Vol. 13

cover 13.1

Arion 13.1 Spring/Summer 2005

Tony Harrison translates Euripides: From Hecuba
David Wiles: Sophoclean Diptychs
James I. Porter
: What is “Classical” about Classical Antiquity?
Marcel Detienne: Anthropology and Classics
Daniel Richter
: Lives and Afterlives of Lucian of Samosata
Harvey Yunis: Eros in Plato’s Phaedrus and the Shape of Greek Rhetoric
Nicholas Kilmer: Wisteria
Gilbert Murray: A Sword in Pity’s Hand: It Shall Prove that Right Still Lives Among Nations
David Ricks reviews: After Antiquity: Greek Language, Myth, and Metaphor by Margaret Alexiou and Eroticism in Ancient and Medieval Greek Poetry by J. C. B. Petropoulos
Jon Solomon reviews: Alexander by Oliver Stone
Peter S. Hawkins reviews: Dante’s Commedia by Sandow Birk and Marcus Sanders

Arion 13.2 Fall 2005cover 13.2

Paolo Vivante: The Sculptural Moment in Pindar
Roderick Beaton translates George Seferis: Last Stop
Claude Calame: From the Civilization of Prometheus to Genetic Engineering: The Role of Technology and the Uses of Metaphor
Francis Blessington: Homeric Simile
Peter Green
: Early Travellers to Lesbos
Kimberly Johnson translates Virgil: The Plague
John Carlevale
: Dionysus Now: Dionysian Myth-History in the Sixties
Elizabeth Jones translates Horace: Beatus Ille
Stephen Halliwell
: Greek Laughter and the Problem of the Absurd
Rachel Hadas
: Peripheral Vision
Paul Barolsky: Ovid, Bernini, and the Art of Petrification
Ken Frieden reviews: The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary by Robert Alter
Howard Stein reviews: Hecuba: The Royal Shakespeare Company at the Brooklyn Academy of Music; translated and directed by Tony Harrison

Arion 13.3 Winter 2006cover 13.3

Camille Paglia: Erich Neumann: Theorist of the Great Mother
Glenn W. Most: Dante’s Greeks
Valerie Wohlfeld: Two Poems
Oliver Taplin: Greek Tragedy, Chekhov, and Being Remembered
Janet Lloyd translates Marcel Detienne: Doing Comparative Anthropology in the Field of Politics
C.W. Marshall translates Sappho: On Oldness
Guy Davenport: Fragments from a Correspondence edited by Nicholas Kilmer
John Talbot reviews: Collected Poems by Ted Hughes