
David Schnasa Jacobsen

Bishops Scholar Emeritus in Homiletics and Preaching; Director, Homiletical Theology Project, Retired

David Schnasa Jacobsen was 2020 President of the Academy of Homiletics. He leads the homiletics concentration for STH’s PhD program in practical theology. Prior to coming to STH in 2011, he was Professor of Homiletics at Waterloo Lutheran Seminary in Waterloo, Ontario (Canada) and cross-appointed faculty for the ThD program in homiletics at Toronto School of Theology. He was the 2001 Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Kiel in Germany through the deutsch-kanadische Kommission.

Jacobsen is one of the most prolific researchers in homiletics today and has authored nine books, numerous juried articles, sermon helps, and sermons. His research project at STH, the Homiletical Theology Project, has sponsored consultations in crucial research areas for the field like Christian preaching and the Hebrew Bible, pedagogy and intercultural communication theories, and a projected global project on homiletics and trauma. He is presently working on a new book under contract with Eerdmans on a public theology of Word and Sacrament in an age of disenchantment.

Curriculum Vitae



(Editor) Toward a Homiletical Theology of Promise (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2018).

(Editor) Theologies of the Gospel in Context: The Crux of Homiletical Theology (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2017).

(Editor) Homiletical Theology in Action: The Unfinished Theological Task of Preaching (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2015).

(Editor) Homiletical Theology: Preaching as Doing Theology (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2015).

Mark. Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentary Series (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2014).

Kairos Preaching: Speaking Gospel to the Situation, co-authored with Robert Kelly, (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress Press, 2009). This book is also now available in translation in Chinese (Kowloon, Hong Kong:  The Chinese Christian Literature Council, Ltd., 2013).

New Proclamation: Year C, 2007, Easter through Christ the King, co-author, (Minneapolis:  Augsburg Fortress Press, 2006).

Preaching Luke-Acts, co-authored with Dr. Günter Wasserberg, (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2001).

Preaching in the New Creation: The Promise of New Testament Apocalyptic Texts (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1999).

Books and Articles in Progress

Promising Signs: Toward a Public Theology of Word and Sacrament for a Disenchanted Age (Manuscript under contract with Eerdmans, in progress). This work is being developed from my lectures at McGill University, February 17-18, 2011.

Commissioned to write article “Preaching and Theology” for the upcoming online St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology (Under contract with SAET, manuscript in progress).

Articles in Juried, Scholarly Journals

Guest Editor, Special Issue of Homiletic, “Exploring Intercultural Instructional Communication for Homiletical Pedagogy,” Homiletic 46:2 (2021), 4-47.

“Introduction to the Essays of the Consultation on Exploring Intercultural Instructional Communication for Homiletical Pedagogy,” in Homiletic 46:2 (2021), 4-5.

“Un-Mastering Homiletics Interculturally: Gospel, Belonging, and Communion for In-Class Sermon Feedback,” in Homiletic 46:2 (2021), 41-47.

Promissory Narration:  Toward a Revised Narrative Homiletic in an Age of Identities,” in Homiletic 45:1 (2020), 4-12.

“Sermon Feedback as Facework: Task and Identity Goals in Mentoring Homiletical Theologians,” Homiletic 43: 2 (2018), 3-12.

“Going Public with the Means of Grace: A Homiletical Theology of Promise for Word and Sacrament in a Post-secular Age,” Theology Today 75:3 (2018), 371-82.

“The Practice of Homiletical Theology in a Confessional Mode: An Interim Report on the Homiletical Theology Project,” International Journal of Homiletics 3 (2018), 30-42.

“Two Cheers for Proclamation: Toward a More Promising, Conversational Homiletic,” (Festschrift for Ronald Allen) in Encounter 78:2 (2018), 29-33.

with Hans Malmström, “Preaching as Internal Interreligious Dialogue: A Harvard Case Study,” in Homiletic 42:2 (2017), 15-33.

Articles Co-Editor with Yohan Go and Duse Lee, “Preaching and Postcolonial Theology,” in Homiletic 40:1 (2015), 3-62.

“Introduction to the Essays of the Consultation on Preaching and Postcolonial Theology,” Co-authored with Yohan Go and Duse Lee, in Homiletic 40:1 (2015), 3-7.

“Making New Spaces In Between: A Post-Reflective Essay Weaving Postcolonial Threads into North American Homiletics,” Co-authored with Yohan Go and Duse Lee, in Homiletic 40:1 (2015), 56-62.

“Preaching as the Unfinished Task of Theology: Grief, Trauma, and Early Christian Texts in Homiletical Interpretation,” Theology Today 70:4 (January 2014), 407-16.

“The Promise of Promise: Retrospect and Prospect of a Homiletical Theology,” in Homiletic 38:2 (Winter, 2013), 3-16.

“Homiletical Exegesis and Theologies of Revelation: Biblical Preaching from Text to Sermon in an Age of Methodological Pluralism,” in Homiletic XXXVI:I (Summer, 2011), 14-25.

Schola Prophetarum: Prophetic Preaching Toward a Public, Prophetic Church,” Homiletic XXXIV:I (Summer, 2009), 12-21.

Articles in Public and Church Journals

“Between Text and Sermon: Mark 10:1-52,” in Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 2016, Vol. 70(2) 194–196.

“Preaching in a Postcolonial Age,” in Focus (Spring, 2016), 41-43.

“Restoring Civil Discourse: The Promise of Word and Sacrament and the Practice of Public Hospitality,” in Focus (Spring, 2013), 41-43.

“Speaking in the Future Tense: Barack Obama and His Message of Hope from a Christian Perspective,” in Esprit (Spring, 2009), 32-33.

with Robert Kelly, “Preaching the Wedding Sermon: Toward a Theology of Marriage for the Pulpit,” The Clergy Journal LXXXIV:5 (March, 2008), 43-44.

“Proclaiming the Gospel in Situations: Theological Commonplaces for Occasions in Ministry and Life,” TST Homiletics Seminar E-Journal 1:1 (Winter, 2007), 14-18.

Articles Editor, “Preaching the Gospel in Canada in the 21st Century,” Consensus 31:1 (Winter, 2006), 7-105.

“Preaching and Praise,” Preaching, September/October 1995, 21-22.

Book Chapters

“Ephobounto gar:  Fear, Wisdom, and the Homiletical-Theological Task of Speaking Gospel in Crisis Situations,” in Shouting Above the Noisy Crowd: Biblical Wisdom and the Urgency of Preaching (C. Aaron and Jaime Clark-Soles, eds.; Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2021), 63-72.

“Galatians” and “Revelation” in The Preacher’s Bible Handbook (W. Allen, ed.; Louisville, KY:  Westminster John Knox Press, 2019), 277-82, 361-66.

“Prophetic Preaching in a Pastoral Mode: Communities of Solidarity and the White Mainline Church,” in Preaching Prophetic Care: Building Bridges to Justice (P. Sheppard, D. Ottoni-Wilhelm, and Ron Allen, eds.; Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2018), 129-37.

“Exegetical Perspective,” Matthew 1:1-17, 1:18-25, and 2:1-12,” for Feasting on the Gospels (Matthew, Vol. 1; Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2013) 3-19.

With Robert Allen Kelly, “Propers 20-25, Year A,” Abingdon Theological Companion to the Lectionary (Paul Scott Wilson, Ed.; Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2013), 254-84.

“Apocalyptic,” in The New Interpreter’s Handbook of Preaching (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2008), 67-69.

“Homiletical Exegesis and Theologies of Revelation: Biblical Preaching from Text to Sermon in an Age of Methodological Pluralism,” in Systematisch Praktisch: Festschrift für Reiner Preul

(Eds. W. Härle, B-M Haese, K. Hansen, and E. Herms; Marburg: N. G. Elwert Verlag, 2005), 449-461.

“Sermon,” in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory (David Herman, Manfred Jahn, and Marie-Laure Ryan, eds.; London: Routledge, 2005), 527-28.

“Sermon on Micah 4:1-7,” in Charles Aaron, Preaching Hosea, Amos, and Micah (St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2005), 107-110.

“Luke 2:22-40,” in Seasons of Preaching (J. Rottman and P. Wilson, eds.; New Berlin, WI: Liturgical Publications, 1996), 53-54.