Vol. 18
Arion 18.1 Spring/Summer 2010
Randall Skalsky: An Unseen Attribute, An Unseen Plan, and A New Analysis of the Portland Vase Frieze
Martin Mueller: Mozart’s Encounter with Ancient Tragedy in Idomeneo
Caroline Vout: Hadrian, Hellenism, and the Social History of Art
Jefferson Hunter: Praxilla’s List
Mark Rudman: Achilles As Earthwork
Avi Sharon translates Christos Vakalopoulos: The Line of the Horizon (Selected Scenes)
Mary-Kay Gamel reviews: Orestes: A Tragic Romp, translated/adapted by Anne Washburn, directed by Aaron Posner; Folger Theater,
and Orestes, translated by Marianne McDonald and J. Michael Walton, directed by Douglas Lay; The Theatre, Inc., San Diego.
Charles Martindale reviews: Out of Athens: The New Ancient Greeks by Page duBois
Bronwen L. Wickkiser reviews: The Acropolis Museum: Professor Dimitrios Pandermalis, Director; Bernard Tschumi, Architect.
Colin Wells: How Did God Get Started?
Valerie Wohlfeld: Three Sonnets on Three Legends
Brendan Boyle: Stodgy Historicism and the Ancient Novel
Paul Barolsky: There is No Such Thing as Narrative Art
Lawrence Dugan: The Allegory of the Waterworks
Emily Pillinger: Translating Classical Visions in Berloiz’s Les Troyens
J. Michael Walton translates Horace: Satires I.5, 50-70
Raymond Geuss reviews: Who Owns Antiquity by James Cuno
Marianne McDonald: A Hero for our Time: Bernard Knox
Arion 18.3 Winter 2011
Herbert Golder: The Greek Invention of the Human
Nicholas Kilmer translates Petrarch: Poems Written After the Death of Laura
Kenneth J. Reckford: Horace Through Johnson (1): The Sky Odes
Michael Andrews translates Archilochus: Poems
R. J. Shork: The Dendur Temple in New York: The Gallus Connection
Alistair Elliot translates Juvenal: Satire XI
Paul Barolsky: Giotto’s Fleeing Apostle
Diskin Clay: Greek Poets and Strangers: A Memoir
Keyne Cheshire: Between Daughter and Father
Herbert Golder: The Other Marathon
Paul Cartledge: “Marathon-Lost! What if…”
Loren J. Samons II: Marathon and Athenian “Collaboration”
Stamatis N. Astra: My Marathon Journey
Steven J. Willett reviews: The Greek Poets, edited by Peter Constantine et al.