
Ray Joyce

Assistant Dean of Development

Ray Joyce (Questrom Social Impact MBA’91) brings more than 30 years of non-profit management and fundraising experience to STH along with a marketing and sales background in the private sector. He has spent a good portion of his career to date in public television fundraising and managing a service for visually-impaired audiences developed at WGBH, running day-to-day operations for the station’s new media department and later heading up marketing, development, and educational services at WGBY.

Ray also served as Executive Director for the grassroots church reform organization “Voice of the Faithful.” Prior to STH, he was the Director of Development at Lazarus House Ministries, a gospel-based human services organization, where he led their first-ever capital campaign, surpassing their $5 million goal. In total, Ray has raised more than $75 million for four different non-profits, including Boston University. Earlier in his career, he worked in marketing and sales at Wang Laboratories. Ray then served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Costa Rica working with a women’s cooperative and later volunteered for Habitat for Humanity in the US and abroad. Also a graduate of Merrimack College, he was a member of their Alumni Executive Board.

He lives in Acton with his wife Michele who will earn her masters from BUSSW in 2024. They have 3 children, two of whom will soon earn BU undergraduate degrees. Ray enjoys collaborating with STH alumni and friends to secure major gifts in support of the school’s critical mission.