Vol. 20

Arion 20.1 Spring Summer 2012

Valerie Wohlfield: Three PoemsArion20.1_Cover_Arion 15.1 Cover
Norman Austin: Hellenismos
Adam Kirsch: The Dream of Scipio
Meredith Peters translates Marcel Detienne: On Efficacy in Practical Reason: Comparative Approaches: Greece-China, a Well-Timed Round-Trip
Karl Johnson: Beyond the Crash
Rainer Friedrich: The Enlightenment Gone Mad (II) The Dismal Discourse of Postmodernism’s Grand Narrative
Alistair Elliot translates Horace: Satires II.8
Peter Green: From Mirrors are Lonely (I)
Marianne McDonald reviews: Ancient Rome at the Cinema: Story and Spectacle in Hollywood and Rome by Elena Theodorakopoulos
Paul Barolsky reviews: Michelangelo: The Achievement of Fame, 1475-1534 by Michael Hirst
Richard Jenkyns reviews: Victorian Culture and Classical Antiquity: Art, Opera, Fiction, and the Proclamation of Modernity by Simon Goldhill

Arion 20.2 Fall 2012

Herbert Golder: Unmodern ObservationsARION20.2
Joseph Harrison: Three Horatian Epistles
Edmund Richardson: Nothing’s Lost Forever
Avi Sharon: From Asine to Engomi: George Seferis in Conversation with the Past
Martin Bennett translates Martial: Selected Epigrams
Paul Barolsky: The Burlington Magazine and the Death of Vasari’s Lives
David Bouvier: Art as Weapon, or Murderous Beauty
Amelia Arenas: Translations from Catullus
Peter Green: From Mirrors are Lonely (II)
Marianne McDonald reviews: Classics and Comics by George Kovacs and C. W. Marshall, eds.
Tessa Ransford reviews: The Gardens of Flora Baum by Julia Budenz

Arion 20.3 Winter 2013

Alistair Elliot: AeneasARION20.3
Neville Morley: Thucydides Quote Unquote
Lawrence Dugan: Two Poems
Steven J. Cody: Rubens and the “Smell of Stone”: The Translation of the Antique and the Emulation of Michelangelo
Diana Lueptow: Demeter
Raymond Geuss: The Wisdom of Oidipous and the idea of a Moral Cosmos
Brett Foster: Three Poems
Marguerite Johnson: Medea, Fitzgerald Gallery, New York City, 1966 (After Euripides and Bernard Safran)
Elena Dimov translates Maria Rybakova: Gnedich (1)
Taryn Janati translates Dmitrii Volchek and Maria Rybakova: From a Svoboda Interview: “Disfigured Achilles”
Charles Rowan Beye reviews: Homer, The Iliad, translated by Stephen Mitchell
Colin Wells reviews: Cracking the Egyptian Code: The Revolutionary Life of Jean-François Champollion by Andrew Robinson