Center for Health Data Science.

About Us

The overarching goal of the Center for Health Data Science (CHDS) is to advance the development and quality of data science research in population health. We seek to foster new collaborations between researchers across multiple scientific disciplines, provide community members with resources and opportunities for training in data science, and generate new insights to improve population health.

Biostatistics and Epidemiology Data Analytics Center (BEDAC)

Biostatistics and Epidemiology Data Analytics Center (BEDAC) has been a resource since 1984, providing research services to academic, government, foundation, and industry partners. Our focus on research integrity, through implementation of a quality management framework, ensures regulatory compliance and conformance with requirements in order to meet research objectives. BEDAC provides expertise during all phases of the project life cycle and either leads or serves in a supportive role as necessitated by the scope of work, while utilizing our standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Learn more about engaging BEDAC

Seminars and Workshops

We convene and promote seminars and workshops aimed at increasing population health data science literacy and knowledge. Topics include: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Data Visualization Techniques, Wearable Medical Technology, Deep Learning, Medical Imaging Analysis, Data Management and Reproducible Research.

Student and Trainee Engagement

The CHDS Program engages students and trainees in population health data science research by serving as a bridge to potential data science faculty mentors for mentored projects and internships.

Support for Early-Career Faculty

We host research-in-progress seminars to support the development of data science research in population health, particularly for junior faculty who wish to pursue grant funding and lead manuscripts.

Seed Funding Opportunities

The CHDS Program provides flexible seed funding for population health data science projects to help position faculty to be more competitive when applying for external funding. The goal is to catalyze a broad range of novel data science research, e.g. data-driven collaborative research studies, methodological research, development of new tools to address big data analytics, etc.

Our People

Executive Director

Associate Director

Advisory Board

Faculty Affiliates

The CHDS Program includes faculty affiliates from across Boston University including the School of Public Health, Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, Goldman School of Dental Medicine, College of Arts and Science, College of Engineering, and the Hariri Institute for Computing. PHDS affiliated faculty have a wide range of expertise in data science including machine learning, artificial intelligence, data visualization techniques, deep learning, and reproducible research.

List of Faculty Affiliates

Industry Affiliates

The CHDS Program has partners from industry who are actively working in health data science. Industry affiliates enhance our program by sharing scientific questions and challenges they are confronting in industry and providing new opportunities for collaboration with our community. In addition, our industry affiliates may serve as mentors to students, providing training opportunities through mentored projects and internships.

List of Industry Affiliates
Visit the Center's website to learn more