[NPR Marketplace] Restaurant dinners are eating earlier than ever

What time are you sitting down for dinner these days? Thursday, restaurateur Danny Meyer, the brains behind Shake Shack and Union Square Hospitality Group, which operates a bunch of restaurants in New York City, tweeted an observation. He said: “When did a six o’clock dinner reservation become the new eight?“ Yes, New York City has […]

[Knowledge@Wharton] Chris Muller Talks Restaurants in Grocery Stores

What’s a groceraunt? Full-service restaurants in grocery stores. On September 14, 2017, Dr. Christopher Muller, Professor of the Practice, spoke with Knowledge@Wharton about the new trend coming to grocery stores in the United States. Read more & listen to the full episode of Knowledge@Wharton on the Business Radio on Sirius XM station.

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Catarina Chang (SHA’11), Co-owner of Boston’s Koy Restaurant, Featured in Priya Magazine

Managing 30 employees, greeting every guest from take-out to a drink at the bar, and traveling the country to find ways to blend traditional Korean meals with new trends — it’s all in a days work for Catarina Chang (SHA ’11), co-owner of köy restaurant in downtown Boston. This month, read about Catarina’s food and beverage […]

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May Chow (SHA ’07) Voted Asia’s Best Female Chef 2017

Our very own @littlebaomay is officially Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Best Female Chef of 2017! We cannot be more proud! #Asias50Best #LittleBao A photo posted by Littlebaohk (@littlebaohk) on Dec 13, 2016 at 2:29am PST Today it was announced that May Chow (SHA ’07) was voted Asia’s Best Female Chef 2017. The award is presented […]

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Professor’s Muller & Lanz Comment on Chipotle’s Heavy Promotion Month

Starting today, Chipotle is offering three simultaneous promotions in an effort to gain back loyalty from customers prior to it’s 2015 E. coli outbreaks. Will a heavy schedule of promotions be enough to win back customers? BU School of Hospitality Administration professors Christopher Muller and Leora Lanz discuss the strategy’s pro’s and con’s with Forbes.com. “The college students are on […]

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Dr. Szende Shares Top Habits Waiters Should Avoid

Dr. Peter Szende, associate dean of academic affairs, spoke with NCR about the top 17 habits that all waiters should avoid whether they’re serving at a diner of fine-dining restaurant. “A lot of it comes down to having systems in place and taking the time to train servers to use those systems,” Szende explained. Make your standards […]

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Professor Leora Lanz Discusses 2016 Food Trends on The Travel Bite Podcast

SHA marketing professor Leora Lanz joined The Travel Bite podcast and host Rachelle Lucas to discuss 2016 Food Trends ranging from restaurant menus, ingredients, and delivery methods. Lanz discussed her recent food trend research which points to 2016 as the “Year of the Crops” with a focus on highlighting vegetables like bok choy. Additionally, new grains and carbohydrate alternatives […]

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Professor Chris Muller Weighs in on Overtime Ruling and Hospitality Jobs

This week, the United States Department of Labor made a final ruling on updating overtime regulations. By increasing the salary level at which employees no longer qualify for overtime, approximately $913 per week or $47,476 annually, millions of additional works will be eligible for overtime. However, the new ruling will affect industries differently; School of Hospitality […]

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SHA Student, Martina Schiavello, Wins MRA Union Oyster House Scholarship

The BU School of Hospitality (SHA) is proud to congratulate Martina Schiavello for winning the Massachusetts Restaurant Association Union Oyster House Scholarship. Martina, a senior at SHA, has held internships and positions at Boston’s Eastern Standard Kitchen, the Museum of Science, Union Square Hospitality Group, and internationally at Les Coulisses du Chef in Paris. Additionally, […]
