirchwey
Four Poems (16.3)
Five Poems (23.1)
From Mutabor: Palmyra and Colosseum (25.1)
Meditation on the Fall of Icarus (29.3)

Adam Kirsch
The Dream of Scipio (20.1)

B.M.W. Knox
Lawrence’s Odyssey (1.3)
Review of Inszenierung der Antike. Das griechische Drama aur der Bühne der Neuzeit by Hellmut Flashar and Ancient Sun, Modern Light by Marianne McDonald (4.1)

Lydia Koniordou
Ancient Greek Tragedy on the Stage, with Mary Louise Hart, Sir Peter Hall, Peter Sellars, and Peter Stein (11.1)

Oleg Kreymer
Translation of Aleksei Fedorovich Losev: Twelve Theses on Antique Culture, with Kate Wilkinson (11.1)

Len Krisak
Translation of Catullus: Selected Songs (21.1)
Three translations, Iliad and Aeneid (24.1)
Translation of Propertius: Elegy 4.7 (31.2)

Steve Kronen
Four Poems (25.2)

Leslie Kurke
Pindar and the Prostitutes, or Reading Ancient “Pornography” (4.2)

Michael Kustow
A Beast in the Coliseum (3.2-3)

Ismene Lada-Richards
“Estrangement” or “Reincarnation”?: Performers and Performance on the Classics Athenian Stage (5.2)
Pantomine Dancing and the Figurative Arts in Imperial and Late Antiquity (12.2)
Review of Pots and Plays: Interactions between Tragedy and Greek Vase-painting of the Fourth Century B.C. by Oliver Taplin (17.2)

Andrew Laird
Death, Politics, Vision, and Fiction in Plato’s Cave (After Saramago) (10.3)

André Laks
Review of The Art of Reading by Jean Bollack (26.1) 

Joshua Landy
Socratic Sophistry and Platonic Perfection in Symposium and Gorgias (15.1)

Mary Lefkowitz
Review of Feminist Theory and the Classics, edited by Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz and Amy Richlin (4.2)

Janet Lembke
Skinny-Dipping with Pliny (2.1)

J.E. Lendon
The Ignorance Factory (12.1)

Miriam Leonard
Freud between Oedipus and the Sphinx (28.3)

Seth Lerer
A Seussian Catullus on Egnatius (29.3)
A Seussian Catullus on Sparrows and Kisses: Carmina 2 & 5 (30.3)

Philip A. Levine
Translation of Claude Calame: In Dialogue with Marcel Detienne (32.2)

Fred Licht
L’Appassionata: An American Story (24.2)
Inadvertent Beginnings (24.3)
The Guard as Critic, or the Duchamp Factor (25.2)
A Lost Museum (25.3)
Peter Ehrlich (26.2)
A Milanese Quartet (27.2)

Janet Lloyd

Translation of Marcel Detienne: This Is Where I Intend To Build A Glorious Temple (4.3)
Translation of Marcel Detienne: Experimenting in the Field of Polytheisms (7.1)
Translation of Marcel Detienne: The Gods of Politics in Early Greek Cities (12.2)
Translation of Marcel Detienne: Doing Comparative Anthropology in the Field of Politics (13.3)
Translation of Jean Soler: Why Monotheism (14.3)
Translation of Marcel Detienne: So What Is the Sex of Mythology? (15.3)
Translation of Marcel Detienne: The Metamorphoses of Autochthony in the Days of National Identity (16.1)
Translation of Marcel Detienne: Historical Anthropology? Comparative Anthropology? (17.1)
Translation of Marcel Detienne: For Jean-Pierre Vernant: In Deepest Friendship (17.2)

William Logan
Beauty (after Horace, Odes 1.25) (3.2-3)

Steven Lonsdale
Homeric Hymn to Apollo, Prototype and Paradigm of Choral Performance (3.1)

Glenn Loury
Review of Not out of Africa by Mary Lefkowitz (4.3)

Nick Lowe
Review of Collected Film Poetry by Tony Harrison (15.2)

Diana Lueptow
Three Poems (17.3)
Demeter (20.3)
Then Artemis Said (26.3)
Cerulean: Variation on Lines of Durrell (30.3)

Mark Lundy
Finding Medea in a Dream of Passion (30.1)

Michael Lynn-George
Review of The Legacy of Homer: Four Centuries of Art from École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts, Paris by Emmanuel Schwartz (16.2)

Fiona Macintosh
Review of Irish Versions of Greek Tragedy edited by Marianne McDonald and J. Michael Walton (11.2)

Alasdair MacIntyre
Review of The Person and the Human Mind: Issues in Ancient and Modern Philosophy edited by Christopher Gill (1.3)

Sara Mack
Acis and Galatea or Metamorphosis of Tradition (6.3)

Jacob Louis Mackey
Translation of Horace: Intermissa Venus (Ode 4.1) (9.1)

Ramsay MacMullen
Review of Roman Papers, vols. VI – VII by Ronald Syme (2.1)

Laurie Maguire
Ambiguity and Audience Response, with Felix Budelmannand Ben Teasdale (23.3)

Amit Majmudar
Five Poems (27.1)

Margaret Malamud
As the Romans Did? Theming Ancient Rome on Contemporary Las Vegas (6.2)
The Imperial Metropolis: Ancient Rome in Turn-of-the-Century New York (7.3)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Brooklyn: Roman Comedy on Broadway and in Film (8.3)
An American Immigrant in Imperial Caesar’s Court: Romans in 1930s Films (12.2)
Cold War Romans (14.3)
Abolitionist Use of the Classics (23.2)
The Petrification of Cleopatra in 19th Century Art with Martha Malamud (28.1)

Martha Malamud
The Petrification of Cleopatra in 19th Century Art with Margaret Malamud (28.1)

Thomas Mannack
Shedding New Light on Ancient Objects, with Ben F. S. Altshuler (22.1)

Suzanne Marchand
Martin Bernal and His Critics, with Anthony Grafton (5.2)
Review of The Greeks and Greek Civilization by Jacob Burckhardt (8.3)
Review of Antiquity in Print by Daniel Orrells (32.2)

Clinton W. Marrs
Ragged Dick, George Babbitt, and the Problem of a Modern Classical Education (15.2)

C.W. Marshall
Alcestis and the Ancient Rehearsal Process (P. Oxy. 4546) (11.3)
Translation of Sappho: On Oldness (13.3)

Hallie Rebecca Marshall
Tony Harrison and Jocelyn Herbert: A Theatrical Love Affair (15.2)

Charles Martin
Tonight’s Jeopardy (5.1)
Translation of Ovid: Selections from the Metamorphoses (6.1)
Translation of Ovid: Medea (6.2)
Translation of Ovid: From Metamorphoses 7 (6.3)
Iphis and Ianthe (23.3)
Narcissism For Beginners (25.2)
Translation of Horace: Three Odes (28.3)

 Charles Martindale
Redeeming the Text: The Validity of Comparisons of Classical and Post-Classical Literature (1.3)
T.S. Eliot and the Presence of the Past (3.2-3)
Did He Die, or Was He Pushed? (6.3)
Review of The Idea of Ancient Literary Criticism by Yun Lee Too (8.3)
The Aesthetic Turn: Latin Poetry and the Judgement of Taste (9.2)
Review of Texts, Ideas, and the Classics edited by S. J. Harrison and Latin Literature by Susanna Morton Braund (10.1)
Review of Out of Athens: The New Ancient Greeks by Page duBois (18.1)

Boris Maslov
Translation of Sergej Averintsev: Symbolism of the Oedipus Myth (29.2)

David Mason
The Chorus of Sacrifice from The Mercy: A New Oresteia (32.1)

Mary Maxwell
H.D.: Pound’s Sulpicia (10.2)
Review of The Mourning Voice: An Essay on Greek Tragedy by Nicole Loraux and Gender and the City in Euripides’ Political Plays by Daniel Mendelsohn (11.3)
Review of Antigonick, directed by Kristin Horton; NYU-Gallatin Theater (21.1)
On Mary McCarthy’s 1945 translation of Simone Weil (26.2)

Andrew McCarron
A Remembrance of William C. Mullen (30.2)

Justine McConnell
Review of Odyssey, Piccolo Teatro Strehler, Milan; National Theater of Greece, Athens by Robert Wilson (21.1)
Review of Stink Foot, Yard Theatre, Hackney, adapted and directed by Jeff James (22.3)
Review of The Oresteia, adapted and directed by Robert Icke & Medea, directed by Rupert Goold and adapted by Rachel Cusk, The Almeida Theater (23.3)
Review of Brand New Ancients by Kate Tempest (22.1) 

Thomas McCreight
Translation of Apuleius: Florida 6 (22.1)
Translation of Apuleius: Some Protreptic Anecdotes about the Cynic Philosopher Crates (23.2) 

Marianne McDonald
Violent Words: Brian Friel’s Living Quarters: after Hippolytus (6.1)
Review of Tantalus by John Barton; directed by Peter Hall (8.3)
Fatal Commission (10.3)
Anouilh’s Oedipus: Outer Light and Inner Darkness (10.1)
The Return of the Myth: Athol Fugard and the Classics (14.2)
In Memoriam Thomas Rosenmeyer (15.2)
Medea—The Beginning (15.1)
Black Antigone and Gay Oedipus (17.1)
Suzuki Tadashi and Greek Tragedy (17.3)
A Hero for our Time: Bernard Knox (18.2)
Review of Ancient Rome at the Cinema: Story and Spectacle in Hollywood and Rome by Elena Theodorakopoulos (20.1)
Review of Classics and Comics by George Kovacs and C. W. Marshall, eds. (20.2)
Review of Reimagining Greek Tragedy on the American Stage by Helene Foley (21.2)
In Memoriam: Seamus Heaney (21.3)
Review of Dionysus Resurrected: Performances of Euripides’ The Bacchae in a Globalizing World by Erika Fischer-Lichte (22.3)
Mythical Musical Drama in Monteverdi (23.2)
James Joyce, Portrait and Still Life (24.1)
Review of The Irish Classical Self by Laurie O’Higgins (25.2)

Molly McGrann
Hermaphroditus (7.3)

Richard McKim
Translation of Parmenides: The Road to Reality (27.2)

Susan McLean
Two Poems (8.1)
Lesbia Replies (11.3)
Translation of Martial: Some Epigrams (15.2)
Translation of Sir Thomas More: Selected Epigrams (19.1)
Translation of Martial: Epigrams from De Spectaculis (26.2)
Translation of Rainer Maria Rilke: From New Poems (30.2)

Ellen McLaughlin
Oedipus: A New Version (12.3)

Peter Meineck
Review of The Seven by Will Power and Lysistrata or The Nude Goddess by Mark Adamo (14.1)
Review of Hippolytus at the Getty Villa (14.2)
Review of Euripides, The Bacchae, Edinburgh International Festival and The Greek Plays by Ellen McLaughlin (15.2)
Review of Conversations at Tusculum by Richard Nelson (16.1)
Review of Theater of War / The Philoctetes Project, directed by Bryan Doerries (17.1)
Review of Euripides, The Bacchae translated by Nicholas Rudall, directed by Joanne Akalaitis. The Public Theater at the Delacortt Theater (17.2)
The Neuroscience of the Tragic Mask (19.1)

Daniel Mendelsohn
Review of Same-Sex Unions in Pre-modern Europe by John Boswell (3.2-3)
Translation of C. P. Cavafy: Six Poems (12.3)

W.S. Merwin
William Arrowsmith: An Afterword (2.2-3)

Martin W. Michálek
Dislanguaged: David Ferry’s Orphic Turn (30.3)
Byron’s Carpe Diem Poetics (31.3)

Roger Michel
A Vexed Pharmacopeia, with Alex Karenowska, George Altshuller, and Matthew Cobb (28.1)

Ann. N. Michelini
Review of Euripides and the Instruction of the Athenians by Justina Gregory, Euripides and the Poetics of Sorrow: Art, Gender, and Commemoration in Alcestis, Hippolytus, and Hecuba by Charles Segal, and Anxiety Veiled: Euripides’ Traffic in Women by Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz (4.3)
Review of Playing the Other: Gender and Society in Classical Greek Literature by Froma Zeitlin (7.2)

Christopher Middleton
Some Souvenirs (2.2-3)

John F. Miller
Piero Di Cosimo’s Ovidian Diptych (15.2)
Musing on Ezekiel’s Homer at UVA (31.2)

Jack Mitchell
Lesbia’s Sparrow: Catullus 2 (30.2)

Robert Lloyd Mitchell
On Poetry in Plato’s Republic (24.2)

W. J. T. Mitchell
Seeing through Madness: A Roman Holiday (30.2)

Sidney Monas
At Princeton and Austin (2.2-3)

Derek Mong
Three Poems (27.3)
Two Poems (31.2)

Trish Montemuro
Postcards From a Well-Traveled Poet (15.2)

Ken Moore
Plato’s Puppets of the Gods (22.2)

Neville Morley
Thucydides Quote Unquote (20.3)

Andrew Morrison
Translation of Horace: Ode 1.5 (31.3)

Nick Moschovakis
Translation of Stamatis Polenakis: The Glorious Stone (30.1)
Translation of Virgil: Aeneid II.402–52 (30.2)

Glenn W. Most
Canon Fathers: Literacy, Mortality, Power (1.1)
Translation of Barbara E. Borg: The Face of the Elite (8.1)
Heidegger’s Greeks (10.1)
Poetry, Knowledge, and Dr. Geuss (11.2)
Dante’s Greeks (13.3)

Martin Mueller
Hamlet and the World of Ancient Tragedy (5.1)
Mozart’s Encounter with Ancient Tragedy in Idomeneo (18.1)

William Mullen
Sailing Homer’s Baltic: “Or Is This All Hallucination?” (15.1)

Thomas M. Mulligan
Plato’s New Dialogue (15.2)

Dana L. Munteanu
Placing Thebes and Ithaca in Eastern Europe (17.1)

Gilbert Murray
A Sword in Pity’s Hand: It Shall Prove that Right Still Lives Among Nations (13.1)

Jeremy Mynott
Translating Thucydides (21.1)

Gregory Nagy
Transformations of Choral Lyric Traditions in the Context of Athenian State Theater (3.1)

Alexander Nehamas
Review of Ironist and Moral Philosopher by Gregory Vlastos (2.1)

Stephanie Nelson
Review of Aristophanes and the Carnival of Genres by Charles Platter (15.3)
Ulysses at 100 (29.3)
Review of Classics and Celtic Literary Modernism by Gregory Baker (30.1)

Paul Nemser
From Taurus and Europa in St. Petersburg (16.3)

Rebecca Nemser
Review of Fram by Tony Harrison, directed by Tony Harrison and Bob Crowley, National Theatre, London (16.2)

Carole E. Newlands
G. Douglas’s The Palis of Honoure and D. Walcott’s “The Hotel Normandie Pool” (26.3)

Wade Newman
Sisyphus (30.2)
After Plutarch Sonnet 61 (31.1)

Christopher Nield
Two Poems (19.2)

Andrea Nightingale
On Wandering and Wondering: Theoria in Greek Philosophy and Culture (9.2)
Night-Vision: Epicurean Eschatology (14.3)
Auto-Hagiography: Augustine and Thoreau (16.2)
Homecoming and the Humic: Eleanor Wilner, Brian Jungen, and Derek Walcott (19.3)
The “I” and “Not I” in Augustine’s Confessions (23.1)
Cave Myths and the Metaphysics of Light (24.3)
Divine Epiphany and Pious Discourse in Plato’s Phaedrus (26.1) 

James Nikopoulos
Eleni and Her Rhapsodists (22.3)

Gideon Nisbet
Review of Troy: From Homer’s Iliad to Hollywood Epic, edited by Martin Winkler (15.2)
Louis Alexis’s School of Nero (32.1)

Sarah H. Nooter
Can We Read Sophocles Through Sizwe? (21.2)

Martha C. Nussbaum
The Transfigurations of Intoxication: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and Dionysus (1.2)
Reply to Robert Eldridge (2.1)
Review of Marginal Comment: A Memoir by Kenneth Dover (4.3) 

Megan O’Donald
Drawings from Greece and Italy (30.2)

Patrick O’Donnell
Two Poems (24.3)
An Interview with Caroline Alexander (25.2)

T. O’Hara
St. Peter’s Creek, 23 July (17.2)

Paul Oppenheimer
The Dream of Anachronism in Goethe’s Roman Elegies (6.1)
Review of The Sin of Knowledge by Theodore Ziolkowski (10.2) 

Stephen Orgel
The Reform of Poetry in Elizabethan England (27.2)
The Elizabethan Bacchae (28.3)

Daniel Orrells
Freud and Leonardo in Egypt (28.3)

Robin Osborne
Review of A City of Images: Iconography and Society in Ancient Greece edited by C. Bérard (1.2)

Steven F. Ostrow
Bernini and the Poetics of Sculpture (29.1) 

James Owens
Translation of John Owen: Four Epigrams (31.1)

Ruth Padel
Review of Ion, the Lost Boy, co-production of Actors Touring Company, London and Piramatiki Skini tis Technis, Thessaloniki and Ion, Royal Shakespeare Company at the Barbican Theatre, London (4.1)
Labyrinth of Desire: Cretan Myth in Us (4.2)

Camille Paglia
Review of The Constraints of Desire by John Winkler and One Hundred Years of Homosexuality by David Halperin (1.2)
Review of The Odyssey on NBC (5.2)
The Mighty River of Classics: Tradition and Innovation in Modern Education (9.2)
Cults and Cosmic Consciousness: Religious Vision in the American 1960s (10.3)
Word and Picture in a Media Age (11.3)
Erich Neumann: Theorist of the Great Mother (13.3)
Religion and the Arts in America (15.1)
Feminism: Past and Present: Ideology, Action, and Reform (16.1)
The Selection Process for Break, Blow, Burn (16.2)

Thomas G. Palaima
Monad Noir (3.2-3)
War Stories Told, Untold and Retold (23.3)

John Palmer
Review of Early Greek Philosophy by André Laks and Glenn W. Most (25.3)

Colin Cromwell Pang
Catullus, Hip-hop, and Masculinity (25.1) 

Ricardo Pao-Llosa
Four Poems (23.2)
Three Poems (25.2)
Three poems (28.2)
Two Pairs of Poems (29.3)
Five Reflections (31.2)

Zooey Park
Translation of Alexander Pushkin: Arion and Cyclops (30.1)

Douglass Parker
WAA–An Intruded Gloss (2.2-3)
Three Times Horass’ I.38 (23.2)

John Peck
From Nova Cantica (6.2)

Simon Perris
Genre, Identity, and Parody in Derek Mahon’s Bacchae (16.1)

Lincoln Perry
An Epiphany in Munich (27.1)
Sculpture: Only Connect (29.1)

Ted Perry
Il mestiere di vivere, il mestiere di scrivere (2.2-3)

Meredith Peters
Translation of Marcel Detienne: On Efficacy in Practical Reason: Comparative Approaches: Greece-China, a Well-Timed Round-Trip (20.1)

Richard Pevear
Translation of Sergei Averintsev: Ancient Greek “Literature” and Near Eastern “Writings”: The Opposition and Encounter of Two Creative Principles: Part One, with Larissa Volokhonsky (7.1)
Translation of Sergei Averintsev: Ancient Greek “Literature” and Near Eastern “Writing”: The Opposition and Encounter of Two Creative Principles: Part Two, with Larissa Volokhonsky (7.2)
Translation of Sergei Averintsev: Genre as Abstraction and Genres as Reality: The Dialectics of Closure and Openness, with Larissa Volokhonsky (9.1)

Carl Phillips
Renderings (4.3)

Nina Pick
Four Poems, After Sappho (21.2)

Emily Pillinger
Translating Classical Visions in Berloiz’s Les Troyens (18.2)

David Podgurski
Red-Haired Atreides Speaks to Telemachus (24.2)

Michael Poliakoff
Vergil and the Heart of Darkness: Observations on a Recurring Theme (2.1)

Aaron Poochigian
Two Poems (16.3)

Adrian Poole
War and Grace: The Force of Simone Weil on Homer (2.1)

David Poole
Review of Tragedy and the Tragic, edited by M.S. Silk (5.2)

Iggy Pop
Caesar Lives (23.1)

James I. Porter
Homer: The Very Idea (10.2)
What Is “Classical” About Classical Antiquity? (13.1)

Barry B. Powell
The House of Odysseus (14.2)

Elizabeth Powers
Henry James and William Wetmore Story (16.2)
In Their Father’s Library: Furnishing a Tradition (28.1)
Camilla and the Revenge of Dido (29.1) 

Alex Priou
Keaton’s Yoke (26.3)
The Plan of Zeus and the Plight of the Octopus (31.1)

Michael C. J. Putnam
The Lyric Genius of the Aeneid (3.2-3)
Review of The Walking Muse by Kirk Freudenberg (3.2-3)
Review of Roman Epic, edited by A. J. Boyle and The Epic Successors of Virgil by Philip Hardie (6.3)
Virgil and Heaney: “Route 110” (19.3)

David Quint
Erictho and Demogorgon: Poetry against Metaphysics (28.2)

Tessa Ransford
Review of The Gardens of Flora Baum by Julia Budenz (20.2)

Kenneth J. Reckford
The Atrocity of Euripides’ Hecuba (1.2)
Review of Horace by David Armstrong (1.3)
Recognizing Venus I: Aeneas Meets His Mother (3-3)
Recognizing Venus II: Dido, Aeneas, and Mr. Eliot (3.2-3)
Stoppard’s Housman (9.2)
Horace Through Johnson (1): The Sky Odes (18.3)
“A Short Song of Congratulations”: Horace, Johnson, and Satire (19.1)

James Redfield
Classics and Anthropology (1.2)

Bruce Redwine
The Melting Mirage of Lawrence Durrell’s White City (16.1)
Review of Alexandria: City of Memory and Vintage Alexandria: Photographs of the City, 1860-1960 by Michael Haag (17.3)

Rush Rehm
Performing the Chorus: Choral Action, Interaction, and Absence in Euripides (4.1)

Tom Rendall
Teaching the Western Classics to Students in China (21.3)
Migrating Character in Don Quijote and the Aeneid (28.1)

Martin Revermann
The Appeal of Dystopia: Latching onto Greek Drama in the Twentieth Century (16.1)

Alysse Rich
Three Poems (30.2)

Edmund Richardson
Nothing’s Lost Forever (20.2)

Daniel Richter
Lives and Afterlives of Lucian of Samosata (13.1)

Christopher Ricks
Racine’s Phedre: Lowell’s Phaedra (1.2)
On Heroes and Antihero-Worship (2.2-3)

David Ricks
Greek Tout Court? (1.3)
Review of After Antiquity: Greek Language, Myth, and Metaphor by Margaret Alexiou and Eroticism in Ancient and Medieval Greek Poetry by J. C. B. Petropoulos (13.1)
Walter Shewring’s Sallies (30.1)

Kathleen Riley
The Classical Style of P. G. Wodehouse and R. Chandler (26.2)
Little Eternities: Henry James’s Horation Sense of Time (27.1)

Deborah Roberts
Horace Odes 1.5: A Reversal (3.2-3)

Jennifer Roberts
Review of The Cambridge Illustrated History of Ancient Greece by Paul Cartedge et al. (8.2)

Helen Roche
Review of The Fasces by T. Corey Brennan (32.1)

Pat Rogers
Why Trivia? Myth, Etymology, and Topography (12.3)

Nicholas Romanos
Reading Virgil with Racine (32.2)

Michelle Valerie Ronnick
Forum: Buck Mulligan and Ulysses, with Fritz Senn and D.S. Carne-Ross (2.1)
Twelve Black Classicists (11.3)

Amelie Oksenberg Rorty
The Cockrel Weathervane Swerves and As Diotima Saw Socrates (4.3)

David Rosand
Ekphrasis and the Generation of Images (1.1)
William Arrowsmith and Visual Thinking (2.2, 2.3)
Titian’s Triumph of Marsyas (17.3)
The Passion of Adonis (21.3)

Jonathan Rosand
A Tribute to My Father (22.3)

Peter W. Rose
Review of The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece by Josiah Ober (26.3)

Stanley Rosen
Review of Listening to the Cicadas: A Study of Plato’s “Phaedrus” by Giovanni R. F. Ferrari (1.1)
Suspicion, Deception, and Concealment (1.2)

Thomas G. Rosenmeyer
‘Metatheater’: An Essay on Overload (10.2)

M.L. Rosenthal
Bill Arrowsmith– “Noble Acerbity” (2.2-3)

Christopher Rowe
Review of The Flood from Heaven: Deciphering the Atlantis Legend by Eberhard Zangger (5.3)

Niall Rudd
Reception: Some Caveats (With Special Reference to the Aeneid) (14.1)
On Wenlock Edge (15.3)

Vasily Rudich
The Tower Builder: The Works and Days of Vyacheslav Ivanov (5.3)
Pushkin and Virgil (10.1)
Literature and Censorship in the Early Roman Empire (14.1) 

Mark Rudman
William Arrowsmith in Heaven: A Sketch (2.2-3)
The Diver (after Ovid) and Aesacus Risen (3.2-3)
Three Horatian Palimpsests (5.1)
Two Horatian Palimpsests (5.3)
Trio: Perseus Surprised, Andromeda Unbound; Deceptive Practicality: The Change Seminars (6.3)
Volterra (9.2)
Cutting Edge Production: Medea (November 2003) (11.2)
Achilles As Earthwork (18.1)

Martin A. Ruehl
Review of A Most Dangerous Book by Christopher Krebs (22.2)

Ian Ruffell
Review of Comic Business: Theatricality, Dramatic Technique, and Performance Contexts of Aristophanic Comedy by Martin Revermann (16.3)

Louis A. Ruprecht Jr.
Translation of Odysseas Elytis: Diary from April As Yet Unseen (12.2)
Translation of Nello Vian: Winckelmann at the Vatican Library (15.3)
Antoine Chrysostome Quatremère de Quincy (22.1)
Historical Greece and European Myths (24.1)
Review of Comic Democracies by Angus Fletcher (25.1)
Winckelmann and the Vatican’s Museo Profano (25.2)
Review of The Classical Debt by Johanna Hanink (26.1)
A Retrospective Appreciation of Anne Carson’s Eros the Bittersweet (27.2)
Review of An Ethnography of Despair and Resilience in Greece’s Second City by Kathryn A. Kozaitis (28.2)

Joseph Russo
Gambling with Demeter, with Bennett Simon (25.1)

Ian Rutherford
Apollo in Ivy: The Tragic Paean (3.1)

Barrie Rutter
Performing Tony Harrison (15.2)

Maria Rybakova
Imagination versus Attention: Simone Weil Translating the Iliad (15.2)
Two Genders of the Soul Regarding the Love God (16.1)
From a Svoboda Interview: Disfigured Achilles, with Dmitri Volchek, translated by Taryn Janati (20.3)
From Gnedich I, translated by Elena Dimov (20.3)
From Gnedich II, translated by Elena Dimov (21.1) 

George Saad
Limb-loosening: Tracing a Motif in Vergil (28.2) 

Scarlett Sabet
23rd February 1821: In Remembrance of John Keats (28.3)

Loren J. Samons II
Review of The Other Greeks: The Family Farm and the Agrarian Roots of Western Civilization by Victor Davis Hanson and The Athenian Revolution by Josiah Ober (5.3)
Review of Democracy, Empire, and the Arts in Fifth-Century Athens, edited by Deborah Boedeker and Kurt A. Raaflaub (8.3)
Marathon and Athenian “Collaboration” (18.3)

George Santayana
The Human Scale (6.2)

John Savoie
Consider This (16.1)

Seth L. Schein
Rachel Bespaloff’s On the Iliad (26.1)

Raymond Scheindlin
Translation of Book of Job (Chapters 3, 9, 10, 29, 30) (4.3)

R.J. Schork
Buck Mulligan as a Grammaticus Gloriosus in Joyce’s Ulysses (1.3)
The Singular Circumstance of an Errant Papyrus (16.2) 

Ronald Schuchard
Emory’s Arrowsmith: Arrowsmith’s Eliot (2.2-3)

William C. Scott
Musical Design in Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrranus (4.1)

Stephen Scully
Orchestra and Stage in Euripides’ Suppliant Women (4.1)
Review of The Sigmund Freud Antiques: Fragments of a Buried Past at the Boston University Art Gallery, and Sigmund Freud and Art: His Personal Collection of Antiquities, edited by Lynn Gamwell and Richard Wells (5.2)
Review of Homer in the Twentieth Century: Between World Literature and the Western Canon edited by Barbara Graziosi and Emily Greenwood (17.1)
Review of The Epic Cycle: A Commentary on the Lost Troy Epics by M. L. West (23.2) 

Richard Seaford
The Dionysiac Don responds to Don Quixote: Rainer Friedrich on the New Ritualism (8.2)
Review of Coins, Bodies, Games and Gold: The Politics of Meaning in Archaic Greece by Leslie Kurke (9.3)
Bacchae, Ritual, and Tragedy: Concluding Remarks (9.3)
Dionysos, Money, and Drama (11.2) 

Matthew A. Sears
Mother Canada and Mourning Athena (25.3)

Charles Segal
Review of Essays Ancient and Modern by Bernard Knox (1.1)
The Chorus and the Gods in Oedipus Tyrranus (4.1)
Art, Gender and Violence in the Metamorphoses (5.3)
Jupiter in Ovid’s Metamorphoses (9.1)
Black and White Magic in Ovid’s Metamorphoses: Passion, Love, and Art (9.3)

Daniel L. Selden
Classics and Contemporary Criticism (1.1)

Peter Sellars
Ancient Greek Tragedy on the Stage, with Mary Louise Hart, Sir Peter Hall, Peter Stein, and Lydia Koniordou (11.1)

Fritz Senn
Forum: Buck Mulligan and Ulysses, with Michelle Valerie Ronnick and D.S. Carne-Ross (2.1)

Steven Shankman
Xenophilia (28.2)

Avi Sharon
Translation of George Seferis: The King of Asine and Yannis Ritsos: Romiosini (4.2)
Translation of Attilio Bertolucci: Iphigenia (5.3)
New Friends for New Places: England Rediscovers Greece (8.2)
Finding Tradition Through Translation Among Seferis, Eliot, and Keats (11.3)
Translation of C. P. Cavafy: Five Poems (12.2)
Translation of Odyseas Elytis: Helen (15.1)
Translation of Alexandros Papadiamandis: Poor Saint (15.3)
Translation of George Seferis: From Erotikos Logos (16.2)
Translation of Christos Vakalopoulos: The Line of the Horizon (Selected Scenes) (18.1)
Translation of A Crusade for the Humanities: From the Letters of Cardinal Bessarion (19.2)
From Asine to Engomi: George Seferis in Conversation with the Past (20.2)
Translation of Umberto Saba: Like Snow in Sunlight (21.3)
Translation of Paulus Silentarius: Four Poems (22.2)
Lawrence Durrell, Rex Warner, and the “Captain” of Modern Greek Letters (23.1)
Review of Antigone, Brooklyn Academy of Music, directed by Ivo van Hove, translated by Anne Carson & Antigona, Noche Flamenca, adapted and directed by Martín Santangelo (23.3)
Translation of Nicolas Calas: Seven Poems (27.1)
Henry Miller and Lawrence Durrell, Men of the Karaghiozi Breed (27.3)
Translation of Nicolas Aliferis: From the Front (28.2)
Translation of Michalis Ganas: Ballad (29.1)
Translation of George Seferis: Mythistory (32.2)

Roger Shattuck
The Bodily Presence of the Man (2.2-3)

Philip Sherrard
The Light and the Blood, edited by Avi Sharon (7.1)

John Shoptaw
Woah! (27.1)

R. J. Shork
The Dendur Temple in New York: The Gallus Connection (18.3)

Robert Shorrock
Roberto Calasso and The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony (11.2)

W.M. Short
The “Wandering” Metaphor of Mistakeness in Roman Culture (21.2)

Marilyn Sides
The Consolations of Literature (26.2)

Mark Anthony Signorelli
On the Sarcophagi (19.1)

John Silber
In Memoriam (2.2-3)

Michael Silk
Hughes, Plath, and Aeschylus: Allusion and Poetic Language (14.3)

Bennett Simon
Gambling with Demeter, with Joseph Russo (25.1)

Karen Simons
Translation of Aeschylus: Agamemnon: A Poem in Several Voices (17.1)
Review of Virgil’s Garden: The Nature of Bucolic Space by Frederick Jones (22.1)
Agamemnon, My Mother, and Me: Reflections on Life and Translation (23.1)
Reading Virgil in the Cariboo (24.1)
Review of Three Rings by Daniel Mendelsohn (29.2)

Giulia Sissa
Recognition and the Structural Emotions of Tragedy (14.1)
The Logic of the Concrete in Ovid’s Metamorphoses (32.2)

Randall L. Skalsky
Visual Trope and the Portland Vase Frieze: A New Reading and Exegesis (2.1)
An Unseen Attribute, An Unseen Plan, and A New Analysis of the Portland Vase Frieze (18.1)

Niall W. Slater
Entrances and Exits in Menander by K. B. Frost (1.3)
Waiting in the Wings: Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusae (5.1) 

Jocelyn Penny Small
The Origin of Eureka (23.3)

Graham Smith
Photographs of Classical Art in the Writings of E. M. Forster (11.1)

Helaine L. Smith
Frogs for Middle School (22.2)
Review of Phaedra(s) of Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe (24.2)
Review of The Berlin Painter and His World (25.1)
Review of The Birds, at St. Anne’s Warehouse in Brooklyn, May 2–16, 2018 (26.2)
Review of Like: Poems by A. E Stallings (27.1)
Review of The Bacchae as Staged by the Classical Theatre of Harlem (27.3)
Review of Virginia Woolf’s Greek Tragedy by Nancy Worman (28.1)
Review of After Callimachus: Poems by Stephanie Burt (29.1)
Grave Stele of Girl with Doves, A Beloved Child (29.3)
Review of Homer’s Iliad by Emily Wilson (31.3)

Brian Sneeden
Persephone (22.1)
Phthisis: A Letter (22.2)
Translation of Phoebe Giannisi: Two Poems (24.3)

Frank Snowden
Misconceptions about African Blacks in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Specialists and Afrocentrists (4.3)

Jean Soler
Why Monotheism, translated by Janet Lloyd (14.3)

Kevin Solez
The Rage and the Kill-Ease (30.1)

Jon Solomon
Review of Alexander by Oliver Stone (13.1)

Claire Sommers
School of Shadows: The Return to Plato’s Cave (25.3)

Robert Sonkowsky
Review of Clytemnestra at the Guthrie Theatre (4.1)

Amalia Sotiropoulou
Caryatids: A Photo Essay (21.1)

C. Luke Soucy
Translation of Ovid: Metamorphoses: I.5–162, 274–415 (28.3)
Ovid’s Golden Age (29.3)
The Gnomes of Rome, from the Carmina Priapea (30.2)
Translation and annotation of Silius Italicus: Punica 1 (31.2)

Sarah Spence
Geography Made Personal in Vergil and Elizabeth Bishop (31.3)

Blaise D. Staples
Graeco-Roman Ruins in the New World (11.2)
Invitation to the Dance: Hanal Pixan and the Anthesteria (12.2)

Howard Stein
Response to Medea and Antigone (10.3)
Review of Aristophanes’ The Frogs at Lincoln Center (12.2)
Review of Lysistrata, The National Theater of Greece at the New York City Center (12.3)
Review of Hecuba: The Royal Shakespeare Company at the Brooklyn Academy of Music; translated and directed by Tony Harrison (13.2)
Review of The Persians: The National Theatre of Greece at the New York City Center (14.3)
Review of Antigone by Jean Anouilh; The Queen written by Peter Morgan, directed by Stephen Frears; The Burial at Thebes by Seamus Heaney (15.1)
Review of Sophocles, Electra. The Greek National Theatre, directed by Peter Stein (16.1)
Review of Sophocles, Antigone; translated by Seamus Heaney as The Burial at Thebes; directed by Lucy Pitman-Wallace with the Nottingham Playhouse Theatre Company (16.2)
Review of The Necessity of Theater: The Art of Watching and Being Watched by Paul Woodruff (16.3)

Peter Stein
Ancient Greek Tragedy on the Stage, with Mary Louise Hart, Sir Peter Hall, Peter Sellars, and Lydia Koniordou (11.1) 

Deborah Steiner
Review of Homer and the Origin of the Greek Alphabet by Barry Powell (5.1)

Otto Steinmayer
Review of Ancient Greek Music by M.L. West (4.3)
The Bow in the Groves of India (5.1)

Tom Stern
Nietzsche, Freedom, and Writing Lives (17.1)

Benjamin Eldon Stevens
Translation of Gwenaëlle Aubry: Persephone 2014 (25.3)
Translation of Nathalie Azoulai: Titus n’amait pas Bérénice (29.3)

Mary Stieber
Statuary in Euripides’ Alcestis (5.3)

Charles H. Stocking
Greco-Roman Sculpture and the Athletic Male Body (21.3)

Robert Stoddart
Versui 1.5.25 Ovidianorum Amorum Responsio with Clifford Weber (30.3)

Barry Strauss
Review of Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos by Robert D. Kaplan (11.3)
Flames Over Athens (12.1)
The Black Phalanx: African-Americans and the Classics After the Civil War (12.3)

Thomas E. Strunk
Bob Dylan and Classical Poetry and Myth (17.1)

Hannah Sullivan
“Zeno’s Arrow” (30.3)

Alan Sumler
Ingredients and Ecstatic Outcomes in Magical Papyri (25.1)

Daniel Sutton
Cain and Alcmaeon: Repetition and Variation in Thucydides (31.2)

Diane Arnson Svarlien
Translation of Propertius and Horace: Dream, Propertius II.26A and Pyrrha, after Horace Odes I.5 (1.1)

John Svarlien
Cyclops (Theocritus 11) (5.1)
Translation of Horace: Satires 1.4 (12.3)

Colin Sydenham
Translating Housman and Housman Translating (16.1)

Georgia Syribeys
From Hades to Zeus and Demeter (17.2)

Andrew Szegedy-Maszak
A Perfect Ruin: Nineteenth-Century Views of the Colosseum (2.1)

John Talbot
The Secret Accretions (after Horace, Odes 4.7) (5.3)
Review of Horace, The Odes: New Translations by Contemporary Poets edited by J. D. McClatchy (11.2)
Review of The Poems of Callimachus by Frank Nisetich (12.1)
Review of Collected Poems by Ted Hughes (13.3)
Translation of Horace: Two Odes (16.3)

Robert B. Talisse
Misunderstanding Socrates (9.3)

Oliver Taplin
Review of Omeros by Derek Walcott (1.2)
Review of Les Atrides, directed by Ariane Mnouchkine, Théâtre du Soleil, Vincennes (4.1)
Forum, with Herbert Golder and Bruce Thornton (5.3)
Ancient Greek Tragedy on the Stage, with Mary Louise Hart, Sir Peter Hall, Peter Sellars, Peter Stein, and Lydia Koniordou (11.1)
Greek Tragedy, Chekhov, and Being Remembered (13.3)
Tragedy in the Time of Plague (30.1)

James Tatum
Review of The War That Killed Achilles: The True Story of Homer’s “Iliad” and the Trojan War by Caroline Alexander (19.3)
Mrs. Vergil’s Horrid Wars (21.1)
Iago’s Roman Ancestors (27.1)

Ann Taylor
Hypotenuses (9.1)

Michael Taylor
Translation of Horace: Six Odes (21.2) 

Ben Teasdale
Ambiguity and Audience Response, with Felix Budelmann and Laurie Maguire (23.3)

Elena Theodorakopoulos
Materiality and the Paths of Survival with Josephine Balmer (32.2)

Parker Thomas
Translation of Horace: Two Odes (27.3)

Norma Thompson
Public or Private? An Artemesian Answer (7.2)

Bruce S. Thornton
Forum, with Herbert Golder and Oliver Taplin (5.3)
Review of Man in the Middle Voice: Name and Narration in the Odyssey by John Peradotto, Innovations of Antiquity by Ralph Hexter and Daniel Selden, and History, Tragedy, Theory: Dialogues on Athenian Drama by Barbara Goff (5.1)
Review of Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education by Martha C. Nussbaum (6.2)
The False Goddess and Her Lost Paradise (7.1)
Review of Courtesans and Fishcakes by James Davidson (7.3)
Review of Theorrhea and After by Raymond Tallis (8.2)

Allen Tice
Translation of Sappho: Very Late, in Spring (28.2)

Robert Tindall
Odysseus’ Vision in Hades, with Susana Bustos (22.1)

Charles Tomlinson
Review of The Oxford Book of Classical Verse in Translation, edited by Adrian Poole and Jeremy Maule (4.2)
Review of Satura by Eugenio Montale, translated by William Arrowsmith and edited by Rosanna Warren (9.2)

Isabelle Torrance
The Politics of Literary Allusion in Marina Carr’s Ariel (25.3)

Johan Tralau
The Justice of the Chimaira (24.2)

Michael Trocchia
Two Poems (28.1)

Aaron Tugendhaft
Review of The Law of God: The Philosophical History of an Idea by Remi Brague (15.3)

James Uden
Review of How We Write Plagues by Hunter H. Gardiner & Brian Walters (28.1)

Carol Ueland
Translation of Aleksandr Kushner: From Apollo in the Snow, As Catullus Wrote…, with Paul Graves (1.2)

Jonathan Unglaub
The Concert Champêtre: The Crises of History and the Limits of Pastoral (5.1)

M.D. Usher
Field Notes on Pasolini’s Appunti per un’ Orestiade Africana (21.3)
Out of Shakespeare: A Villanelle (24.2)
Review of Hesiod’s Theogony by Stephen Scully (24.3)
Classics and complexity in Walden’s “Spring” (27.1)

William Vance
Review of The Legacy of Rome by Richard Jenkyns (3.2, 3.3)

Patricia Vázquez
Dante’s Cannibal Count (28.1)

Thorstein Veblen
From The Theory of the Leisure Class, 1899 (3.2, 3.3)

Emily Vermeule
Review of Permanent Collection of Nubian Artifacts, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (4.3)

J.P. Vernant
Review of In and Out of the Mind by Ruth Padel (4.3)

Brian Vickers
Review of Sacred Rhetoric: The Christian Grand Style in the English Renaissance by Debora K. Shuger and Rhetorics of Reason and Desire: Vergil, Augustine, and the Troubadours by Sarah Spence (1.1)

Paolo Vivante
Review of The Iliad: A Commentary Volume II, Books 5-8 by G. S. Kirk (1.3)
The Sculptural Moment in Pindar (13.2)

Larissa Volokhonsky
Translation of Sergei Averintsev: Ancient Greek “Literature” and Near Eastern “Writings”: The Opposition and Encounter of Two Creative Principles: Part One, with Richard Pevear  (7.1)
Translation of Sergei Averintsev: Ancient Greek “Literature” and Near Eastern “Writing”: The Opposition and Encounter of Two Creative Principles: Part Two, with Richard Pevear  (7.2)
Translation of Sergei Averintsev: Genre as Abstraction and Genres as Reality: The Dialectics of Closure and Openness, with Richard Pevear (9.1)

Caroline Vout
Hadrian, Hellenism, and the Social History of Art (18.1)

Margaret Wack
Two Poems (25.1)

William E. Wallace
Michelangelo’s Wet Nurse (17.2)

Brian Walters
From Propertius (25.1)
Translation of Lucretius: A Prayer for Peace, De Rerum 1.1-43 (25.3)

J.Michael Walton
Benson, Mushri, and the First English Oresteia (14.2)
Theobald and Lintott: A Footnote on Early Translations of Greek Tragedy (16.3)
Translation of Horace: Satires I.5, 50-70 (18.2)
Frogspawn: A Play for Radio (22.3)
Review of The Eating of the Gods: An Interpretation of Greek Tragedy by Jan Kott and Euripides: Medea, A New Version by Ben Power (23.1)
Review of Aristophanes and His Tragic Muse by Stephanie Nelson (24.2)
Review of Lost Plays and Neglected Authors by Matthew Wright (24.3)
The Theatre Historian’s Perspective (30.3)

John Warden
Translation of Timotheus: The Persians (28.1)

Deborah Warren
Translation of A Garland from Alcman (1.1)
Three Poems (26.2)
Five Poems (27.1)

Rosanna Warren
Quietus. Arrowsmith’s Pavese: Rebellion and Mastery (2.2-3)
Turnus (3.2, 3.3)
Translation of Horace: Two Odes (9.1)

Katherine Washburn
From The Greek Anthology (8.2)

Clifford Weber
Versui 1.5.25 Ovidianorum Amorum Responsio with Robert Stoddart (30.3)

Myles Weber
Review of Here by Wisława Szymborska (19.2)

Gary Webster
Context (7.2)

Konrad Weeda
Egypt or Maine, Horace and the Sublime in R. Lowell (29.2)
Review of Strategic Humanism by Claudia Hauer (30.1)

Kristin Weißenberger
My Cousin is Medea: Styria, Winter 2006 (16.3)

Colin Wells
The Mystery of Socrates’ Last Words (16.2)
How Did God Get Started? (18.2)
Review of Monotheism Between Pagans and Christians in Late Antiquity edited by Stephen Mitchell and Peter van Nuffelen (19.1)
Who Owns Reason? (19.2)
Review of Cracking the Egyptian Code: The Revolutionary Life of Jean-François Champollion by Andrew Robinson (20.3)
The Coming Classics Revolution, Part I: Argument (22.3)
The Coming Classics Revolution, Part II: Synthesis (23.2)

Michael West
Just How “Like Horace in the True Horatian Vein” Was Robert Frost (22.1)
Mock Heroic before the Enlightenment— and After (29.2)

Patrick Whalen
Three Poems (23.2)
Translation of Horace: Ode 1.11 (29.1)
Translation of Horace: To Thaliarcus (Ode 1.9) (30.3)

Keith Whitaker
A Philosopher and a Gentleman, with Stephen Eide (24.2)

Gary Whited
Review of Some Things I Said by David Ferry (32.2)

Bronwen L. Wickkiser
Review of The Acropolis Museum: Professor Dimitrios Pandermalis, Director; Bernard Tschumi, Architect (18.1)

David Wiles
Sophoclean Diptychs (13.1)

Kate Wilkinson
Translation of Aleksei Fedorovich Losev: Twelve Theses on Antique Culture, with Oleg Kreymer (11.1)

Steven J. Willett
Can Classicists “Think Like the Greeks”? (6.3)
Review of The Peloponnesian War, translated by Walter Blanco and The Peloponnesian War, translated by Steven Lattimore (7.2)
Review of Herodotus: The Histories, translated by Robin Waterfield (8.1)
Translation of Anna Akhmatova: Rosa Moretur (8.3)
Translation of Osip Mandelstam: The Horseshoe Finder (9.2)
Review of Carnage and Culture by Victor Davis Hanson (10.1)
Translation of Giacomo Leopardi: Ultimo Canto di Saffo (11.1)
Translation of Nishiwaki Junzaburo: Ambarvalia (12.1)
Review of Ezra Pound, Poems and Translations, edited by Richard Sieburth (12.3)
Review of The Poems of Catullus: A Bilingual Edition by Peter Green (14.2)
Translation of Tibullus: Elegy 1.3: A Chopin Nocturne on War (15.1)
Translation of Tibullus: Elegy 1.10 (16.2)
Review of The Greek Poets, edited by Peter Constantine et al. (18.3)
Review of Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, translated by Martin Hammond, notes by P. J. Rhodes (19.1)
After Du Fu (19.3)
Translation of Giacomo Leopardi: Wild Broom Or, The Flower of the Desert (23.1)
Translation of Giacomo Leopardi: Canti VI, Bruto Minore (27.1)
Translation of Propertius: Elegia I.3 (28.2)
Translation of Giacomo Leopardi: La Sera del dì di Festa (29.1)

Garry Wills
Augustine’s Hippo: Power Relations (410-417) (7.1)
Augustine’s Pears and the Nature of Sin (10.1)
Translation of Martial: From Book One (15.3)
Translation of Martial: From Book Eleven (16.2)

Valerie Wohlfeld
Returning the Cestus of Venus (10.3)
Two Poems (13.3)
Venus in the Afterlife (14.1)
Three Persephone Poems (17.3)
Three Sonnets on Three Legends (18.2)
Three Poems (19.2)
Three Poems (20.1)

Richard Wollman
Likeness (10.2)

Erica Wright
Greece Is This Run-Down (17.1)

April Wuensch
Translation of Marcel Detienne: From Practices of Assembly to the Forms of Politics: A Comparative Approach (7.3)

Maria Wyke
Herculean Muscle!: The Classicizing Rhetoric of Bodybuilding (4.3)
Review of Classics and Cinema, edited by Martin M. Winkler (6.1)

Douglas Young
A Problem in Egypto-Canadian Cultural Relations (24.3)

Harvey Yunis
Demosthenes and the Burden of the Athenian Past (8.1)
Eros in Plato’s Phaedrus and the Shape of Greek Rhetoric (13.1)

Vanda Zajko
Ancient Tragedy, Shakespeare and the Concept of Character (25.2)

Claudia Zatta
Plants’ Interconnected Lives (24.2)

Froma Zeitlin
Return to the Land of the Sun: In Homage to J.-P. Vernant (27.3)

Ioannis Ziogas
Ovid in Rushdie, Rushdie in Ovid: A Nexus of Artistic Webs (19.1)

Theodore Ziolkowski
Aeschylus Offers Paradigms for Today’s Politics (23.1)
Petronius the Man in Modern Fiction (23.3)
Robert Frost in Roman Mode (24.1)
Propertius and the Outsiders (24.3)
Why Roman Poets in Modern Guise? (25.2)
The Bildgedichte of Keas, Leconte de Lisle, and Rilke (26.1)


In addition to our direct contributors, the following authors have been translated in Arion’s pages.

Agamemnon: A Poem in Several Voices, translated by Karen Simons (17.1)

Anna Akhmatova
Rosa Moretur, translated by Steven Willett (8.3)

Nicolas Aliferis
From the Front, translated by Avi Sharon (28.2)

Apollonius of Rhodes
Jason in Lemnos (Arg. 1.774–887), translated by Peter Green (4.3)

Florida 6, translated by Thomas McCreight (22.1)
Some Protreptic Anecdotes about the Cynic Philosopher Crates, translated by Thomas McCreight (23.2)

Poems, translated by Michael Andrews (18.3)

Gwenaëlle Aubry
Persephone 2014, translated by Benjamin Eldon Stevens (25.3)

Quid Autem Amo, translated by Amelia Arenas (16.2)

Sergej Averintsev
Ancient Greek “Literature” and Near Eastern “Writings”: The Opposition and Encounter of Two Creative Principles: Part One, translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky (7.1)
Ancient Greek “Literature” and Near Eastern “Writing”: The Opposition and Encounter of Two Creative Principles: Part Two, translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky (7.2)
Genre as Abstraction and Genres as Reality: The Dialectics of Closure and Openness, translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky (9.1)
Symbolism of the Oedipus Myth, translated by Boris Maslov (29.2)

Nathalie Azoulai
Titus n’amait pas Bérénice, translated by Benjamin Eldon Stevens (29.3)

Gottfried Benn
Two Poems, translated by Teresa Iverson (11.2)

Attilio Bertolucci
Iphigenia, translated by Avi Sharon (5.3) 

Cardinal Bessarion
A Crusade for the Humanities: From the Letters, translated by Avi Sharon (19.2)

Consolatio Philosophiae 1.1-1.3, translated by John Griffin (31.3)

Barbara E. Borg
The Face of the Elite, translated by Glenn W. Most (8.1)

Nicolas Calas
Seven Poems, translated by Avi Sharon (27.1)

Carmina Priapea
Selections, translated by C. Luke Soucy (30.2)

Three for Aurelius, translated by Peter Green (6.1)
Translations by Amelia Arenas (20.2)
Selected Songs, translated by Len Krisak (21.1)
Attis at Large, translated by Anna Jackson (27.2)
Seussian Egnatius Poems, translated by Seth Lerer (29.3)
Lesbia’s Sparrow: Catullus 2, translated by Jack Mitchell (30.2)

C. P. Cavafy
Young Men of Sidon, translated by Peter Green (6.1)
The City, translated by Peter Green (8.3)
The Satrapy, translated by Peter Green (10.1)
Five Poems, translated by Avi Sharon (12.2)
Six Poems, translated by Daniel Mendelsohn (12.3)

Of the Ineffable: Aporetics of the Notion of an Absolute Principle, translated by William Franke (12.1)

Dio Chrysostom
Dog Philosopher Attends the Games (Or. 9), translated by John Carlevale ( 8.3)

Diodorus Siculus
The Sicilian Expedition: The Fate of the Athenians Debated, translated by Peter Green (7.2)

Marie-Jeanne Durry
Orpheus’ Plea (“Prière d’Orphée”), translated by John Fraser (19.3)

Odyseas Elytis
Diary from April As Yet Unseen, translated by Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr. (12.2)
Helen, translated by Avi Sharon (15.1) 

Epitaph for a Drunken Twit, translated by A.M. Juster (22.2)

From Hecuba, translated by Tony Harrison (13.1)
Cyclops, translated by Herbert Golder (32.1)

Michalis Ganas
Ballad, translated by Avi Sharon (29.1) 

Phoebe Giannisi
Two Poems, translated by Brian Sneeden (24.3)

The Greek Anthology
Selections, translated by Katherine Washburn (8.2)
Eight Epigrams, translated by Brooke Clark (23.1)

Heinrich Heine
From the Gods in Exile, translated by Diskin Clay (21.1)

Works and Days, translated by Kimberly Johnson (24.1)

Hippocrates’ Oath, translated by Amelia Arenas (17.3)

Iliad 24, translated by Peter Green (22.3)
Iliad selections, translated by Len Krisak (25.2)

A Journey to Brindisi in 37 B.C., Satire I.5, translated by Alistair Elliot (1.1)
Pyrrha, after Horace Odes I.5, translated by Diane Arnson Svarlien (1.1)
Four Odes, translated by David Ferry (3.2-3)
Four Epistles, translated by David Ferry (5.3)
The Art of Poetry: Notes for Aspiring Poets and Playwrights, translated by David Ferry (7.2)
Five Odes, translated by Elizabeth Jones (8.2)
To Augustus (Epistle 2.1), translated by David Ferry (8.2)
Two Odes, translated by Rosanna Warren (9.1)
Intermissa Venus (Ode 4.1), translated by Jacob Louis Mackey (9.1)
Satires 1.4, translated by John Svarlien (12.3)
Beatus Ille, translated by Elizabeth Jones (13.2)
Time and the City Boy: Odes 1.9, translated by Karl Johnson (16.1)
Two odes, translated by John Talbot (16.3)
Quantum distet (Odes 3.19), translated by Elizabeth Jones (16.3)
Satires I.5, 50-70, translated by J. Michael Walton (18.2)
Satires II.8, translated by Allistair Elliot (20.1)
Six Odes, translated by Michael Taylor (21.2)
Selections, Counting His Blessings, translated by Karl Johnson (25.1)
Two Odes, translated by Parker Thomas (27.3)
Three Odes, translated by Charles Martin (28.3)
Ode 1.11, translated by Patrick Whalen (29.1)
Ode 1.5, translated by Andrew Morrison (31.3)

Book of Job (Chapters 3, 9, 10, 29, 30), translated by Raymond Scheindlin (4.3) 

Nishiwaki Junzaburo
Ambarvalia, translated by Steven J. Willett (12.1) 

Big Fish (Juvenal IV), translated by Alistair Elliot (3.2-3.3)
Satire XI, translated by Alistair Elliot (18.3) 

On a Bird, the Phoenix, translated by A.M. Juster (27.3)

Giacomo Leopardi
Ultimo Canto di Saffo, translated by Steven J. Willett (11.1)
Wild Broom Or, The Flower of the Desert, translated by Steven J. Willett (23.1)
Canti VI, Bruto Minore, translated by Steven J. Willett (27.1)
La Sera del dì di Festa, translated by Steven J. Willett (29.1) 

Aleksei Fedorovich Losev
Twelve Theses on Antique Culture, translated by Oleg Kreymer and Kate Wilkinson (11.1) 

De Rerum Natura 1.1–43, translated by Brian Walters (25.3)

Osip Mandelstam
The Horseshoe Finder, translated by Stephen J. Willet (9.2)

Christopher Marlowe
On Manwood, translated by A. M. Juster (21.3)

Some Epigrams, translated by Susan McLean (15.2)
From Book One, translated by Garry Wills (15.3)
From Book Eleven, translated by Garry Wills (16.2)
Selected Epigrams, translated by Martin W. Bennett (20.2)
Epigram 10.63, translated by Alistair Elliot (23.3)
Epigrams from De Spectaculis, translated by Susan McLean (26.2)
Four Poems on Conviviality, translated by Martin Bennett (30.1)

Selections from the Elegies, translated by A.M. Juster (23.1)

Sir Thomas More
Selected Epigrams, translated by Susan McLean (19.1) 

Proem to Dionysiaca 1, translated by John Griffin (31.1)

Selections from the Metamorphoses, translated by Charles Martin (6.1)
Medea, translated by Charles Martin (6.2)
From Metamorphoses 7, translated by Charles Martin (6.3)
Ibis, translated by Peter Green (9.3)
Note From a Narcissist (Amores I.II), translated by Caleb M. X. Dance (27.1)
Metamorphoses: I.5–162, 274–415, translated by C. Luke Soucy (28.3)
Cupid’s Laugh (Amores 1.1), translated by Kyle Gervais (30.1)

John Owen
Four Epigrams, translated by James Owens (31.1)

Alexandros Papadiamandis
Poor Saint, translated by Avi Sharon (15.3)

The Road to Reality, translated by Richard McKim (27.2)

Paulus Silentarius
Four Poems translated by Avi Sharon (22.2)

Poems Written After the Death of Laura, translated by Nicholas Kilmer (18.3)
From the Canzoniere, translated by A. M. Juster (30.1)

Two Odes, translated and introduced by Chris Childers (21.2)

Stamatis Polenakis
From The Glorious Stone, translated by Nick Moschovakis (30.1)

Dream, Propertius II.26A, translated by Diane Arnson Svarlien (1.1)
Elegia I.3, translated by Stephen J. Willett (28.2)
Elegy 4.7, translated by Len Krisak (31.2)

Alexander Pushkin
Arion and Cyclops, translated by Zooey Park (30.1)

Salvatore Quasimodo
Greek Lyrics, translated by Martin Bennett (14.3)

Silius Italicus
Punica 1, translated by C. Luke Soucy (31.2)

Rainer Maria Rilke
From New Poems, translated by Susan McLean (30.2)

Yannis Ritsos
Romiosini, translated by Avi Sharon (4.2)

Umberto Saba
Like Snow in Sunlight, translated by Avi Sharon (21.3)

On Oldness, translated by C.W. Marshall (13.3)
Very Late, in Spring, translated by Allen Tice (28.2)

George Seferis
The King of Asine, translated by Avi Sharon (4.2)
Delphi, translated by Diskin Clay (12.3)
Last Stop, translated by Roderick Beaton (13.2)
Poems, translated by Roderick Beaton (14.1)
From Erotikos Logos, translated by Avi Sharon (16.2)
Mythistory, translated by Avi Sharon (32.2)

Jean Soler
Why Monotheism, translated by Janet Lloyd (14.3)

Stavros Stavrou
Every Time, translated by Edmund Keeley (26.2)

Cyclops (Theocritus 11), translated by John Svarlein (5.1)

1.2, 1.6, 1.10, translated by Rachel Hadas (2.1)
Elegy 1.3: A Chopin Nocturne on War, translated by Steven J. Willett (15.1)
Elegy 1.10, translated by Steven J. Willett (16.2)

The Persians, translated by John Warden (28.1)

Christos Vakalopoulos
The Line of the Horizon (Selected Scenes), translated by Avi Sharon (18.1)

Nello Vian
Winckelmann at the Vatican Library, translated by Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr. (15.3)

Eclogue II, translated by David Ferry (6.1)
Eclogue X, translated by David Ferry (6.2)
From the First Georgic, translated by David Ferry (10.3)
The Plague, translated by Kimberly Johnson (13.2)
The Old Corycian, translated by Kimberly Johnson (14.1)
Wars and Rumors of War: Georgics 1.461-514, translated by Kimberly Johnson (15.3)
Aeneid vi.679-751, translated by David Ferry (25.1)
Aeneid selections, translated by Len Krisak (25.2)
Aeneid II.402–52, translated by Nick Moschovakis (30.2)

Dmitri Volchek
From a Svoboda Interview: Disfigured Achilles, with Maria Rybakova, translated by Taryn Janati (20.3)