Vol. 32
Arion 32.1 Spring/Summer 2024
Barbara Clayton: In Search of the Odyssey in Alice Oswald’s Nobody
David Mason: The Chorus of Sacrifice from The Mercy: A New Oresteia
Herbert Golder translates Euripides: Cyclops
Gideon Nisbet: Louis Alexis’s School of Nero
George Kalogeris: Seven Poems
Richard Hunter reviews: Theocritus: Space, Absence, Desire by William Thalmann
Helen Roche reviews: The Fasces by T. Corey Brennan
Stephen Harrison reviews: Preposterous Virgil by Juan Christian Pellicer
Arion 32.2 Fall 2024
Herbert Golder: Pensées Sauvages, Why Not?
Vincent Genin: Marcel Detienne, A Young Man of Long Ago
Claude Calame: In Dialogue with Marcel Detienne
Giulia Sissa: The Logic of the Concrete in Ovid’s Metamorphoses
Josephine Balmer and Elena Theodorakopoulos: Materiality and the Paths of Survival
Robert Kaplan: From Thursdays Are Almost Images of Being
Basil Dufallo: Optimism beyond Political Crisis in Pliny and Tacitus
Ernest Hilbert: From High Ashes
Nicholas Romanos: Reading Virgil with Racine
Avi Sharon translates George Seferis: Mythistory
Gary Whited reviews: Some Things I Said by David Ferry
Suzanne Marchand reviews: Antiquity in Print by Daniel Orrells