Inside Arion 32.2 Fall 2024

Herbert Golder’s epistolary bond with Marcel Detienne

Vincent Genin traces Marcel Detienne’s intellectual development

Claude Calame has a “dialogue” with Marcel Detienne

A Pythagorean cuisine in Ovid’s Metamorphoses by Giulia Sissa

An archaeology of the heart by Josephine Balmer & Elena Theodorakopoulos

Poems from Thursdays Are Almost Images of Being by Robert Kaplan

Basil Dufallo looks on the bright side of Roman history

Poems from High Ashes by Ernest Hilbert

Nicholas Romanos reads Virgil with Racine

Seferis’s Mythistory, translated by Avi Sharon

Gary Whited on David Ferry’s farewell in verse

Suzanne Marchand reviews Daniel Orrells’ Antiquity in Print


Inside Arion 32.1 Spring/Summer 2024

Barbara Clayton navigates Alice Oswald’s Nobody

With watercolors by William Tillyer

A chorus from David Mason’s New Oresteia

Herbert Golder returns to Euripides’ Cyclops

Gideon Nisbet discovers the curious world of Louis Alexis

Seven poems by George Kalogeris

Richard Hunter finds space for Theocritus

The Fasces reviewed by Helen Roche

Stephen Harrison on Preposterous Virgil


Inside Arion 31.3 Winter 2024

A.M. Juster revisits Aristophanes’ Gerytades

Andrew Morrison translates Horace, Ode 1.5

Martin W. Michálek on Byron’s Horatian impulse

Four poems by Carol Hart

Sarah Spence homes in on personal geography in Vergil and Elizabeth Bishop

John Griffin translates from Boethius’s Consolations

A satirical sketch by Michael Gleason

A critique of Emily Wilson’s Iliad by Helaine L. Smith

Philip Hardie on Vergil in early British humanism

Helene P. Foley reflects on the life and loves of Edith Hamilton