Contacting HR Systems

Feel free to reach out to the HR Systems team at any time by e-mailing This will generate a ticket in ServiceNow that will be assigned directly to our team. We also have several forms available to assist you in quickly submitting a ticket for the following common scenarios:

Distributed Report Requests – When a report containing HR-related information is needed.

Hire/Termination Date Adjustments – When a hire or termination date needs to be changed.

ID Help Requests – When an employee has a BUID-related issue. This may include an invalid BU ID error on the Hire form, known duplicate ID, access issues unrelated to I-9 completion, etc. All other affiliates with ID issues should contact

Key Administrator List – When a contact list for a population outside of your organizational area is needed. For Broadcast email requests, please also contact the IT Help Center.

OM (Position) Requests – When it is necessary to make a modification or correction to a position that cannot be completed via a Maintain Position form in the BUworks Central Portal.

Organizational Unit Requests – When you need to maintain your organizational structure (create, modify, or delimit Organizational Units or “departments”). Manager designations can also be made using this form.

PA Correction Requests – When it is necessary to modify or correct an existing personnel action.

Secondary Work Payment – Multiple Departments – When an employee works for multiple departments outside of their home department within the same week at different rates of pay.

Student SAP Access Requests – When you wish to assign a student employee to a non-compensated position for the purpose of obtaining SAP access.

Termination Reversal Requests – When it is necessary to reverse a completed termination.

Time Requests – When manual corrections to accruals, balances, and payouts are required.