Undergraduate Students
A rigorous and innovative curriculum
To prepare you for a career in the in-demand hospitality field, you’ll gain a solid understanding of finance, human resources, law, marketing, and emerging technology. You’ll learn from top industry professionals while fulfilling requirements in classrooms and work opportunities both on campus and abroad.
SHA does not accept first year applicants. Students admitted to Boston University will be eligible to transfer into SHA upon completion of the pre-requisite SHA HF100 or HF150 courses. Please contact mkcarven@bu.edu upon being admitted to begin this process.
Why SHA?
Meet The Faculty
A University without limits
At BU, you’ll be part of a renowned research university ranked among the top 50 in the world. That means you’ll have access to a range of academic and pre-professional opportunities few universities can match. Through the BU Hub program, you can take advantage of all that our 10 undergraduate schools and colleges have to offer, and develop the cross-functional capabilities—like historical interpretation, social inquiry, research literacy, and civic engagement—that today’s global workplaces demand.
A campus in the heart of a hospitality hotspot
Upon your enrollment at SHA, you become a student of Boston, one of the world’s great urban centers of technology, communication, finance, and education. An amazingly historic city, cultural center, and the gateway to beautiful New England, Boston is also a bustling hub for hospitality.
Can’t visit SHA in person? Watch the video below for a virtual tour!
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