Vol. 5

Arion 5.1 Spring/Summer 1997cover 5.1

D. S. Carne-Ross: John Herington, 1924-1997
John Herington: Litterae Inhumaniores
Martin Mueller: Hamlet and the World of Ancient Tragedy
Jonathan Unglaub: The Concert Champêtre: The Crises of History and the Limits of Pastoral
Niall W. Slater: Waiting in the Wings: Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusae
Otto Steinmayer: The Bow in the Groves of India
Tony Harrison: Verses from The Trojan Women
Mark Rudman: Three Horatian Palimpsests
Diane Arnson Svarlien: Cyclops (Theocritus 11)
Charles Martin: Tonight’s Jeopardy
Bruce Thornton reviews: Man in the Middle Voice: Name and Narration in the Odyssey by John Peradotto, Innovations of Antiquity by Ralph Hexter and Daniel Selden, and History, Tragedy, Theory: Dialogues on Athenian Drama by Barbara Goff
Stephen Halliwell reviews: The Poet’s Voice: Essays on Poetics and Greek Literature by Simon Goldhill
Deborah Steiner reviews: Homer and the Origin of the Greek Alphabet by Barry Powell
Walter Donlan reviews: Homer and the Sacred City by Stephen Scully

Arion 5.2 Fall 1997cover 5.2

Suzanne Marchand and Anthony Grafton: Martin Bernal and His Critics
G.R.F. Ferrari: Strauss’ Plato
Ismene Lada-Richards: “Estrangement” or “Reincarnation”?: Performers and Performance on the Classics Athenian Stage
Victor Davis Hanson
and John Heath: Who Killed Homer?
Rachel Hadas
: Helen Variations
Camille Paglia reviews: The Odyssey on NBC
Adrian Poole
reviews: Tragedy and the Tragic, edited by M.S. Silk
Robert Garland
reviews: Thesê et l’imaginaire Athênien: Lêgende et culte en Grèce antique by Claude Calame
Stephen Scully reviews: The Sigmund Freud Antiques: Fragments of a Buried Past at the Boston University Art Gallery, and Sigmund Freud and Art: His Personal Collection of Antiquities, edited by Lynn Gamwell and Richard Wells

Arion 5.3 Winter 1998cover 5.3

David Ferry translates Horace: Four Epistles
Charles Segal: Art, Gender and Violence in the Metamorphoses
Mark Rudman: Two Horatian Palimpsests
John Talbot: The Secret Accretions (after Horace, Odes 4.7)
Vasily Rudich: The Tower Builder: The Works and Days of Vyacheslav Ivanov
Mary Stieber: Statuary in Euripides’ Alcestis
Avi Sharon translates Attilio Bertolucci: Iphigenia
Loren J. Samons
reviews: The Other Greeks: The Family Farm and the Agrarian Roots of Western Civilization by Victor Davis Hanson and The Athenian Revolution by Josiah Ober
David Hopkins
reviews: Lucy Hutchinson’s Translation of Lucretius, edited by Hugh de Quechen
Christopher Rowe
reviews: The Flood from Heaven: Deciphering the Atlantis Legend by Eberhard Zangger
Peter Green
: Homer for the Kiddies
Oliver Taplin, Herbert Golder, and Bruce Thornton: Forum