Hefner Explores Nahdlatul Ulama’s Rights Revolution
On December 14, 2023, Professor Robert Hefner, renowned for his work in Anthropology and International Relations, addressed an international conference in Princeton. Presenting on Nahdlatul Ulama’s human rights reformation, Hefner emphasized the global significance of their efforts. His keynote marked the conference’s culmination, fostering dialogue on upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Hefner Comments on Islam in Indonesia
On September 4, 2023, Robert Hefner, Professor of Anthropology and of International Relations at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Director of the School’s Center for the Study of Asia, was interviewed by Dr. Muqtedar Khan on his show, Khanversations with Prof. Muqtedar Khan, on the nature of Islam in Indonesian government and society. In the…
Hefner Keynotes International Conference
On August 3, 2023, Robert Hefner, Professor of Anthropology and of International Relations at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Director of the School’s Center for the Study of Asia, was invited to give a keynote presentation by the Executive Director of Nahdlatul Ulama, KH Yahya Cholil Staquf. Nahdlatul Ulama is the world’s largest Muslim…
Najam Speaks at Royal Society on Science in Muslim Societies
Professor Najam challenges environmentalists to engage with religion and faith because these will invariably be the front line of people’s coping strategies when they are confronted with ever-more-frequent climate calamities.
Najam Delivers Oxford Lecture on Climate Change, Islam, and Muslim Societies
Based on the new research Najam has been conducting at Oxford as the Mahatir Mohamad Visiting Fellow, the talk reviewed what the role of religion in general and Islam, in particular, would be in Muslim societies in the “Age of Adaptation” where climate impacts have become a reality.
Hefner Attends International Conference on Islamic Law and Inclusive Citizenship
Professor Hefner argued that Indonesia, and NU specifically, has the potential to make enormous contributions to the global community; “it’s time for NU to rise to the international stage, speak out, and make such a positive contribution to solving political problems as well as intellectual and moral challenges faced by all humanity.”
Najam Named Mahatir Mohamad Visiting Fellow at Oxford
Professor Najam plans to work on two research projects during his fellowships: one on elaborating an Islamic vocabulary for environmentalism and particularly for climate change, and another related to elaborating policy pathways for the “Age of Adaptation” and particularly for Loss and Damage climate policy.
Menchik Article Explores Fatwas and Impact in Indonesian Politics
“To understand MUI’s growing power, it is necessary to look beyond these traditional modes of Islamic legal authority to modern organizational forms and their attendant strategies for exerting social control. In the modern age, Islamic legal authority reflects the dominant logic of political authority in society.”
CURA Hosts Lecture on Veiling and Violence in Recent Iranian History
What constitutes proper attire for women – and men – has been a major issue in Iran’s culture wars for more than a century. Pardee School Professor Emeritus Chehabi provided an overview of the issue of veiling in Iranian society from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.
Hefner Featured in Celebration of Indonesia’s Independence Day
Professor Hefner was among three featured Western Indonesianists who share the diverse ways in which they came to appreciate Indonesia and Muslim society in Indonesia in particular.
Hefner Offers Insights Into Successes of Indonesian Democracy
“The challenges that Indonesian democracy faces have more to do with structural vulnerabilities that are plaguing or afflicting democracy around the world than they do anything specific to ‘Islam’ or Muslim society in Indonesia.”
Hefner Keynotes IIIU First International Conference on Islamic Education
Among the world’s Muslim majority countries, Indonesia has been the most successful in transitioning to a functioning and fair electoral democracy as well as upholding a tradition of multiethnic and multireligious citizenship; this is something the whole world can learn from.
Hefner Delivers Gordon College’s Annual Franz Lecture
Professor Hefner argues that some measure of “operating consensus” on both citizenship and civic education is vital for an open and effective democracy; however, there are two key barriers that make this more difficult.
Hefner Discusses Indonesia’s Democracy During “Unfinished Indonesia” Screening
Professor Hefner discusses Indonesia’s transition to democracy, how it stands alone as the only Muslim majority country to make a successful transition to democracy, and forces that threaten that democracy.
Hefner Delivers Lecture on Role of Muslims in Indonesia’s Democratic Experience
Although Indonesia’s democracy continues to face challenges from Islamist populists, Hefner suggested those challenges have more to do with old-regime alliances than they do qualities of Islamic culture or public ethics.
Hefner Invited to Center for Shared Civilizational Values Board
The Nahdlatul Ulama-initiated center seeks to bridge cultural, religious and ideological differences in order to foster the emergence of a global civilization endowed with compassionate and tolerant character.
Najam on Muslim World and Trump’s Jerusalem Decision
Dean Adil Najam says that Trump’s decision on Jerusalem is a checkmate move.
Runway Show Examines Muslim-American Fashion
The event included a fashion runway show and a panel on Muslim-American fashion.
Hefner Speaks in Indonesia
Hefner was speaking in Indonesia this January, giving him a front row seat for the ISIS attacks in Jakarta.
Menchik in USAToday: ISIS Lessons from Indonesia
Jeremy Menchik wrote an Op-Ed on the limits of ISIS’ appeal, and how they are demonstrated in the Jakarta attacks, for USAToday.