Vol. 19
Arion 19.1 Spring/Summer 2011
Amelia Arenas: Antinous’ Lips: A Note on the Slippery Matter of Realism in Portraiture
Ioannis Ziogas: Ovid in Rushdie, Rushdie in Ovid: A Nexus of Artistic Webs
E. T. Jeremiah: Reading the Classics
William Franke: The Aeneid’s Invention of Poetic Prophecy
Kenneth J. Reckford: “A Short Song of Congratulations”: Horace, Johnson, and Satire
Mark Anthony Signorelli: On the Sarcophagi
Susan McLean translates Sir Thomas More: Selected Epigrams
Peter Meineck: The Neuroscience of the Tragic Mask
Colin Wells reviews: Monotheism Between Pagans and Christians in Late Antiquity edited by Stephen Mitchell and Peter van Nuffelen
Steven J. Willett reviews: Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, translated by Martin Hammond, notes by P. J. Rhodes
Valerie Wohlfeld: Three Poems
Paul Barolsky: Philip Marlowe Meets the Art Historian
Martin Bennett: Improvisations on Salvatore Quasimodo
Colin Wells: Who Owns Reason?
Michael Andrews: The Shield and the Lyre: Archilochian Inspirations
Zhenya Gershman: Rembrandt: The “I” Witness
Julia D. Hejduk: Facing the Minotaur: Inception (2010) and Aeneid 6
David Bouvier: The Heritage of Jacqueline de Romilly
Christopher Nield: Two Poems
Marguerite Johnson: Clodia Muses
Norman Austin reviews: The Making of the Iliad: Disquisitions and Analytical Commentary by M. L. West
Myles Weber: Here by Wisława Szymborska
Avi Sharon translates: A Crusade for the Humanities: From the Letters of Cardinal Bessarion
Werner Herzog: On Pope Benedict’s Address to the Bundestag
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI: The Listening Heart: Reflections on the Foundations of Law
Andrea Nightingale: Homecoming and the Humic: Eleanor Wilner, Brian Jungen, and Derek Walcott
Steven J. Willett: After Du Fu
Rainer Friedrich: The Enlightenment Gone Mad (I) The Dismal Discourse Of Postmodernism’s Grand Narratives
Michael C. J. Putnam: Virgil and Heaney: “Route 110”
Charles Rowan Beye: Defining Defending Odysseus
John Fraser translates Marie-Jeanne Durry: Orpheus’ Plea (“Prière d’Orphée”)
Raymond Geuss: Did Williams Do Ethics?
James Tatum reviews: The War That Killed Achilles: The True Story of Homer’s “Iliad” and the Trojan War by Caroline Alexander